Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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qwerty said:
party at Socals!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I wish you and Iho were my neighbors so at least somebody could have enjoyed these Monte Cristo sandwiches & drinks I made and the two hundred bleepin' dollars I spent on tree decor.  :'(
Tyler Durden said:
i think you should throw yourselves a party - movies and what not for making it through your car wreck OK.

You have done all the heavy lifting, and now that you don't have guests, its even better because you don't need to worry about whether someone ELSE is having a good time.

Sounds like a good time to turn on the fire and open a few bottles of wine (scotch) and find out why the best ingredient in nyquil is the alcohol.

Thank you, Tyler. I like that idea... ? "Jack Daniels nipping at your nose". ?
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Monte Cristo sandwiches?

Yes, with blackberry jam on the side (like what you get at Disneyland).  :( I hope these are good cold for breakfast.

Let me know if you need someone to eat some of these for you.
I do pick up.  :D
irvinehomeowner said:
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Why does one "redo" their tree?

*Sigh*. Such a "man" question.
Yes... because men don't like to redo things.

Merry Christmas from IR2
Pet  peeve:

When you step into Ralph's, can't find the corned beef, ask 2 people who work there if they've seen it, and not only haven't they seen it but they have never even heard of it. WTH. What planet are we on?
to this day i dont know exactly what corned beef is. heard the name but have never had it or bothered to look it up.
qwerty said:
to this day i dont know exactly what corned beef is. heard the name but have never had it or bothered to look it up.

Oh, I'm quite sure you've had it, Qwerty. Never had a Reuben sandwich?? Just about every deli offers one. Corned beef hash for breakfast??? They even sell it at Denny's. Never had Corned beef & cabbage?? It's a salt-cured brisket. I was GOING to make baked Reuben sandwiches for dinner. It has corned beef, thousand island dressing, Swiss cheese and sauerkraut. (The German in me loves cabbage but Mr. SoCal hates cabbage, much less sauerkraut, so I leave it off completely.)

Anyway, the guy at the deli said they used to carry it a long time ago and don't anymore. The guy at the meat counter had never heard of it even though he is in charge of pre-packaged lunch meat as well as his case. He asked me if it's "beef mixed with corn".  :-\ I ended up finding the entire roast in his own meat case labeled "corned beef" and showed it to him even though I just wanted it pre-cooked & deli-sliced. LOL. Most of the people who work at these stores I've noticed are in their teens. Maybe we're just raising a nation of idiots.
qwerty said:
to this day i dont know exactly what corned beef is. heard the name but have never had it or bothered to look it up.
For a burger guy... I find this interesting. For a Hispanic guy... I don't.

Us caucasians love corned beef... with potatoes or cabbage.
Oh and the 4th kid there I asked said it's only something his grandmother eats. Thanks a lot, kid. I'll be picking up my bifocals if you need me...
irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
to this day i dont know exactly what corned beef is. heard the name but have never had it or bothered to look it up.
For a burger guy... I find this interesting. For a Hispanic guy... I don't.

Us caucasians love corned beef... with potatoes or cabbage.

Yeah, see? Iho knows what it is. Coincidentally, January is Austrian Awareness Month! Go on, tell us more about your culture, Iho.
Break Of Dawn serves the real corned beef.

I've grown accustomed to the canned one and actually prefer it. Throw in some garlic, onions and tomatoes... mmmmmm.
irvinehomeowner said:
I've grown accustomed to the canned one and actually prefer it. Throw in some garlic, onions and tomatoes... mmmmmm.

Gee, that's strange.  ;)  I've actually never known any whites (besides you, of course) to eat canned corned beef aside from diners probably using it in corned beef hash. I'm pretty sure the main folks who eat the canned variety are the same ones who also enjoy Spam Musubi... and canned milk... etc. You sure are a unique Austrian.
I like Spam, but not Spam Masubi (sp?).

Corned beef hash is awesome but the canned one (with the potatoes already in) is not as good as adding your own potatoes.
Yeah I've never had corned beef. I think they sell it at togos maybe I'll pick up a sandwich and try it out