Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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So I'm Debbie Downer... hehe.

It's easy to be as awesome as Homie is when you're young and successful.

I'm old and bitter... and big bacteria'd.

P.S. What I post about Homie on TI may or may not be the truth. Just think of it like the WWE... except the strawberries part... that's 100% fact.
irvinehomeowner said:
So I'm Debbie Downer... hehe.

It's easy to be as awesome as Homie is when you're young and successful.

I'm old and bitter... and big bacteria'd.

P.S. What I post about Homie on TI may or may not be the truth. Just think of it like the WWE... except the strawberries part... that's 100% fact.

LOL.. IHO has the best online identity which is the complete opposite of him in real life!
irvinehomeowner said:
So I'm Debbie Downer... hehe.

It's easy to be as awesome as Homie is when you're young and successful.

I'm old and bitter... and big bacteria'd.

P.S. What I post about Homie on TI may or may not be the truth. Just think of it like the WWE... except the strawberries part... that's 100% fact.

I mean, don't mind if somebody is having a bad day. After all, what are e-friends for? I don't like fake-happy people either. You know those people who are always happy and dumb.  :)
LOL.. IHO has the best online identity which is the complete opposite of him in real life!

Well if what you're saying is true, it's kind of disheartening to think I've spent six years getting to know a phony-baloney person, no matter who it is (trolls not included). I considered his personality to be pretty authentic the entire time... and I liked Iho (I just don't think Iho likes Iho - or me for that matter). Looks like you're saying I've been duped. Oddly, I wouldn't know what he's like in real life and at this rate, probably won't get to find out, unfortunately. But, I do hope he is a happy and friendly / polite person IRL. All I know is, Homer, you've been nice to me from Day 1 without me feeling like I had to "try", if that makes sense...? I give you credit for manifesting as the real you, being 100% true.
SoCal said:
P.S. I forgot to mention - this middle-aged man told me he has a baby on the way with his girlfriend. The stuff about the baby fell out of my mouth before I realized it was her husband I was talking about. She doesn't believe it. Fine with me, it's none of my business. I have to see this lady every single week, sometimes more than once. Awkward! I was totally distraught about this yesterday!!  :( :(

this is juicy and sad story at the same time.
qwerty said:
SoCal said:
P.S. I forgot to mention - this middle-aged man told me he has a baby on the way with his girlfriend. The stuff about the baby fell out of my mouth before I realized it was her husband I was talking about. She doesn't believe it. Fine with me, it's none of my business. I have to see this lady every single week, sometimes more than once. Awkward! I was totally distraught about this yesterday!!  :( :(

this is juicy and sad story at the same time.

In 2011, I hired a m*over from F.R. to move me from Irvine to FR. It was this man. Most people wouldn't remember somebody they interacted with briefly 2 years ago but I remember very specific things about him. For instance, he has an accent that is from a region about 2 hours outside Chicago. I recognized it right away because he talks just like my dad and to some extent, like me... I can pretty much narrow it down to the county. I asked if that's where he's from. He said yes. So, we got to talking about that.

He also asked if he could have my baby's crib since we weren't using it. He said his girlfriend is pregnant and they could use it. I remember I thought that was kind of weird because he's got to be in his mid-50s... pregnant? Girlfriend, not wife??

When I checked out at the grocery store Monday, the ch*ecker told me her & her husband own a m*ov*ing c*omp*any here. I wondered out loud if that could be the same mover I used. She gave me the name of the company but I didn't remember. I asked, "Is your husband from the Chicago area?" She said yes! She was amazed I remembered that. I gave a physical description. Bingo, it matched. Then I said it might not be her husband (honestly believing it when I said it) because "the guy I talked to said he has a baby on the way with his girrrrl..." STOP. I caught myself. She said he must have been talking about one of his employees or else he was just willing to take the crib off my hands to be helpful. Um, nokay.

I got home and pulled up the Quicken entry from 2011 to see the name of the company I paid. Same guy. A 100% match.  :-\ Sounds like he's having an affair with a younger woman. That would explain why his "girlfriend" is pregnant.

Edit: Trying to make certain words un-Googleable. Does it really work? I don't know.
I've also wondered why she reacted the way she did. If somebody told me, "Hey, I heard Mr. SoCal has a pregnant girlfriend", you better believe I'd be digging for info whether I think it's true or not - at least so I could dismiss it. Because my God, what if it is true. I also wondered why she didn't ask me what else he told me since obviously I had the right guy - remembering where he's from and everything. I've even wondered if she is aware of all this and is just embarrassed that now her customer knows, so, maybe that's why she's trying to convince me I got it all wrong.  :-\
Same here. I miss: CZ, Homer... I'm sure there are others, can't think right now. But the bright side is I get to catch up with Homer & CZ everyday about every 15 minutes :) on the "other place". You're missing out over there, Iho!
Sorry guys, just been busy with work and the little man at home :). Boy, they sure grow up fast! He had his 9 months check up yesterday.. 99% across the board!  :'(

I will be on vacation next week... But I will check in here and there to read posts  :o
I know I already tell you 1,213 times per day on FB, but... the baby is SooooooooooooooOOO-ooo-OOO-ooo CUTE!
Parents gossiping in front of children and children spreading the rumor about other parents! Apparently when CZ with her weird sarcasm mentioned on TI about moving when she has another baby, a silent stalker parent who knew real CZ decided it was time to tell everyone CZ and her husband are trying to have another baby. C's mom thinks she should tell C who thinks CZ's kid has a perfect life- what perfect life involves three children, right? C thinks she should tell it to her "boy friend" M. M thinks his mother should about it. M's mother thinks it makes a good potluck dinner discussion. A's mom gets to know about it from someone who went to that potluck. A's mom thinks her son should know it. A thinks he should just go ask Jr.CZ when the baby sister (apparently it's a girl- I am happy with that part at least) is due.

Nope. No baby. CZ's Jr wants a clear answer- are we, or we not having a baby?  CZ's second Jr says of not a baby, dog and cat, and fish are welcome too. CZ explains my work is my third baby.

End of story, not.

A's mom told a couple of other mothers about my infertility issues because apparently it's been a couple of months without the good news of upgrading the house or buying a crib. She tells J's mom and J's mom who is a good soul, without wondering how and where this piece of news originated from comes to CZ and hands her a card of a Dr.. infertility specialist.

CZ wants to go knock on the door of this particular West Irvine house right now, but husband says Haha, J Lo, somebody is trying to spot a baby bump, enjoy the attention and let go. Argh! More the reason to get back to that fitness thread and Jillian's six pack work outs.

Really, don't gossip about things you hear on the internet without confirming.
If you do, don't get kids and well meaning people who want to help in it.. because chances are they will just reach the wrong person :-)
Tyler Durden said:
^^^This needs an org chart.

Who are "C", "A", "J" within the story?  It's hard to tell from the context above.  Are they kids, parents, pets, relatives?

C, A, M and J are all teenage kids who should worry about getting high scores on video games.. they all study with Jr.CZ.
CZ is Cubic Zirconia.

(IHO, note: TD cannot decode gossip.. does that make the list three items long?)
When Netflix don't send the top movies in my queue.... I want World War Z!!!!

I hate to resort to emptying out my queue just to force them to send what I want..
ps9 said:
When Netflix don't send the top movies in my queue.... I want World War Z!!!!

I hate to resort to emptying out my queue just to force them to send what I want..

That is irritating! They did it often with new releases..
World War Z is playing in Starplex BTW.
Tyler Durden said:
Is there still a delay in getting the movies via digital release vs. physical media?
On Netflix there is. There is even a delay on when a DVD is available for rent vs. when it's on sale (as it is for Redbox).

You can sometimes get OnDemand (from Cox) releases the same day a DVD comes out.
Yes... I have used Laserdisc. It was like a giant DVD/BluRay.

I remember I left one (I rented it) in the car and it got warped so I had to buy it. Worse $50 I spent because it wouldn't play anymore.

EDIT: Wasn't Shawshank... got my movies mixed up... it was some jail one but I forgot which... older than Shawshank.