Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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My latest pet peeve:

Women who go to church dressed like hookers.

We've seen some real jaw-dropping stuff. Even on women easily over 50 / 60. Even Mr. SoCal who never criticizes people will be like, "OmG, did you see that." Now I'm not saying church is a fashion show... Come as you are. But, within reason! It's not a night club nor is it the corner of Hollywood & Vine. I guess having a little  decency is just too much to ask for some people. There is one lady in particular, about 65, who is a total hybrid of Jan Crouch + Tammy Faye but all bling'ed out. Then there is a Mother-Daughter duo who dress really inappropriate. They must share clothes. If it's too short, too tight, and glitters, trust me - they own it in every color.

It's become a running joke for us now. Every now and then just for laughs, I'll put on something completely inappropriate even to get the mail in, then come out and say, "Ok, I'm ready to go!" Have a laugh then go change.
IrvineHousewife said:
The dipshit in Quail Hill who drag races every single night around 11PM.

Every single BMW driver, yes you're all the same.

People that say "ezactly" or "expecially" or "expresso".

People that yield in the middle of the roundabout. KEEP GOING! You have the right-of-way!!!
pet peeve:  selfish, oblivious drivers

for example, wanting to back out of parking space at Costco but can't because a giant SUV is waiting for space closer to the entrance despite there being plenty of parking further away.  It doesn't matter that I blare my horn or pretend that I'm going to back into her.  She won't move even though the person whose space she wants is loading a lifetime supply of food into his car.  Seriously, a few rays of sun won't kill you.  Vitamin D is good for the body.
Another pet peeve:

People who assume you're rich just because you live in Irvine.  It's not my fault that I'm paying less to live in a detached house with a yard than you're paying to live in a tiny cramped apartment.

Conversely, people who assume that because you're not rich and live in Irvine that you must be living in Section 8 Housing.  Don't blame me for your decision to spend $3,000/mo to support Donald Bren's lifestyle. (I'm referring to you apartment dwellers).
SoCal said:
H        O        M        E        R said:
IrvineHousewife said:
The dipshit in Quail Hill who drag races every single night around 11PM.

Every single BMW driver, yes you're all the same.
People that say "ezactly" or "expecially" or "expresso".

People that yield in the middle of the roundabout. KEEP GOING! You have the right-of-way!!!


Male BMW drivers who wear $600 shoes.  >:(

Women with butt hair. I'm talking about like the lower back area near the hip / outer thigh. I just got back from the pool. I actually caught myself staring at this one woman in a bikini with hair exposed all around there. It was all the way from her lower waist down to the upper leg and all the way across to her side. I didn't even know this was possible. I thought only guys could get a furry butt. Furthermore, if it IS possible, at least if it was me, I wouldn't want to display it or would remove it but that's just me. I did used to have one friend that was pretty hairy on the lower back but I figured it was either a fluke or her ethnicity. This girl was not that kind, though.

I'd be a little happier if everyone decided to use the turn lane or drive next to the curb while turning right.  My brakes, my MPG, and the environment would appreciate it too.

No Quarter - For people who drive the same route everyday, I think there becomes a certain point of no return for letting people in no matter how bright that blinker is blinking, haha. 

What about the people who sacrifice their integrity by driving on the shoulder ONLY to move up a couple spots while merging onto the freeway.  :o
SoCal said:
Women with butt hair. I'm talking about like the lower back area near the hip / outer thigh. I just got back from the pool. I actually caught myself staring at this one woman in a bikini with hair exposed all around there. It was all the way from her lower waist down to the upper leg and all the way across to her side. I didn't even know this was possible. I thought only guys could get a furry butt. Furthermore, if it IS possible, at least if it was me, I wouldn't want to display it or would remove it but that's just me. I did used to have one friend that was pretty hairy on the lower back but I figured it was either a fluke or her ethnicity. This girl was not that kind, though.

gwailo168 said:
No Quarter - For people who drive the same route everyday, I think there becomes a certain point of no return for letting people in no matter how bright that blinker is blinking, haha. 

That would be people zipping in the #3 lane bypassing the two mile back up and turning on their turn signal to merge left into the #1 and #2 lane going to the 55 from the 91 west bound even though it's been clearly marked and signs posted for four miles that it's a left exit.

Other peeves are people that put on their turn signal and then sit there because they can't speed up 2 miles a hour to get into the 3 car length opening I've left in front of me.  Then merge and SLOW THE F*** DOWN!!?!?!?

People that sit in the blind spot of the car and pace there.

People you extend a courtesy to and then they abuse it:

One time I was in the security line at the airport and a man outside of the stanchions asks the line "Could you guys let my daughter move up to the front because she's late for her flight and may not make it?"

So everyone is nice and she skips ahead of about 10-15 people being apologetic the whole time.

By the time I get through and sit down at my gate waiting for my plane about 10-15 minutes later, I see this same girl running through the concourse to the gate next to me and hear them telling her she almost missed the plane.

So I'm trying to figure out what happened, she got through security early, why was she still late... did she go to the wrong gate? Then I look at her right hand and she's carrying a full Frappucino. I look at the direction she was running from and lo and behold, a Starbucks, that of course had a long line.

So I guess she skipped all of us, just so she could get her caffeine fix and probably couldn't get cutsies at Starbucks since her dad wasn't there. My evil twin felt like grabbing that Frap out of her hand and throwing it in the trash. Mabye karma sat her next to a wide stinky person for the duration of her flight.