Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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I'm old and uncool.

I've found myself Googling to see if owning a 3-legged dog is a trend now. A "thing". It seems like everywhere I look, somebody is showing off their new 3-legged dog. o_O It's not that they're hacking a leg off to be en vogue. I think they're rescues. That's what our neighbor's 3-legger is.

(Qwerty. Iho. Both of you. Uh-uh.)
NO. No. No. No. NO!

I'm kinda moody this week, hence, I'm having a lot of pet peeves surface. But something happened yesterday at the store which really, really irks me. I want to say it as nicely as possible. No offense to my many fobby friends here on T.I. ok? 'Cause that's not what is in my heart. It's just about PERSONAL SPACE.

I was standing in the checkout line to pay. An older, fobby looking gentleman was standing about 2" from me, beside / behind me. I checked to see why he was all up in my space, assuming somebody was crowding him from behind. Nope. There was nobody behind him. It's not like he HAS to stand so close to me. At first I was kind of insulted like he was trying to rush me, get me out of the way so he could impatiently have his turn. Then I realized... oh, yeah, I forgot, they don't do personal space like we do. Mr. SoCal says this happens to him every now and then when he's in Irvine. Anyway, I turned around real slow and gave the guy a straight dead-pan face, no blinking like a staring contest. I could feel his breath on me. That's how close. I turned back around to the cashier and made a comment about how it feels crowded in here (the store was nearly empty.) She definitely picked up on what I was saying but he didn't take the clue at all. I got my wallet out to pay. By now, it feels like he's brushing against me. I do not like it when somebody is breathing down my neck while I have my wallet open. It feels violating. I've got private stuff in there I like to keep from straying eyes. By this point, he's nearly standing on top of me and even stepping in front of me which comes off rude. I looked directly at him and cleared my throat in a very intentional way. Nooo response. Hello? Am I invisible?? I ran my card and it went on like this until my transaction was complete. He was blocking the little card-reader, signing thing where you do your signature. I kinda turned sideways to get around him and use it. I just don't understand that. He should know the line can't move until I sign then I'm out of there.

I think he was just utterly clueless at how it comes off here in America. If this is you, too, please just give us some space. As a rule of thumb, if you can put your hands on your hips and your elbows would touch or hit the person next to you, you are too close! Spread out. Unless we're at a standing-room-only concert, we expect our space.
He was hitting on you... so clueless. ;)

This happened to me at Joanne's Fabrics (don't ask why I was there) but with an older middle eastern lady.

I was tempted to hold her hand to see what she would do. :)
irvinehomeowner said:
He was hitting on you... so clueless. ;)

This happened to me at Joanne's Fabrics (don't ask why I was there) but with an older middle eastern lady.

I was tempted to hold her hand to see what she would do. :)

Ah yes, that must be it. Haha. I did pull out my secret weapons to scare him. I have read that the Chinese believe those of us with blue eyes are the most evil of out of all gweilos. Realizing my scare-potential, I set my death rays to "Soul Piercing" for ultimate fright, to rightfully defend my space. He eventually diverted his eyes but that was all. Did not budge a fraction of an inch. A brave, brave, brave man, I will say.

I MUST know what you were doing at Joann's! Potholder crochet kit? Silly Bandz? I know -- an Underwater Basket Weaving class!
The goosebumps don't lie.

Hey, I don't even think this is customary in the middle east. Iho, that woman was getting fresh with you.
Another driving one:

1a: People who don't go all the way to the right to turn right, even if there is a lane there to do so.

1b: People who are going straight but are so far to the right that you can't get into the right turn lane to turn right.
ps9 said:
No kids weddings:  one of my number one WTFs

I disagree with this. There should never be kids at a wedding. One, it gives me an excuse not to go to a wedding, second I don't want to hear other peoples kids crying and running around.
ps9 said:
Wait till your little one is out of diapers, you'll want to be everywhere with them.

I'm kind of of like a lion, playing with the kid is good for like 5-10 minutes but then I need some alone time.
The lion will fade, you'll be Baloo in no time, dancing to Bare Necessities with your little one...cherish that, they will not be like that for long.
irvinehomeowner said:
1b: People who are going straight but are so far to the right that you can't get into the right turn lane to turn right.

YES!  Campus turns into 2 lanes after you pass Carlson going north.  People often queue up into two lanes to prepare to fight for the right lane as they cross Carlson, this in turn always blocks me from turning right.  I always wanted them to paint a right turn only lane at that intersection, and they finally did paint it into two lanes, but both lanes goes STRAIGHT, so now it legitimizes what people have been doing all along and allows them to rightfully block the right turners.  I don't get it, city of Irvine.
qwerty said:
ps9 said:
Wait till your little one is out of diapers, you'll want to be everywhere with them.

I'm kind of of like a lion, playing with the kid is good for like 5-10 minutes but then I need some alone time.

How old is your child? 1-2?

Get a good stroller, talke him or her for a walk, by yourself. Go to the grocery store or the corner store to get anything, to the park to see the park. Go just to get out of the house.  Talk while you do.  Tell them about the cars you see, the people, the houses.  Tell them what you think about those things. Tell them about money. Just talk and walk. 

Repeat regularly. Try not to be surprised when all the store people know you and your child by name and start asking all sorts of questions and telling you about their kids, grand kids etc.  offering pointers to cool kid things to do etc

nosuchreality said:
qwerty said:
ps9 said:
Wait till your little one is out of diapers, you'll want to be everywhere with them.

I'm kind of of like a lion, playing with the kid is good for like 5-10 minutes but then I need some alone time.

How old is your child? 1-2?

Get a good stroller, talke him or her for a walk, by yourself. Go to the grocery store or the corner store to get anything, to the park to see the park. Go just to get out of the house.  Talk while you do.  Tell them about the cars you see, the people, the houses.  Tell them what you think about those things. Tell them about money. Just talk and walk. 

Repeat regularly. Try not to be surprised when all the store people know you and your child by name and start asking all sorts of questions and telling you about their kids, grand kids etc.  offering pointers to cool kid things to do etc

she is 10.5 months old.  i take her for walks every day when i get home from work.  i do talk to her a lot but she doesnt seem terribly interested in what i have to say yet.  she seems more interested in her surroundings for now.