Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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Tyler Durden said:
if you are going to get it, just remember its super salty.

could lead to edema or inability to remove your ring later.

the reuben is a good application because the dressing cuts the saltiness and the sauerkraut adds more vinegary taste.

But you gotta have it on rye.  Doing the sourdough thing just isn't the same.

There's a jewish deli on Lake forest and the 5 you and i can hit up if you are down.  I think its called solomon's deli.

I know they will have this for you there.  And you probably won't leave hungry after a sandwich.

I'll pass on the deli, my ability to leave the house is limited and not sure I want to waste it on a deli, now slaters on the other hand, im down to see you and Coleman go toe to toe on the shot contest.
qwerty said:
Yeah I've never had corned beef. I think they sell it at togos maybe I'll pick up a sandwich and try it out

It's kinda/sorta like pastrami but without the spices. You've had pastrami, right?  ;)
SoCal said:
qwerty said:
Yeah I've never had corned beef. I think they sell it at togos maybe I'll pick up a sandwich and try it out

It's kinda/sorta like pastrami but without the spices. You've had pastrami, right?  ;)

thats another one ive never tried. ive been tempted to try the hat in LF on occassion though
irvinehomeowner said:
And pastrami is like shredded hot dog. :)

SoCal said:
qwerty said:
thats another one ive never tried.

You're joking.

no im not. keep in mind i was born in mexico and raised here in bordertown that is predominately hispanic. there are no delis or anything where one can get corned beef or pastrami. Everywhere you go its carne asada, carnitas, etc. By time i got to SC my tastes buds were locked in burgers and burritos.
irvinehomeowner said:
And pastrami is like shredded hot dog. :)

if i someone had told me this i would have tried this sooner!!!!!!!!!! i love hot dogs, right behind burgers and burritos.
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
And pastrami is like shredded hot dog. :)

Let me guess, Qwerty. You've never had a hot dog before.

i could stand to eat less hot dogs, doesnt get much better than a nathans or hebrew national all beef hot dog with some nacho cheese on it. sometimes back home we used to throw diced up carne asada on top of the nacho cheese and people think a cronut is good fusion. im going to email king taco to make this an offering in their menu. 
I've mentioned related topics to this before but not only does it agonize me that people don't understand the rules of a 4-way stop, but even more so when there is a crossing guard present.

This morning, the crossing guard is stopping cross traffic as he's walking the kids across the crosswalk to my right. So I can either go straight or turn left since that traffic has to wait for him. But, lo and behold, an older lady on the left decides to go into the intersection despite the crossing guard there and just waits there blocking me so I can't move forward. She is supposed to wait at her stop sign so that cross traffic can proceed (namely me) but instead she blocks us off.

I was so tempted to do the "stand on my horn" move but I didn't want to scare the crossing kids. Gah.
irvinehomeowner said:
I've mentioned related topics to this before but not only does it agonize me that people don't understand the rules of a 4-way stop, but even more so when there is a crossing guard present.

This morning, the crossing guard is stopping cross traffic as he's walking the kids across the crosswalk to my right. So I can either go straight or turn left since that traffic has to wait for him. But, lo and behold, an older lady on the left decides to go into the intersection despite the crossing guard there and just waits there blocking me so I can't move forward. She is supposed to wait at her stop sign so that cross traffic can proceed (namely me) but instead she blocks us off.

I was so tempted to do the "stand on my horn" move but I didn't want to scare the crossing kids. Gah.

That's terrible, Iho. People are so frickin' inconsiderate. You're a nice guy for taking the kids into consideration. I'm sure a lot of adults wouldn't. A similar thing was happening at our school intersection, however, the crossing guard was encouraging it and instructing drivers to block the intersection, however, only traffic from one direction leaving the others at a stand-still for long periods. So, one day I decided to take pics on my cellphone. In the photos, she had the cars all backed up completely through the intersection with cars even blocking half of the crosswalk the kids were walking into. Totally unsafe. I got in touch with the district to find out what company they contract with to hire these crossing guards. I sent them the photos. Things finally improved.  ;)
Okay, so this topic about school pick-ups gets me really heated. Especially because today a bad thing happened again at mine. There is this one dad who (pardon my bluntness) is just a fat, lazy, jerk in a minivan. I have NOTHING against morbidly obese people. I really don't. It's the other two things I have a problem with because I think he uses his size as an excuse to BE the other two things.

1) He uses a handicapped sticker. He is mobile. I have seen him walk around campus (and the grocery store!) plenty of times. He takes up handicapped spots AND parks in *No Parking* areas at school.

2) He won't get off his lazy butt out of the car to go get his kids. He encourages them to cross the busy loading/unloading zone & drive-thru area to his no-parking parking spot, where there is no crossing guard. Some of them are shorter than the hood of a car which is obviously unsafe. The supervisors have shouted at him and said NO, they need an adult to cross. A few times I've been standing there, ready to cross with my own kids when I heard this exchange. So, I gave him a "signal" and told the lady I'll walk his kids to him since I'm right there anyway. She copped a real bad attitude with me for doing that, told me not to encourage him. I told her to fuggetaboutit, no sweat. He was ALLLL sweet to me afterwards. SO I didn't expect #3

3) He continually cuts me off in the pick-up line!!! Today he was behind me (again). He passed me on the left (again) and everyone else, too. By the time I get to the front of the school, he is directly in front of me (again!) I guess his time so much more valuable than ours!

In general, people are just jerks to each other at school. There is a saying that when you're behind the wheel, you should treat people the same way you would outside of the car. But they don't.
Oh AND... I just need to get this off my chest... I have been really nice to him & his kids. I don't know why he's nice to my face and a jerk behind the wheel. At the end of last year, when I had a ton of popsicles leftover from donating them to our class, I gave them to him and his children. Of course, like always he's all peaches & cream sweet to me. Then in the car it's a different story, of course. I'm tempted not to help him by walking his kids across next time but it's not the kids' fault who their father is and I wouldn't want them to get hurt. When the supervisor isn't looking, they dart across per his instructions. Dolt.
Socal - sounds like you need TD on a ridealong while you drop off your kids or pick them up. Im sure he will do it for a meal at Slaters.
Pet peeve about me: I really hate myself when I get sucked into a day-long internet debate. Before I know it, I look at the clock, it's late afternoon and I haven't eaten anything all day long! Or done anything at all that I was supposed to do! Then I'm stressed out the rest of the day & upset and sometimes talk about the topic the rest of the night off & on to my husband until I fall asleep or he does, whichever comes first - usually him (while I'm talking). I'm sure he's really happy by the time I'm unconscious. It really rarely happens to me anymore but still.
People driving off after they pump gas.. without putting the nozzle back in it's place. Sheesh! I had to honk to get her attention.. but it was too late by the time I spent three seconds deciding whether to take a video to ramp up my YouTube presence, or make a safety call. The nozzle fell to the ground with a thud, and my honk only drew everyone's attention to her.. got a stare. Asian stare.. she was on the phone. Anyway, her little son got out from the backseat, put things where they belonged, mommy did some more crazy driving, and finally decided to pull over in the parking lot to continue her phone conversation (without a blue tooth..)
People being overly polite while driving: 

the semi-new "do not block section" on Culver going southbound near Walnut/Trader Joe's/Bank of the West.  Lane 1 driver decides to stop and let the opposing northbound left turn lane car go, lane 2 driver obliges too (crap), I'm in lane 3, with right of way, plenty of room to clear the "do not block", blindspotted due to the good samaritans, and almost t-bones the car that was let thru by the bonehead drivers in lane 1+2.  I hate "polite" drivers who does this, and they have no fuckin idea they're endangering the people they think they're helping.  They do NOT have right of way, make them fuckin wait!