Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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SoCal said:
Ok, another pet peeve. I thought this was creepy...

I just got a Facebook friend request from a realtor I met yesterday.
I never gave him my name.
We never discussed Facebook.
A reverse address search in the white pages does not explicitly point to me.

He met me at my house. He must have done some research on the title or something. I just think it comes off stalker'ish. The Queen of Stalking has been out-stalked!!

It's probably like Melissa Data (located in RSM) that sells all kinds of marketing data to anyone.

That's the double edge of e-government.  Things that have always been public information, but largely private because they were tedious and time consuming to gather the information are now becoming very public and extremely easy to gather the information.
Scratch that. Stalked you. Found you.

But...but... you're not going to share any of my personal photos, right? And when I check into places on FB, I won't find you and Qwerty lurking around the corner, correct?
Coleman said:
Yikes!  I found SoCal and have three friends in common.

Are you sure it's me? I saw the previous comment about the sisters except I don't have 2 FB friends who are sisters that I can think of.

In the past, I've befriended 3 TI members who all had mutual friends with me or with a member of my family. Small world! Also, I found out by accident that our teacher's daughter shares a mutual "friend" (family member) with another member here, who shall not be named because I don't want to sound too creepy.
SoCal said:
Small world! Also, I found out by accident that our teacher's daughter shares a mutual "friend" (family member) with another member here, who shall not be named because I don't want to sound too creepy.

Um, too late...

You just confirmed Facebook is way too creepy for casual voyeurism(not the word I was thinking of)snooping(still not quite right) busybody (ugh)meddler, gossip, rubbernecker/stalking.
Ooh yeah.. my favorite thing to do- casual facebook rubber-necking :-)  Did you know if you befriended a certain TI member on Facebook, you kind of *know* who a few TI members are? Also, did you know, when you spend too much time on TI, other TI members start showing up as recommendations on Facebook as well as Linkedin?

Who are all these new people? I know Homer is going through certain virtual insecurities but who is Coleman? Who is Homer - IHO prime or IHO with a dot? What does IHO call himself these days? I saw another handle yesterday.. SoCal changed her handle name briefly? Too much to catch up with!
irvineduenodelacasa said:
At my last gig one of my female coworkers came out all disgusted and I asked her what was wrong, some chick on her period left blood all over the front of a toilet seat. And it's things like that why I don't use public restrooms to take a dump.

I don't think you'll encounter that problem in the MEN'S room.
Cubic Zirconia said:
Who are all these new people? I know Homer is going through certain virtual insecurities but who is Coleman? Who is Homer - IHO prime or IHO with a dot? What does IHO call himself these days? I saw another handle yesterday.. SoCal changed her handle name briefly? Too much to catch up with!

CZ!! Missed you!

Irvinehomeowner = Iho
Irvinehomeowner. = Homer
Irviehomeowner.. = worldchaos
SoCal = SoCal = SoCal. Same as always.
SoCal said:
irvineduenodelacasa said:
At my last gig one of my female coworkers came out all disgusted and I asked her what was wrong, some chick on her period left blood all over the front of a toilet seat. And it's things like that why I don't use public restrooms to take a dump.

I don't think you'll encounter that problem in the MEN'S room.

Not necessarily better.  A few weeks back I saw a grocery store bathroom in Irvine that looked like a prison inmate had a protest using their BM as finger paint.
Irvinehomeowner Prime said:
That's awful.  But i think the women in some areas have it worse.  When i lived in the bay area, my client's office apparently had problems with women breaking the toilet seats in the ladies room from standing on them!  I have no idea why they thought that was a safe or smart idea...

That happened all the time at my work as well where there was a high percentage of Vietnamese employees. Instead of sitting on the seat, they stand on the seat and squat. We had to call the fire department one time when a lady slipped & got her foot / leg stuck inside the toilet! It can be dangerous. People have slipped off them. The seats would get broken just like you said. Some people are unaccustomed to using our style of toilets and some are germ-phobes.
SoCal said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
Who are all these new people? I know Homer is going through certain virtual insecurities but who is Coleman? Who is Homer - IHO prime or IHO with a dot? What does IHO call himself these days? I saw another handle yesterday.. SoCal changed her handle name briefly? Too much to catch up with!

CZ!! Missed you!

Irvinehomeowner = Iho
Irvinehomeowner. = Homer
Irviehomeowner.. = worldchaos
SoCal = SoCal = SoCal. Same as always.

:-) I miss you too!! Wait for IHO, the real one to start yapping about the smell of strawberries now..
I thought I saw the starfish last night with a different name.. or may be I was too clue!

Squatting potty.. oh my god, want to hear the grossest story? once we had a relative use the commode as a squatter and that's not it.. in India we have the "spray" commodes- no paper. This person took the spray and used it liberally while squatting on the commode. I still remember the horror on my mother's face when she opened the toilet door.. good thing, they have household help available throughout the day.

Back to you.. period and potty and what not, TI style.. to relieve boredom! See you guys in a couple of days.
Cubic Zirconia said:
I thought I saw the starfish last night with a different name.. or may be I was too clue!

Good memory. Yes, you're right - the starfish now belongs to IrvineHousewife.
I never sit on a public toilet... Even with the toilet ring thingy.. I hover!!!  IHO should know a thing or two about hovering!!
jayl23 said:
Sometimes you just have to sit, so just build a TP nest and take care of business.  :D

What about those occasions where your turd makes the perfect dive and the water goes straight up and hits you right in the butthole? Do you really want to take the chance of getting public shit water in/on your butt?  I drive home from work for dumps if I can't hold it.