Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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irvinehomeowner. said:
I never sit on a public toilet... Even with the toilet ring thingy.. I hover!!!  IHO should know a thing or two about hovering!!

The force is strong in this one....

So you can crap while in the defensive stance?  That's must teach me master...:)
You just gotta get your legs, thighs and core strong PS9.

Do lots of squats while you brush your teeth.  In no time, you will hover over the toilet like a PRO!
ps9 said:
irvinehomeowner. said:
I never sit on a public toilet... Even with the toilet ring thingy.. I hover!!!  IHO should know a thing or two about hovering!!

The force is strong in this one....

So you can crap while in the defensive stance?  That's must teach me master...:)
I could never hover... heck... toilets cry when I sit.

That Homie-guy is one strong dude... or he must take really quick deuces.
qwerty said:
jayl23 said:
Sometimes you just have to sit, so just build a TP nest and take care of business.  :D

What about those occasions where your turd makes the perfect dive and the water goes straight up and hits you right in the butthole? Do you really want to take the chance of getting public shit water in/on your butt?  I drive home from work for dumps if I can't hold it.

Hehe, that can be avoided by dropping some TP on the water surface.  However, it might not work as well if you are dropping multiple large payloads or napalm.  :D
Weird, this thread just made me think of a contraption that people can purchase to help "suspend" them while in public. 

And that is all I will comment regarding this topic. 

I really like HOMEOWNER SIMPSON ... nice name

You playing ball today Coleman?

Yup every week.  I have a feeling it will be four on four half court though.  Some of the guys don't like to run.  You free?
irvinehomeowner said:
Homie is cheating on me again.  >:D

[butt in] Awwwww, poor Iho.  :( I'm starting to feel really bad for you, Iho. Homer! Why are you excluding Iho?? He's a swell guy. Is it a certain "Eau de Iho" that is putting you off? Smelly people need friends, too, you know. Please don't hurt the Iho. [/butt out]
Sumthin' really unfortunate happened yesterday. I don't know where to post it, really. I guess we'll chalk it up to a pet peeve. It looks like I accidentally revealed to a lady her husband is cheating on her. I did not know he's married - he never mentioned a wife. I most certainly didn't know he is married to her. To make matters worse, this woman is the mother of the young man I posted about last year who was dead on the sidewalk near my home - the dirt bike speeding accident. She's still in pretty deep grief over that. I also never realized that is his son, too.

It was just a huge coincidence that her and I even made this connection. FR is a very tight-knit area. Now I know just how much. She is brushing it off that I must have misunderstood him. No. I know what I know.  :( It's a sick feeling. Feel so bad for this lady! I hope she doesn't kill herself. She already walks around like a zombie whenever I see her.
What? Are you saying I'm not positive? I'm positive... positive that Homie is shunning me.

But that's okay, I'm going to stalk him at ATB on Saturday... IHO SNEAK ATTACK!
P.S. I forgot to mention - this middle-aged man told me he has a baby on the way with his girlfriend. The stuff about the baby fell out of my mouth before I realized it was her husband I was talking about. She doesn't believe it. Fine with me, it's none of my business. I have to see this lady every single week, sometimes more than once. Awkward! I was totally distraught about this yesterday!!  :( :(
irvinehomeowner said:
What? Are you saying I'm not positive? I'm positive... positive that Homie is shunning me.

But that's okay, I'm going to stalk him at ATB on Saturday... IHO SNEAK ATTACK!

That was a suprise invite to you IHO!
irvinehomeowner said:
What? Are you saying I'm not positive? I'm positive... positive that Homie is shunning me.

Homie strikes me as a very upbeat, happy-go-lucky, confident, out-going, social guy. The kind of person who is always fun to be around, lifts other people's spirits, and makes them feel welcome. I get the feeling nothing really bothers him, he doesn't dwell on stuff. He seems to be a lover of life.

After this many years, I can definitely say I think you're a genuinely good person, Iho. You just seem to have a much different personality than Homer's. My own experience interacting with the two of you has been pretty much Day & Night. I hope that answers the question.
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
What? Are you saying I'm not positive? I'm positive... positive that Homie is shunning me.

Homie strikes me as a very upbeat, happy-go-lucky, confident, out-going, social guy. The kind of person who is always fun to be around, lifts other people's spirits, and makes them feel welcome. I get the feeling nothing really bothers him, he doesn't dwell on stuff. He seems to be a lover of life.

After this many years, I can definitely say I think you're a genuinely good person, Iho. You just seem to have a much different personality than Homer's. My own experience interacting with the two of you has been pretty much Day & Night. I hope that answers the question.

Guess you don't know me that well  :P