Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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irvinehomeowner said:
Ahhhhh... I'm feeling less peeved now that there are multiple ZL posts to read.

Now if only ThatOSGuy can repost some pictures. :)

Give him time.  Let the Blood Moon do it's magic.  8)
irvinehomeowner said:
So are you asking me not to answer your question next time?

??? I only asked one time about 5 posts ago. I haven't asked any other questions since that one single (somewhat rhetorical) question. An answer was already given. If you're asking me if I'd like it if only one answer was given per question instead of the same answer repeated multiple times long after I've stopped asking, then okay, sure, that sounds good to me. One answer per question is more than enough.  :)

Pet Peeves: Auto-correct!

The craziest thing happened the other day when Mr. SoCal and I were in Las Vegas. We were standing in front of the gelato cart at The Venetian hotel. We really wanted gelato but we weren't hungry. I said we could just wait and buy some when we get home if there was some near us. I asked him to look up if there are any places near our house in Orange County that sell gelato.

What he TRIED to enter his phone: "Where to get gelato in Orange County?"

What the phone auto-corrected the words to & Google searched for: "Where to get fellatio in Orange County?"

He started laughing and showed me the screen. All I can say is I'm glad I was there to validate what his real search was. Can't imagine what would have happened otherwise!  :o
SoCal said:
Pet Peeves: Auto-correct!

The craziest thing happened the other day when Mr. SoCal and I were in Las Vegas. We were standing in front of the gelato cart at The Venetian hotel. We really wanted gelato but we weren't hungry. I said we could just wait and buy some when we get home if there was some near us. I asked him to look up if there are any places near our house in Orange County that sell gelato.

What he TRIED to enter his phone: "Where to get gelato in Orange County?"

What the phone auto-corrected the words to & Google searched for: "Where to get fellatio in Orange County?"

He started laughing and showed me the screen. All I can say is I'm glad I was there to validate what his real search was. Can't imagine what would have happened otherwise!  :o

Sure, blame it on the auto-correct. ;)
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So are you asking me not to answer your question next time?

??? I only asked one time about 5 posts ago. I haven't asked any other questions since that one single (somewhat rhetorical) question. An answer was already given. If you're asking me if I'd like it if only one answer was given per question instead of the same answer repeated multiple times long after I've stopped asking, then okay, sure, that sounds good to me. One answer per question is more than enough.  :)
Your recollection is flawed.

I answered your question, asked you why you thought a certain way and you responded with a quote from me on a different thread that you were trying to connect to a post in this thread.

While you did not ask a another question, you were obviously confused and so I explained it to you.

Not sure how you consider that arguing when I'm trying my best to clear things up for you since this medium does not present the type of clarity we hope it does.

So would you rather I not try to explain how you are misreading my posts? :)
So it finally happened, I had to confront some of those people who abandon their cars in the parking lot of the school.

I arrived early and parked in a slot but knowing people do that, I made sure I parked a little farther down so that even if the pick up lane backed up, it wouldn't block me.

I get my kid, come out and not only am I blocked by one car... but two... and both had no drivers in them.

So I try to be patient, I wait for 5 minutes. No one comes out. So, I decide that I'm going to complain to the front office so maybe they will put it in the next weekly email to remind parents not to block the lane and moreso, not to leave their car. But, I want to take pictures to show proof, so I start taking snapping away with my phone and one of the parents finally shows up, apologizing profusely. I consider Hulking out on her but she's already said sorry 10 times so I give her a pass... and she's probably worried I took a picture of her license plate. 5 minutes later, the other car's driver hasn't come out yet and it's hot in the IHOmobile. So I start it up to turn on the AC and decide that I can try to angle maneuver out since now I'm only partially blocked. The only problem is now the car next to me is loading their kids in so I can't maneuver around their open doors.

Finally, the second car's driver shows up and after a second of thinking about, I decide to confront him. As I walk up to his car he doesn't say anything (unlike the other driver)... so I tell him "Please don't park in this lane. I've been waiting here for almost 15 minutes" and that's when the apologies flow out. Now, maybe I should have been more angry, maybe used more colorful language, but he looked pretty scared (I am one big fat dude).

Hopefully, both these parents don't do it again. I won't know because I don't park on that side anymore, I park on the other side where the lane can't block me... it's a farther walk but I'd rather not have to intimidate more parents (although I think it's better for everyone else if I do).
I would have not used colorful language with the lady since she apoligized right away. I would have to least used the f word with the guy though since he didn't apologize from the get go.
Hey, Iho. Too bad they weren't driving Smart cars, else you could flip cars instead of tables (<-- vague reference to what's-his-face.)

irvinehomeowner said:
I've actually tried to see if I could lift a Smart car... I figure I lift myself up every day.

... And were you able to? My money is on yes. (No fat shaming is implied there. I just think you're capable.)
qwerty said:
I would have not used colorful language with the lady since she apoligized right away. I would have to least used the f word with the guy though since he didn't apologize from the get go.

JMHO, a calm polite person, who otherwise doesn't look like a hand wringing apologist for breathing, saying please don't do that is far scarier than someone ranting like a lunatic.

You just look at the lunatic and say or think 'chill idiot'.

The calm guy you worry if he's an eye blink a way from snapping...

I just got back from Hobby Lobby. While I was shopping, a little boy sitting in the shopping cart tells his mom, "Look, a bitch! A white bitch! See, Mommy?!" He points directly at me, repeating himself over & over again. The mom was unfazed and acknowledged him.  :o Stay classy!
Pet peeve: Sending a text of a personal nature to the wrong person.

Today, I texted my husband. Except it wasn't my husband. The reply back was from an older person at church.  :(
I heard once that there is some sort of new feature where, I don't know - a text or an email? -  can automatically self-destruct after it's sent if you want it to. Is this true?? I could really use a feature like this. I do the dumbest things sometimes.
SoCal said:
I heard once that there is some sort of new feature where, I don't know - a text or an email? -  can automatically self-destruct after it's sent if you want it to. Is this true?? I could really use a feature like this. I do the dumbest things sometimes.

not sure if this is already out or still in beta phase but Mark Cuban talked about a texting app that send text and photo and self destruct after 30 seconds.  There is also Snapchat which rejected a $3B buyout offer from Facebook late last year.!KBvyt
Wow. Mean people blow!

I just got a random PM on Facebook from a person I don't know, regarding an old highschool friend / FB friend of mine that says:

"[Name of friend] is a porn star named [porn star name] look her up"

I did.  :o  :( It's true. But it looks a few years old. I need a mind eraser to get what I saw out of my head now. If this person PM'd me, I can only imagine she probably did the ENTIRE Friend List. The message is a week old. I wrote back saying, "That is a very mean thing to do. I hope you get the help that you clearly need. [Name of friend] is a sweetheart."

The horror. Just another reason to set our friends lists to *private*.
SoCal said:
Wow. Mean people blow!

I just got a random PM on Facebook from a person I don't know, regarding an old highschool friend / FB friend of mine that says:

"[Name of friend] is a porn star named [porn star name] look her up"

I did.  :o  :( It's true. But it looks a few years old. I need a mind eraser to get what I saw out of my head now. If this person PM'd me, I can only imagine she probably did the ENTIRE Friend List. The message is a week old. I wrote back saying, "That is a very mean thing to do. I hope you get the help that you clearly need. [Name of friend] is a sweetheart."

The horror. Just another reason to set our friends lists to *private*.

that's wild

so what is her name?  :D