Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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ps9 said:
When Netflix don't send the top movies in my queue.... I want World War Z!!!!

I hate to resort to emptying out my queue just to force them to send what I want..

Temper your expectations for WWZ, I thought it was just an OK flick.

Laserdisc, haha yea, still have some of those, was very popular with the karaoke crowd, shiny vinyl record sized discs.  Used to copy chinese karaoke videos onto videotape (!) so I would have something to watch in my college dorm room.  Yes kids, this was how we rolled before YouTube, DVD, BluRay.  ;D
Tyler Durden said:
ps9 said:
When Netflix don't send the top movies in my queue.... I want World War Z!!!!

I hate to resort to emptying out my queue just to force them to send what I want..

You are the first person i know of that still gets the DVDs in the mail... i figured everyone was streaming via their BD player or smart TV at this point.

Is there still a delay in getting the movies via digital release vs. physical media?

Old habits die hard.  Don't tell the FBI. :)
Pet Peeve:

When I play a game with Homer Simpson that I'm usually stellar at but he proceeds to kick my butt over & over again until I hang my head in shame.
I think it is in bad taste to say that one will take an item that I graciously offer to give for free only to flake causing me to become one of those people who put the item on the side of the road with a free sign a day after I declined an offer of purchase as to uphold our agreement.
If you're driving a newer expensive car (ie an MB), you have no excuse not to pair your phone with Bluetooth.

You have even less of an excuse to talk on your phone holding it to your ear driving 55 on the freeway.
Friday pet peeve:  cashiers who ask if you want your receipt after it's already printed and they're holding it in their hand. 

I can understand cash only mom and pop places not wanting to give you a receipt, but I don't understand why chain stores train their minimum wage disciples not give you receipt for your $4.65 purchase.  It takes more time to ask if I want it than it does to just hand it over.
People who can't figure out that Culver has two exit lanes on the 405 south.  Pay attention or learn to drive.  Don't wait until you're about to hit a tree before you decide you want to stay on the freeway.

People who enter the 405 south from Culver at 5 miles an hour when traffic is going 60+ mph.  Put your foot on the accelerator and stop looking down at whatever you think is so important.

People who make a right turn in front of you forcing you to slam on your brakes.  If you're in such a hurry that you can't wait for a car to pass, again, put your foot on the accelerator.  Don't wait to get rear ended unless, of course, that is your intention. 
So, how would you respond to somebody who unfriended you on Facebook and is now sending a friend request with a "Hi, how are you?" private message like nothing ever happened. This "friend" also started her own company recently and has been trying to drum up business. I'm pretty sure that's what this is all about. Either that or she forgot she unfriended me. Awkward. She didn't say two words to me the last time we were FB friends which made me wonder if she even knew who I was. She must have - we have a lot of mutual friends. After some thought, I did accept her new request. Now I am thinking about how to reply to the message.... maybe something like... "Hi, great. How have things been since you unfriended me?"
I just spotted a job ad on Craigslist that reads:

"Pay commiserates with experience."

Commiserates, huh? Sounds depressing. Get it together, people!
People attaching phone holders in the freaking middle part of their windshield.. Hello?  How about a clear view for driving safety?  Saw a minivan with wires running from the top of the windshield to the bottom.  If I see a dangling wire in my peripheral vision while driving, it would drive me bonkers.  C'mon people. 
ps9 said:
People attaching phone holders in the freaking middle part of their windshield.. Hello?  How about a clear view for driving safety?
You must have seen roundcorners.
Saw a minivan with wires running from the top of the windshield to the bottom.  If I see a dangling wire in my peripheral vision while driving, it would drive me bonkers.  C'mon people. 
Oh... wait... you saw me.

Just kidding... I go wireless bluetooth. :)
Tyler Durden said:
ps9 said:
People attaching phone holders in the freaking middle part of their windshield.. Hello?  How about a clear view for driving safety?  Saw a minivan with wires running from the top of the windshield to the bottom.  If I see a dangling wire in my peripheral vision while driving, it would drive me bonkers.  C'mon people.

Attaching anything (including GPS) to the windshield is technically illegal.

That is why they make "friction mounts" for the GPS units - so they can sit on your dashboard and not slide around.
GPS is actually legal, but is has to be in the lower left corner (not to exceed 5 inches) or lower right corner (not to exceed 7 inches).

I only remember this because I had to buy one for my parents and we were trying to figure out where to mount it.

However I don't recommend it... putting it somewhere on your dash (like Tyler recommended with the friction mount) is safer.