Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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Yeah, they are very sorry lookin'. It's actually an old photo. Those are September lemons. They look a lot better now. But yeah, still. I think the produce guy said it was due to El Nino or something like that. I actually bought my own Meyer Lemon tree so I wouldn't have to deal with the store any longer... $80 later and I have no lemons to show for it. Some whacko lady pilfered the majority of my lemons. Then the tree quit producing. That came to about $8 per lemon of which I got maybe 2 and she got the rest. Argh!
SoCal said:
Yeah, they are very sorry lookin'. It's actually an old photo. Those are September lemons. They look a lot better now. But yeah, still. I think the produce guy said it was due to El Nino or something like that. I actually bought my own Meyer Lemon tree so I wouldn't have to deal with the store any longer... $80 later and I have no lemons to show for it. Some whacko lady pilfered the majority of my lemons. Then the tree quit producing. That came to about $8 per lemon of which I got maybe 2 and she got the rest. Argh!

Someone stole the lemons off your tree?  Where was it, out by the front sidewalk?
Pet peeve: I said this before but I'll say it again, misspelled kids names, especially if they're just bizarre to begin with.

There is this baby girl, Paislee.

I said "Paisley". (You know, like the pattern.)

No. It's PaisLEE with 2 E's.

Oh, excuse me.

Who names their child Paislee anyway? I guess the guy who drives this:

Saturday, March 29, 8 a.m.: I show up at the Borrego Trail in Whiting Ranch with my kids for a 2-hour hike led by park rangers. Myself and others asked the rangers about mountain lions. They blow it off like there's no chance of that happening since the last incident was so long ago and there are so few mountain lions and they have such wide roaming ranges, spanning tens or hundreds of miles. I felt like they thought I was a dope / newbie for asking.

Sunday, March 30: Man fought off mountain lion for half an hour on Borrego Trail while lady and her kids thought they were going to die.

SoCal said:
Pet peeve: I said this before but I'll say it again, misspelled kids names, especially if they're just bizarre to begin with.

There is this baby girl, Paislee.

I said "Paisley". (You know, like the pattern.)

No. It's PaisLEE with 2 E's.

Oh, excuse me.
You should have said "Pais-lye".

This irritates me too. There is a girl on American Idol and her name is spelled "Jena".

How would you pronounce that? My instinct is "Jenna".

But it's "Jeena"... like "Gina".

And she makes a point to correct anyone who "mispronounces" it. Spell it right then.
Another drop-off/pick-up addendum.

Seems like in the afternoons, parents think the drop off lanes are parking spots.

One lady, parked in the driveway entrance so no one could get into the lot. Another parked their car in the lane and left it there. I have no idea where they went and I've seen this on multiple occasions by different parents. What makes it even more frustrating is that there are available parking spaces but they choose to park in a traffic lane instead.

I saw one lady even do it and she signaled to me "I'll be right back". What?!? There is an empty parking space next to you... park there and then be right back instead of making me have to drive around you.

Seriously... some people are so oblivious.
irvinehomeowner said:
Another drop-off/pick-up addendum.

Seems like in the afternoons, parents think the drop off lanes are parking spots.

One lady, parked in the driveway entrance so no one could get into the lot. Another parked their car in the lane and left it there. I have no idea where they went and I've seen this on multiple occasions by different parents. What makes it even more frustrating is that there are available parking spaces but they choose to park in a traffic lane instead.

I saw one lady even do it and she signaled to me "I'll be right back". What?!? There is an empty parking space next to you... park there and then be right back instead of making me have to drive around you.

Seriously... some people are so oblivious.

IH.. this is nWo... recognize!!!
Members who leave.


I used to watch Survivor back when it started and just recently binge-watched some of the latest seasons.

I always find it funny when people get voted off (or blindsided) and they are so mad or hurt (to the point of crying) that people in their alliance lied to them and then use that as a reason to tell them at the final tribal that they didn't play the game with "honor" or "integrity" or "loyalty".

Like in the current season (spoiler coming...), Cliff Robinson, a former NBA player, was blindsided by his tribe and voted off. His closest ally was so pissed she was yelling at the other members of her tribe. Then she quit that same night because she felt betrayed (no one has ever quit Survivor like that before). So did you go there to win the money or to make a best friend?

It's Survivor, if you're not scheming, you're not playing.
Pet peeve:

When I finally run into Homie Irvinehomemater on the lawn in front of the ferris wheel @ the Irvine Spectrum this afternnoon, I throw my arms around him for a giant squeeze, and he calls security on me!  :'( I held on to his leg so he couldn't get away. He dragged me on the sidewalk about 20 yards before I couldn't hold on any longer.

Ching chong ling long ting tong!

That's White Girl Chinese for "Don't be scared. Come back!"
irvinehomeowner said:
Members who leave.


Gee. I don't remember you being this torn up about it when Tyler Durden left. This is the second comment of its kind. Is it different now that it's Bones?  ???
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Members who leave.


Gee. I don't remember you being this torn up about it when Tyler Durden left. This is the second comment of its kind. Is it different now that it's Bones?  ???
Who said it's just about bones... and that I'm "torn up"?

It's a pet peeve... roundcorners, PatStar, BK, IndieDev, jumpcut and many more who have left before.
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Who said that I'm "torn up"?

The posts dripping with pangs of regret do.  :)

irvinehomeowner said:
Irvine Dream said:
Well, I actually miss bones and her logical posts.
We all do.
Not sure how you get "torn up" and "pangs of regret" out of that.

Plus, what makes you think this post and that post are related? I'm actually more pet peeved that OpenSky is on hiatus because he was posting some helpful things in his "overshare" posts that I was really interested in.
Hey, I'm not here to argue. I was just answering the question you asked me. Iho, sometimes I feel like I can't talk to you... having a conversation with you is like playing chess with Bobby Fischer.
SoCal said:
Hey, I'm not here to argue.
But you seem to be making assumptions that I am trying to explain are not true.
I was just answering the question you asked me.
As was I... you asked a question and I responded.
Iho, sometimes I feel like I can't talk to you... having a conversation with you is like playing chess with Bobby Fischer.
So are you asking me not to answer your question next time?

You're saying I'm "torn up" because bones left, you're connecting a post in one thread with this one and that's not the case. This post was actually more about OpenSky... and even ZeroLot (where did she go?).
irvinehomeowner said:
SoCal said:
Hey, I'm not here to argue.
But you seem to be making assumptions that I am trying to explain are not true.
I was just answering the question you asked me.
As was I... you asked a question and I responded.
Iho, sometimes I feel like I can't talk to you... having a conversation with you is like playing chess with Bobby Fischer.
So are you asking me not to answer your question next time?

You're saying I'm "torn up" because bones left, you're connecting a post in one thread with this one and that's not the case. This post was actually more about OpenSky... and even ZeroLot (where did she go?).

WHAT?!!  When did Bones leave??  I'm so sad.  I was going to vent to her about Econo Blinds.

Anyhow I'm still around.  I've just been super busy moving EVERYTHING out of storage and into the house.  But it's all done!!  Computer got hooked up too.

Both my storage units are closed and there's finally some form of sanity back in my life.  You can say the Blood Moon brought me back, I got a great view of it from the backyard last night.

Hope everyone is doing well.  I'm going to try to catch up on reading up on all the posts I've missed.

I still have yet to finish episode 2 GoT ... kids were screaming for a bath.  But I am all caught up on Shield.  Now I just have to go watch Captain America.