Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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There's a certain kind of people who are probably from highly populated areas. They will fight for a place in front of you at the elevator. Courtesy is thrown out the window. It's every man for himself.

I was at Hoag hospital in Irvine. The lobby is usually terrible. A few slow elevators serving many floors of the high-rise. There's usually a crowd waiting for doors to open. However, this most recent visit, there wasn't. Just A UPS man with a large cart full of packages and he appeared to be struggling with how many he had. He was there first and he had already pushed the Call button. I could tell he had been waiting a while. He should have dibs. I was the first regular visitor to arrive after him. The doors nearest me opened. I said, "After you." He said, "Please, you first. I'll get in if there's enough room for my cart." Then they come. Shoving me in the shoulder and cutting me off. A man and his mother ignored both of us to step directly in between us and the elevator. They were so close that if anybody actually wanted to step OFF the elevator, they would have trouble.  I said really loudly hoping the pair would notice- "Are you sure? YOUUU were here FIRSSSST". The pair was inside the elevator looking at me. I told them, "He was here first." Nothing. Him, looking at them in disbelief, "Well, I was going to but I guess I'll have to catch another one." Okay. So he continues to wait while myself & the pair take the elevator up. The doors close. I say out loud, "That poor man..."... No response. I go to my suite 8 floors up. I have a seat. Who walks in? The UPS man! Out of hundreds of offices, he just happened to come to this one. He recognized me immediately and was super nice. We started talking again. I was like -- Hey, you finally made it. Right away, we shot each other "the look" as if on cue.

Btw, it is common courtesy to let people OFF the elevator before loading. I can't believe how often I see people who should know better - even elderly people - do this. Rude!
irvinehomeowner said:
Well... there's a secret and then there's a Bruce Jenner secret.

Speaking of Bruce, did he have plastic surgery to look like Sigourney Weaver?

Bruce's new look very much resembles Sibourney imho.
irvinehomeowner said:
Well... there's a secret and then there's a Bruce Jenner secret.

He's not wearing my panties. But he has been deceiving me for half of my LIIIIFE. Not cool. Not cool at all. I'm pissed.
qwerty said:
Cmon SoCal you can tease like that. That's TI commandment 12, no teasing of scandals :-)

I don't even know what to believe anymore. He didn't even come forward on his own. I dug and found out. Then denial. Then admission. Then minimization. Then more admission, more minimization. Who knows what else there is. He says nothing but who knows. Apparently not me. Heck, I thought I knew the person I was with but apparently I must be some kind of idiot. A separation is on my short list of considerations. Our 15th wedding anniversary is in a couple weeks. What a nice gift.
SoCal said:
qwerty said:
Cmon SoCal you can tease like that. That's TI commandment 12, no teasing of scandals :-)

I don't even know what to believe anymore. He didn't even come forward on his own. I dug and found out. Then denial. Then admission. Then minimization. Then more admission, more minimization. Who knows what else there is. He says nothing but who knows. Apparently not me. Heck, I thought I knew the person I was with but apparently I must be some kind of idiot. A separation is on my short list of considerations. Our 15th wedding anniversary is in a couple weeks. What a nice gift.
I sincerely hope you are joking and going to say something like "eventhough he has been saying he loves my German Chocolate Cake now he says he never actually liked it"
Irvine Dream said:
I sincerely hope you are joking and going to say something like "eventhough he has been saying he loves my German Chocolate Cake now he says he never actually liked it"

He still likes that cake. He still likes all my desserts, meals, and everything. In fact, that is part of the problem. He "loves me" and everything I do for him. He said that's why he was never planning to tell me. He feels he has an "amazing" wife and an "amazing" life. He didn't want to damage it / me by telling me. That sounds pretty selfish to me. Basically tricking another person because you like what they can do for you. So, I guess my lesson here is that I should have been a bigger bitch. If only I had been a bigger bitch, a less trusting person, and made his life just a little more miserable, I guess he wouldn't have been afraid to come forward and tell me. Riiiiight? Men. I swear. Let me tell you something, men of T.I. If there is anything you are hiding from your wife that you think she would care about, tell her. It doesn't matter if it's important to you. If it matters to her and you love her, it should be important to you. Pick the soonest, most opportune time. You don't want her to accidentally find out when she is sick (like me), or God forbid, it was really bad timing like during the loss of a loved one. You don't want to compound a person's grief. Choose the soonest time when she is not under distress and be forthcoming. It doesn't matter if you think it's been too long. The only thing worse than lying for 17 years is lying for 17 years + 1 day.
SoCal said:
So, I guess my lesson here is that I should have been a bigger bitch. If only I had been a bigger bitch, a less trusting person, and made his life just a little more miserable, I guess he wouldn't have been afraid to come forward and tell me.

Stop blaming yourself, as women tend to do.  Whatever happened, it's not your fault, it's his.
I'm sure everyone wants to know but I hope it's something reparable and doesn't ruin your marriage.

Like he was married before or maybe has another kid somewhere.

You should probably not tell us although I think qwermormon may see this as an opportunity.
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm sure everyone wants to know but I hope it's something reparable and doesn't ruin your marriage.

Like he was married before or maybe has another kid somewhere.

It's funny you should say that because in the past, he and I have casually discussed random scenarios like that... more like a WWYD kind of conversation, just for "fun". Both had come up before. I said if a random kid showed up on our doorstep looking for his dad (conceived before me was with me), I would be happy to have one more person in our family and would treat the child like they were my own. After all, if you love your spouse and that child is a part of them,  then it's easy to love their child, too. Regarding the other situation, we actually did have friends where it was a Mexican man married to our friend, an American woman. They got married and had a son. Then she found out he already had a first wife in Mexico that he never told her about, although he was no longer with her. (Can't remember if the Mexican marriage ever legally ended. I believe it did.) Normally you find out these things when you go to the courthouse to get a marriage license but I guess not if it's international. So, she had no clue. Our friend flipped her lid when she found out. She divorced him and moved across the country with their son. I told my husband I thought that was wrong and too extreme. He only lied because he does love her a lot and wants to keep her (ha! Oh, stupid me.) Plus, that was water under the bridge. He was no longer with his other wife and had not been while they were together. I said she should try to see the bigger picture but ironically, it was Mr. SoCal who was like... "Nooooo, that's so wrong. I don't blame her for leaving." So, there is a lot I can forgive. And there is already some I have forgiven which I have never posted about but it's something I'm sure would cause weaker people to leave. In this situation, it's neither one of those things. Although I would probably be happier if it were. I'm not ready to say what it is, especially on a public forum. It has been an on-going thing. Not something that happened once a long time ago. But no, he is not having an affair. Thank God.
irvinehomeowner said:
You should probably not tell us although I think qwermormon may see this as an opportunity.

Good ol' Qwerty. He's such a great buddy. Always ready & willing to offer the ladies of T.I. "Revenge Sex" to make them feel better!  ;)