Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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Lane 3 is not as crowded going southbound in the AM, with the new "do not block" section, I wouldn't see the opposing traffic left turn car until I clear the car stopped at lane 2. 

Same situation applies at rush hour PM northbound, the two unprotected southbound left turn lanes trying to get their Bruxie's on will look pathetic trying to turn against the massive northbound traffic trying to get on the 5 north.  Lane 1 driver (with plenty of room to clear) decides to do a good deed and stops short to allow the opposing left turn car thru, lane 2 driver brakes as well since he/she is a do-gooder, lane 3 driver smashes into car since he can't see any car in the intersection due to cars in lane 1 and 2 blocking view. 
This is why Irvine is in the top 10 worst traffic in the country!

ps9 said:
People being overly polite while driving: 

the semi-new "do not block section" on Culver going southbound near Walnut/Trader Joe's/Bank of the West.  Lane 1 driver decides to stop and let the opposing northbound left turn lane car go, lane 2 driver obliges too (crap), I'm in lane 3, with right of way, plenty of room to clear the "do not block", blindspotted due to the good samaritans, and almost t-bones the car that was let thru by the bonehead drivers in lane 1+2.  I hate "polite" drivers who does this, and they have no fuckin idea they're endangering the people they think they're helping.  They do NOT have right of way, make them fuckin wait!
ps9 said:
Lane 3 is not as crowded going southbound in the AM, with the new "do not block" section, I wouldn't see the opposing traffic left turn car until I clear the car stopped at lane 2. 

Same situation applies at rush hour PM northbound, the two unprotected southbound left turn lanes trying to get their Bruxie's on will look pathetic trying to turn against the massive northbound traffic trying to get on the 5 north.  Lane 1 driver (with plenty of room to clear) decides to do a good deed and stops short to allow the opposing left turn car thru, lane 2 driver brakes as well since he/she is a do-gooder, lane 3 driver smashes into car since he can't see any car in the intersection due to cars in lane 1 and 2 blocking view. 
So their brake lights aren't working?

I'm not trying to bully you ( :) ) but wouldn't you notice that the cars next to you are stopped with a space in front and so there must be some reason for it?

Or are you distracted singing For The First Time in Forever with mini-ps9?

Regardless though, I do agree it's dangerous to do that polite driver thing because of the situation you described, but that's why I drive so defensively in Irvine... and the Darth Vader masks don't help either.
This cold snap is killing me. I can't get warm. It's 63 out. I can't feel my fingers as I type this.

I have 2 electric blankets. I wrap myself up like a burrito & set them to "COOK".
Speaking of "polite' driver .. some driver approaching a four way stop does not pay attention on the order of arrival in the intersection.  Even though it's their turn, they still wait and see .. few seconds of no one moving and when you thought that they are letting you pass and about to cross the intersection, that's the time they will start moving also :(  Not sure if this kind of driver is better or worse than the opposite -- aggressive driver who has no respect on the crossing order in a  four way stop.
irvinehomeowner said:
It's 45 in Johns Creek.

Worse in other parts of the country.

I wonder how Panda / Baby Irvine / James is doing. Do you keep in touch with him at all? He hasn't been around in almost a year. I miss the Panda!
Adults who use the water cup to get soda at places with soda fountain machines.

Look, I understand when kids and teenagers do it (lack of funds) but if you're an employed adult and eating at a place, pay the extra $1-$2 for the drink.

The other night at KFC, I saw a family of 4 adults with those small dinky water cups drinking soda (and not even the clear soda) and constantly going back for refills... I was embarrassed for them.

And as an add-on to my peeve about kid dropoffs at school, this morning not one but two parents got out of their car to go do something with their kid while our line piled up waiting for them, if you can't just drop them off, park... jeez.

And to add on about parking... so I want to pull into a space but the back passenger door of the large SUV is wide open and this little girl is trying to get into it and then when she finally gets in, she can't close the door because she's too small.... so I go to park on the driver's side but that back door is also wide open because the mom just loaded her other kid into the car seat... except, instead of tending to the other side to close the door, she's standing their texting on her phone, thus blocking two spaces knowing that this particular lot has very limited parking. I guess if you drive an MBZ GL, you have the right to 3 parking spaces... gah.
irvinehomeowner said:
Adults who use the water cup to get soda at places with soda fountain machines.

Look, I understand when kids and teenagers do it (lack of funds) but if you're an employed adult and eating at a place, pay the extra $1-$2 for the drink.

The other night at KFC, I saw a family of 4 adults with those small dinky water cups drinking soda (and not even the clear soda) and constantly going back for refills... I was embarrassed for them.

And as an add-on to my peeve about kid dropoffs at school, this morning not one but two parents got out of their car to go do something with their kid while our line piled up waiting for them, if you can't just drop them off, park... jeez.

And to add on about parking... so I want to pull into a space but the back passenger door of the large SUV is wide open and this little girl is trying to get into it and then when she finally gets in, she can't close the door because she's too small.... so I go to park on the driver's side but that back door is also wide open because the mom just loaded her other kid into the car seat... except, instead of tending to the other side to close the door, she's standing their texting on her phone, thus blocking two spaces knowing that this particular lot has very limited parking. I guess if you drive an MBZ GL, you have the right to 3 parking spaces... gah.

damn sounds like ill be having fun in these drop off lines in 4-5 years.  i dont have the patience you do IHO. i have a feeling ill be honking and getting out my car and yelling at people quite a bit.
qwerty said:
damn sounds like ill be having fun in these drop off lines in 4-5 years.  i dont have the patience you do IHO. i have a feeling ill be honking and getting out my car and yelling at people quite a bit.

So, husband must be honorary Mexican. Every morning I have to tell him to be nice.. he will only be a minute late.. that mom really need to stop her car and wait till she is sure the kid is inside the gate..that dad has to make sure the kid went to school happy. You will learn :)

Oh, you live in that area seeking transfers to Hicks.. right? If yes, man I missed the morning fun :-) we will be out by the time you are in..
qwerty said:
i have a feeling ill be honking and getting out my car and yelling at people quite a bit.

You'll only do that until it dawns on you that you will have to interact with these people for the next 12 years - or even longer if you have another child.
irvinehomeowner said:
Adults who use the water cup to get soda at places with soda fountain machines.

Look, I understand when kids and teenagers do it (lack of funds) but if you're an employed adult and eating at a place, pay the extra $1-$2 for the drink.

The other night at KFC, I saw a family of 4 adults with those small dinky water cups drinking soda (and not even the clear soda) and constantly going back for refills... I was embarrassed for them.

Let me guess! Depression-era white folks? Sounds like someone in my family. You think it's embarrassing watching them, let me tell you it is more humiliating to go out to eat with them. They won't refrain from doing this even when someone else is picking up their tab & begging them to order a proper drink!  ::)
SoCal said:
qwerty said:
i have a feeling ill be honking and getting out my car and yelling at people quite a bit.

You'll only do that until it dawns on you that you will have to interact with these people for the next 12 years - or even longer if you have another child.
Yep, qwerter will get nicknamed "The Honky Hombre" (as opposed to bones' nickname for him - "The Hunky Hombre").
Cubic Zirconia said:
qwerty said:
damn sounds like ill be having fun in these drop off lines in 4-5 years.  i dont have the patience you do IHO. i have a feeling ill be honking and getting out my car and yelling at people quite a bit.

So, husband must be honorary Mexican. Every morning I have to tell him to be nice.. he will only be a minute late.. that mom really need to stop her car and wait till she is sure the kid is inside the gate..that dad has to make sure the kid went to school happy. You will learn :)

Oh, you live in that area seeking transfers to Hicks.. right? If yes, man I missed the morning fun :-) we will be out by the time you are in..

Yeah we will request a transfer to one of the Tustin ranch schools if the local one that was built is not in service. Although part of me thinks I should just send her to one of the local schools to make sure she is a valedictorian at Tustin high and get her full ride scholarship to stanford and she can hang out with homer jr.
I am just so sad today & can't shake it. My betta fish died.

His health had been declining for a while. He was just doing so bad recently. We knew this was coming. We've had him for 2 years but I thought I wouldn't care when it happened. After all, it's just a fish. Can't get emotionally attached to a fish. I knew a lady who lost her koi fish, and believe me, I thought she was so retarded for being upset about it.

He was "fine" this morning. I was so busy today, appointments everywhere, running around like crazy. I came home for a little bit during lunch. He was floating vertically, head-down, which is how he has been sleeping the last few months since his abdomen / air bladder got all swollen & turned him into a buoy, unable to get off the surface of the water. I tapped the tank. Nothing. I blew on the surface of the water to disturb him. He bobbed up & down with every breath I took. I opened & slammed the drawers shut on the dresser he sits on. Nothing. That usually always scares him. Finally, I shook the tank to slosh the water around. He flew into these fake, sharp plants we have in there and it stabbed him in the damn eye! OMG.  I felt SO bad. That was TERRIBLE to see and to know I caused that! It skewered him! He didn't flinch. Then the current took him back over the plants, stabbed him in the eye AGAIN! Nothing. Then his face slammed into his little Spongebob / Pineapple under the sea fish house. NOTHING.  :( I called Mr. SoCal up & just started crying. I said, "He's dead. He's dead. I don't know what to do." I could HEAR a SMILE in my husband's voice even though he was trying to pretend like he was sorry to hear that. I think he was happy because he doesn't have to deal with cleaning the tank anymore.

When I picked up my boys from school, I said, "Mommy has some bad news for you." My little boy said, "NOOOO you're going to make me go grocery shopping with you!!" I said, "No, no. Not that. I'm sorry but Swimmy died." My little boy said, "OH, GOOD. I was afraid you were taking me to Ralph's! I'm glad that isn't the bad news!" He just HATES my 2 hour grocery trips with a passion. It's torture for him. But STILL. He seemed happy it was about the fish. My big boy couldn't care less either. He was laughing. I'm the only one who cares.  :(

I came home, locked myself in my bedroom, laid on my bed and cried. I guess it just sucks losing any pet even a dumb ol' fish. He brought me joy. They do have personalities. I liked feeding him, and "playing" with him. I bought him toys and he used them. Now we have nothing. Nobody is game for another fish.  :-\ We can't have cats, Mr. SoCal is allergic. Thinking about a dog, but I don't know.
Pet Peeves: When they charge you for "large lemons" like this. And no. I'm not holding a REALLY LARGE quarter there.  :P

Sorry looking lemons, skin's all shriveled up..try Costco or TJ's.. got a small bag of Meyer lemons for $2 (around 4-5).  Made some good lemon ricotta pancakes for my fam.