Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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People. When somebody returns your wallet to you with everything accounted for, have some etiquette and thank them with a $20 at least. Geez.

I just got back from vacation. While we were playing mini-golf, I found a tourist's backpack laying on the course. It contained a cell phone, expensive sun glasses, and a wallet with a huge wad of vacation cash among other things. I dropped what I was doing to try and find the person who matched the photo ID on the golf course. I preferred to give it to her directly instead of turning it into the office hoping the employee wouldn't take the cash and just say it was turned in that way. After a while, I couldn't find it her so I turned it in. A half hour and a bunch of missed turns later, the lady walked by me. I asked if she was looking for her bag. Yup. I told her everything is ok, I got it before somebody else could rob the bag - it's all there, safe & sound. She just turned around and walked off to go get her stuff. Not so much as a thanks. My boy was upset we didn't have time to finish the course because I was busy trying to return her valuables to her.

This is the 3rd time the same thing has happened. I always wondered why my father said if he found another person's wallet again he'd leave it there or just throw it away. Now I get it. He's found a wallet with an out of town ID. He drove an hour to the guy's apartment to return it to him safely. The guy grabbed it and slammed the door in his face. That's really nice. I have had my own wallet stolen before after I dropped it in a dressing room at the Brea Mall. It is a sick feeling. I would gladly give the person who returned it at least 1/4 to 1/2 of what I was carrying in cash if they returned all things to me safely. It is not fun having to replace your driver's license, credit cards, cash, any medications, purse, glasses, etc., etc. But I guess even though I consider that proper etiquette and wouldn't bat an eyelash at thanking somebody for their honesty / time / effort, most people do not operate the same way. Next time I'll just leave it sit there and let somebody else deal with it however they want to, hope for the best.  ::) Unfortunately, I think most people will just help themselves.
Parking lots have aisles not lanes.

California's speed limit in a parking lot is 15 MPH due to prima facie limits on blind intersection.

10 MPH limits are commonly posted.

not 20 mph, not 30 mph.

the ___holes that insist on speeding past behind me as I back up out of a spot make me want to stomp on the gas so they crash into me.

SoCal said:
People. When somebody returns your wallet to you with everything accounted for, have some etiquette and thank them with a $20 at least. Geez.

I just got back from vacation. While we were playing mini-golf, I found a tourist's backpack laying on the course. It contained a cell phone, expensive sun glasses, and a wallet with a huge wad of vacation cash among other things. I dropped what I was doing to try and find the person who matched the photo ID on the golf course. I preferred to give it to her directly instead of turning it into the office hoping the employee wouldn't take the cash and just say it was turned in that way. After a while, I couldn't find it her so I turned it in. A half hour and a bunch of missed turns later, the lady walked by me. I asked if she was looking for her bag. Yup. I told her everything is ok, I got it before somebody else could rob the bag - it's all there, safe & sound. She just turned around and walked off to go get her stuff. Not so much as a thanks. My boy was upset we didn't have time to finish the course because I was busy trying to return her valuables to her.

This is the 3rd time the same thing has happened. I always wondered why my father said if he found another person's wallet again he'd leave it there or just throw it away. Now I get it. He's found a wallet with an out of town ID. He drove an hour to the guy's apartment to return it to him safely. The guy grabbed it and slammed the door in his face. That's really nice. I have had my own wallet stolen before after I dropped it in a dressing room at the Brea Mall. It is a sick feeling. I would gladly give the person who returned it at least 1/4 to 1/2 of what I was carrying in cash if they returned all things to me safely. It is not fun having to replace your driver's license, credit cards, cash, any medications, purse, glasses, etc., etc. But I guess even though I consider that proper etiquette and wouldn't bat an eyelash at thanking somebody for their honesty / time / effort, most people do not operate the same way. Next time I'll just leave it sit there and let somebody else deal with it however they want to, hope for the best.  ::) Unfortunately, I think most people will just help themselves.

Keep doing what your doing. It is becoming a rare thing these days for people to do the right thing. You are modeling good values for your kids.
Thanking is good enough for me. I babysat a lost iPhone for half an hour. Well... for 15 minutes, I turned it into a staff member, and then stayed there for another 15 minutes until I saw someone who looked like they had lost something.

Told them I turned it in, they thanked me and that was that.
Pet peeve:

When you're stalking someone on Facebook and you accidentally click the "Like" button.
Pet Peeve  - HR Resume screening tools that butcher any word formated document coupled with a resume submission process that takes over an hour to complete just for the data entry for something that will get about 6 second of human eye screening time provided they've set their filters correctly for the job they've posted.

Pet Peeve 2 - Medical bills for insurance denied portions of treatments from six months or more ago, booked through a doctors medical group under a different doctors name than the doctor you saw so you have to play days of phone tag with the office to figure out what the service was, who the real doctor was and why the bill is showing up.
There is nothing more irritating than a grown women who talks in a baby voice. You know, the high pitched, nasally one.

I swear. I was at the grocery store a few days ago. A grown woman, talking to her tough-looking boyfriend, shopping for ice cream:

**All the R's are replaced with W's**--

"I want dis one. I pwomise I will shay-w it wiff you. Pwweeease."

She just went on & on like that.

irvinehomeowner said:
Thanking is good enough for me. I babysat a lost iPhone for half an hour. Well... for 15 minutes, I turned it into a staff member, and then stayed there for another 15 minutes until I saw someone who looked like they had lost something.

Told them I turned it in, they thanked me and that was that.

I was at Tustin Market Place one night and as I was walking out of Best Buy, I found an Iphone on the ground.  I looked around and didn't see anyone.  I get to my car and I notice that the phone is unlocked.  I have my wife look through the phone to find a person to call (felt awkward going through a woman's phone, haha).  We see "Dad" and I call dad to tell him that I have his daughter's phone.  Communication was difficult with him and our conversation went nowhere after he said he didn't have any children. (???) So my wife went to go search for a close friend within the phone.  She finally contacted someone and said that the phone will be at Best Buy to get picked up.  When we turned in the phone to security, he responded with, "you're turning in an unlocked iphone?" If we hadn't confirmed that the friend was coming to pick up the phone with the friend and security, I would question where the phone would have ended up.  :-\

Personally, I like the fact that I could be standing next to that lady one day and she would have no idea that I helped save her a few hundred dollars and a lot of sentimental moments from the photos.
I hate taking a piss in the urinal and the dude next to you starts cutting the loudest farts.  Really!!! I think these fart-o-holics need to sit their asses down in a stall to take care of a little more business.
My Ridiculously Long That's Wat She Said Yellowneck USERName said:
I hate taking a piss in the urinal and the dude next to you starts cutting the loudest farts.  Really!!! I think these fart-o-holics need to sit their asses down in a stall to take care of a little more business.

It would be worse if he was texting while doing all that.  I remember some guy checking his phone while on the urinal. EWWWWWW.....

If I can design my own public restrooms, I would soundproof all the stalls for more privacy.
Pet peeve: When people name-drop. My old friend, Sandra Bullock, and I were just discussing this topic last week when she invited me over for brunch.
Irvinehomeowner Prime said:
My Ridiculously Long That's Wat She Said Yellowneck USERName said:
I hate taking a piss in the urinal and the dude next to you starts cutting the loudest farts.  Really!!! I think these fart-o-holics need to sit their asses down in a stall to take care of a little more business.

it could be worse, they could be making a river run through the bathroom to your location...

Thank you, that reminds me, why can't anyone in Irvine apparently get it in the urinal?  Seriously, I've been in a bunch of red-neck country dive bars in fly-over lands and there's no where near the amount of urine missing it's target as in the trendy restaurants in SoCal and Irvine in particular.

Seriously, we were at the Spectrum this weekend and had an early just before 5PM dinner and there was piss everywhere.  On the floor, the wall.  And this isn't the first time, they're always like that, you have to plan were you stand and end up standing further back and further back because there's a bleeping puddle under the urinal.

nosuchreality said:
Thank you, that reminds me, why can't anyone in Irvine apparently get it in the urinal?  Seriously, I've been in a bunch of red-neck country dive bars in fly-over lands and there's no where near the amount of urine missing it's target as in the trendy restaurants in SoCal and Irvine in particular.

Seriously, we were at the Spectrum this weekend and had an early just before 5PM dinner and there was piss everywhere.  On the floor, the wall.  And this isn't the first time, they're always like that, you have to plan were you stand and end up standing further back and further back because there's a bleeping puddle under the urinal.
Maybe just like the Internet, Irvine is full of pissing contests. :)
nosuchreality said:
you have to plan were you stand and end up standing further back and further back because there's a bleeping puddle under the urinal.

i always have to stand further back. so not a problem for me.
irvineduenodelacasa said:
nosuchreality said:
you have to plan were you stand and end up standing further back and further back because there's a bleeping puddle under the urinal.

i always have to stand further back. so not a problem for me.

Sorry to hear your eyes are starting to go bad, I understand that's a common problem as we age.
At my last gig one of my female coworkers came out all disgusted and I asked her what was wrong, some chick on her period left blood all over the front of a toilet seat. And it's things like that why I don't use public restrooms to take a dump.
Alright everyone - ill explain the higher ratio of urine on and around the urinals in irvine but please don't take this as any kind of racism, perhaps stereotyping, but not racism. Remember, my wife is Asian. As we all know, a higher % if Asian men in irvine translates into a higher % of smaller shooting devices.  with smaller shooting devices, much like a gun with a short barrel, accuracy and distance are severely impacted and bam! You end up with pee everywhere.

There are stories swirling around Mexico and certain parts of tustin that irvineduenodelacasa can stand as far back as six feet and hit the urinals with no problem.
Ok, another pet peeve. I thought this was creepy...

I just got a Facebook friend request from a realtor I met yesterday.
I never gave him my name.
We never discussed Facebook.
A reverse address search in the white pages does not explicitly point to me.

He met me at my house. He must have done some research on the title or something. I just think it comes off stalker'ish. The Queen of Stalking has been out-stalked!!