Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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Go ahead, Cornelius. You can cry.

Pet peeve: Drivers who don't look where they are going.

My family was just in a car accident today. A guy threw his big truck into reverse and slammed it into the side of our car - rear passenger door - right where my son was sitting. If it had been a quarter of an inch higher, it would have shattered the window into my boy's face. The car is caved in, however, his bumper doesn't have a scratch on it (of course). He was super apologetic and everything. But, still - it just couldn't hurt to, you know, maybe check your mirrors before gassing it or proceed with caution if you can't see.  :(
qwerty said:
sorry to hear that socal, sounds like no one was hurt though. i think rear view cameras should be mandated by law.

That's a really good point, Qwerty.

Yes, everyone in unscathed except for the vehicle. Thank you.
SoCal said:
qwerty said:
sorry to hear that socal, sounds like no one was hurt though. i think rear view cameras should be mandated by law.

That's a really good point, Qwerty.

Yes, everyone in unscathed except for the vehicle. Thank you.

Cars are easy to repair and replace.  Body parts, not so much.  Count yourself fortunate.


I am the worstest bowler you ever did meet. I went bowling again on Sunday night. I got 13 gutter balls!! My total score was equal to my age. Bowling has become somewhat of a frequent affair so you'd think I would improve. Nope. I've tried everything from the 6 lb. kid balls to the 12 lb. ball I can barely lift. The only thing I haven't tried are bumpers. My pride won't allow that. Maybe I should. I threw the ball and bounced into the other lane.  :-\
Tyler Durden said:
SoCal said:

I am the worstest bowler you ever did meet. I went bowling again on Sunday night. I got 13 gutter balls!! My total score was equal to my age. Bowling has become somewhat of a frequent affair so you'd think I would improve. Nope. I've tried everything from the 6 lb. kid balls to the 12 lb. ball I can barely lift. The only thing I haven't tried are bumpers. My pride won't allow that. Maybe I should. I threw the ball and bounced into the other lane.  :-\

Sounds like we need a TI meet up at the bowling alley. 

Anybody in my bowling league & also 2 lanes on either side of me needs to come prepared 'cause my balls go flying!

Tyler Durden said:
I tend to get dirty looks from sending the heavy 12lb bowling balls 1/4 the way down the lane in the air.

Funny you should mention that. I've been noticing guys at the bowling alley literally catapult the ball just like what you describe. It's more of a push than a roll. It's unbelievable the strength some of these people have. Some of them are really good & just completely obliterate the pins. I have no clue how they do it.
New pet peeve:

Realizing I'm almost as old as Justin Bieber's mother!  :'( I'm also so old and uncool that when someone first mentioned Justin Bieber to me, my reaction was, "Who's he?"
Okay, not Friday but thirty second vent

Children's toys with one volume setting permanently wired to deafen

Ugh VTech is the worse for this, I see a VTech gift and think that person must really hate the parent if the child
Tyler Durden said:
SoCal said:
Tyler Durden said:
I tend to get dirty looks from sending the heavy 12lb bowling balls 1/4 the way down the lane in the air.

Funny you should mention that. I've been noticing guys at the bowling alley literally catapult the ball just like what you describe. It's more of a push than a roll. It's unbelievable the strength some of these people have. Some of them are really good & just completely obliterate the pins. I have no clue how they do it.

i curl 70lb dumbells at the gym regularly so a 12lb bowling ball feels like picking up a gallon of milk.

i have to admit that i do try to throw it hard enough to reduce the pins to splinters - which usually results in gutter balls.

A curl is with only 1 arm, right? Wow! You are strong. 70 lbs. is a lot for just one arm with no help from other body parts.
Parents in the drop-off line who don't have their kids properly prepared to drop off.

I could have found a parking space and walked my kid to class in the time it took for your kid to exit the vehicle. And on top of that, after your kid finally got out of your car, you still didn't move from the drop off lane because it looked like you were talking on the phone or something. Bah.
irvinehomeowner said:
Parents in the drop-off line who don't have their kids properly prepared to drop off.

I could have found a parking space and walked my kid to class in the time it took for your kid to exit the vehicle. And on top of that, after your kid finally got out of your car, you still didn't move from the drop off lane because it looked like you were talking on the phone or something. Bah.

I used to have a friend who was always so frazzled taking care of her little girl that the girl would often have to get entirely dressed for school IN the car on the way there including in that drop-off lane. I mean completely... enter the car in jammies & bedhead, exit in clothes.  :-\
irvinehomeowner said:
Parents in the drop-off line who don't have their kids properly prepared to drop off.

I could have found a parking space and walked my kid to class in the time it took for your kid to exit the vehicle. And on top of that, after your kid finally got out of your car, you still didn't move from the drop off lane because it looked like you were talking on the phone or something. Bah.

Tyler Durden said:
the way young kids dress today, is there a difference between jammies and bedhead and how they get ready to go out?
Not for teenagers... even young adults... or older adults who think they are young (just replace "jammies" with "work out clothes").
I'm so upset right now! And it is hard to piss me off! Major pet peeve: people who are flakes.

I've been sick for 12 out of the last 14 days. But I was having company over today so I trudged on, deep cleaned my house sick, shopped sick, completely redid my Christmas tree, spent all week getting ready. I never told them I was sick because I didn't want them to think I'm backing out or have them feel like they're putting me out. If I say I'm going to do something, I do it. Yesterday I got an email from my guest/s saying, "Ugh. My phone crapped out and erased all my contact info. What time were we supposed to meet on Friday? What's your phone number again?" I gave all the necessary info. Plans confirmed. Today I get a message saying, "Oh, I forgot and sent my kid to a birthday party instead. Can we come late?" Ok, late, fine. Another message. "Party is running late. Doesn't look like we can make it today. Maybe we can reschedule?" Normally I would think this person just doesn't want to come. I CAN take a hint. However, I know them well enough to know they really did/do want to be here. I'm beginning to think they are the kind of people who just don't have their ducks in a row, if you know what I mean. Hard for me to understand, though, since I am the complete opposite - organized, and enjoy being that way. So, here I sit - the day / week wasted waiting on nobody, all food purchased, house decorated, all for nothing, and I could have been taking care of me instead the entire time. Awesomesauce!!! 