I am just so sad today & can't shake it. My betta fish died.
His health had been declining for a while. He was just doing so bad recently. We knew this was coming. We've had him for 2 years but I thought I wouldn't care when it happened. After all, it's just a fish. Can't get emotionally attached to a fish. I knew a lady who lost her koi fish, and believe me, I thought she was so retarded for being upset about it.
He was "fine" this morning. I was so busy today, appointments everywhere, running around like crazy. I came home for a little bit during lunch. He was floating vertically, head-down, which is how he has been sleeping the last few months since his abdomen / air bladder got all swollen & turned him into a buoy, unable to get off the surface of the water. I tapped the tank. Nothing. I blew on the surface of the water to disturb him. He bobbed up & down with every breath I took. I opened & slammed the drawers shut on the dresser he sits on. Nothing. That usually always scares him. Finally, I shook the tank to slosh the water around. He flew into these fake, sharp plants we have in there and it stabbed him in the damn eye! OMG. I felt SO bad. That was TERRIBLE to see and to know I caused that! It skewered him! He didn't flinch. Then the current took him back over the plants, stabbed him in the eye AGAIN! Nothing. Then his face slammed into his little Spongebob / Pineapple under the sea fish house. NOTHING.

I called Mr. SoCal up & just started crying. I said, "He's dead. He's dead. I don't know what to do." I could HEAR a SMILE in my husband's voice even though he was trying to pretend like he was sorry to hear that. I think he was happy because he doesn't have to deal with cleaning the tank anymore.
When I picked up my boys from school, I said, "Mommy has some bad news for you." My little boy said, "NOOOO you're going to make me go grocery shopping with you!!" I said, "No, no. Not that. I'm sorry but Swimmy died." My little boy said, "OH, GOOD. I was afraid you were taking me to Ralph's! I'm glad that isn't the bad news!" He just HATES my 2 hour grocery trips with a passion. It's torture for him. But STILL. He seemed happy it was about the fish. My big boy couldn't care less either. He was laughing. I'm the only one who cares.
I came home, locked myself in my bedroom, laid on my bed and cried. I guess it just sucks losing any pet even a dumb ol' fish. He brought me joy. They do have personalities. I liked feeding him, and "playing" with him. I bought him toys and he used them. Now we have nothing. Nobody is game for another fish. :-\ We can't have cats, Mr. SoCal is allergic. Thinking about a dog, but I don't know.