Okay, so this topic about school pick-ups gets me really heated. Especially because today a bad thing happened again at mine. There is this one dad who (pardon my bluntness) is just a fat, lazy, jerk in a minivan. I have NOTHING against morbidly obese people. I really don't. It's the other two things I have a problem with because I think he uses his size as an excuse to BE the other two things.
1) He uses a handicapped sticker. He is mobile. I have seen him walk around campus (and the grocery store!) plenty of times. He takes up handicapped spots AND parks in *No Parking* areas at school.
2) He won't get off his lazy butt out of the car to go get his kids. He encourages them to cross the busy loading/unloading zone & drive-thru area to his no-parking parking spot, where there is no crossing guard. Some of them are shorter than the hood of a car which is obviously unsafe. The supervisors have shouted at him and said NO, they need an adult to cross. A few times I've been standing there, ready to cross with my own kids when I heard this exchange. So, I gave him a "signal" and told the lady I'll walk his kids to him since I'm right there anyway. She copped a real bad attitude with me for doing that, told me not to encourage him. I told her to fuggetaboutit, no sweat. He was ALLLL sweet to me afterwards. SO I didn't expect #3
3) He continually cuts me off in the pick-up line!!! Today he was behind me (again). He passed me on the left (again) and everyone else, too. By the time I get to the front of the school, he is directly in front of me (again!) I guess his time so much more valuable than ours!
In general, people are just jerks to each other at school. There is a saying that when you're behind the wheel, you should treat people the same way you would outside of the car. But they don't.