Pet peeve:
The bowler who takes the game too seriously. Rude jerks who don't know the word "please".
Just got back from my boy's party. I got verbally attacked by an angry bowler 2 lanes down from our group. He got all up in my face because I "broke his concentration!!!". I stepped onto the platform at the same time as him in an adjacent lane. I'll take his word for it since I didn't notice. He was yelling at me like a parent yells at a kid, totally seeing red. Except it was kind of funny because he was more than a head shorter than me. An angry little man, he was. Anywho, I was completely unaware that it violates bowling etiquette to "approach" your lane at the same time as the person next to you or even 2 lanes down. And I wasn't even bowling. I was facing away from him, taking a photo of the kid who as bowling 2 lanes away from him. Then he reported me to the manager!! The manager explained why he was upset but said he's always giving them trouble. He tries to pretend he's like a professional bowler. He's just a league bowler who wasn't even playing a league game at the time. He makes them spit-shine little spots on his lane all the time and other little details. The manager told him we are not league bowlers, we are just there for a kid's party.
Before we even started bowling, I acknowledged him and asked if the empty lane between us was going to be in use by him. He said no - go ahead. I said okay because I just didn't want to get in anyone's way. So much for trying to be considerate of him. Some people don't appreciate it. He thinks he owns the place. Next thing I know he's yelling at me a second time, "You can't step onto the platform until you ask me first! And if you're going to take a picture you have to let me know first." So I said, "Ok, you wanted me to tell you if I'm going to take pictures. So, I'm telling you I am taking pictures. Lots of pictures." He got SOOO angry. I thought he was going to hit me!
If I was him, I would have seen the lane set up for a kid's party, rolled my eyes and been like, "Oh, GREAT." Then ask to be moved to a different lane where I could "concentrate". WTH is wrong with people.