
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
For those that want to compare this to flu:

CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million ? 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 ? 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 ? 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

Italy stands at 7500 deaths in 2-3 week period as of now. it has 1/5th of the US population. And this number has not peaked yet. Project out what you will for Italy's final tally. Multiply by 5 and then reduce by half/third/fourth whatever you think US is better off than Italy by.

Remember, these numbers are in 1-2 months with shutdowns in place. Annualize them and adjust upward for going about routine life as you would with Flu.
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm not sure where eyephone is going with his bite comparison.

Is he trying to say that you are more likely to die from a shark/corona bite than a dog/flu bite?

I don't think that's been proven in the case of the virus infection/death rate % (see my math thread).

And, to take his analogy further, since "dog" bites are probably less reported than "shark" ones, the numbers for flu deaths might actually be higher, whereas for corona/shark, outside of china, the numbers are fairly accurate.

So that's another variable for error.

There are more dog bites than shark bites.
I already cited a medical article that the carona virus is more deadlier.
Also, the test kits in US are not widely available. So that skews your comparison.
Please review your facts before you talk to me.

You are actually proving my point, we don?t have enough tests  or sample size to definitely prove corona is ?deadlier? than our worse flu strains.

Untill this pandemic is over, we don?t have enough data. No one has said any projection is fact.

Unless you have.

Then don?t compare. But when I use your logic. You don?t like it.
Double standard.
So since there are more dog bites should we be more afraid of a dog or a shark in the ocean?
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm not sure where eyephone is going with his bite comparison.

Is he trying to say that you are more likely to die from a shark/corona bite than a dog/flu bite?

I don't think that's been proven in the case of the virus infection/death rate % (see my math thread).

And, to take his analogy further, since "dog" bites are probably less reported than "shark" ones, the numbers for flu deaths might actually be higher, whereas for corona/shark, outside of china, the numbers are fairly accurate.

So that's another variable for error.

There are more dog bites than shark bites.
I already cited a medical article that the carona virus is more deadlier.
Also, the test kits in US are not widely available. So that skews your comparison.
Please review your facts before you talk to me.

You are actually proving my point, we don?t have enough tests  or sample size to definitely prove corona is ?deadlier? than our worse flu strains.

Untill this pandemic is over, we don?t have enough data. No one has said any projection is fact.

Unless you have.

Then don?t compare. But when I use your logic. You don?t like it.
Double standard.
So since there are more dog bites should we be more afraid of a dog or a shark in the ocean?

What? Relax. You?re so bent on trying to talk down on everyone you are not making sense.

There is no double standard (your favorite phrase nowadays).

And let?s reverse your ?logic?... if you never go into the ocean, the fatality rate of a shark bite is meaningless right?

I?m just trying to understand your analogy... not saying you are wrong or right... just saying we don?t have enough data to make that determination.

Even with Italy (for Cornflakes), what if the infections/deaths slow like in other countries, then how do we look at this?

My point is that we don?t know for sure where the numbers are headed and we should continue to do things to minimize them. The flu numbers that others bring up is just for context, not a hard comparison.
If you don?t go to the ocean, but do you go hiking? Let?s say coyote or mountain lion. What are the odds of a person living after bite or shall I say bites from one of those. But if a regular dog bites you. The percentage of you living is better.
We do not know the true number of the virus. There is a lack of tests.
But the numbers that are coming out are not good.
For example Louisiana was like 100 and now it is 1000 plus. It shows to me the tests are not available.
Voice of OC article: OC to Announce City Counts on Coronavirus Cases

Orange County officials, giving in to public pressure, are preparing to follow other counties in releasing city-level specific data for coronavirus cases, which would show the number of residents in each city who have tested positive for coronavirus.

Officials announced at a 1:30 p.m. news conference Wednesday that the data will be posted on a county website starting Friday. The briefing comes after officials announced last night the first death in Orange County from COVID-19, of a man in his 70s with underlying health conditions.

eyephone said:
If you don?t go to the ocean, but do you go hiking? Let?s say coyote or mountain lion. What are the odds of a person living after bite or shall I say bites from one of those. But if a regular dog bites you. The percentage of you living is better.

I guess to make this analogy work is to avoid where you can get bit by the worse virus?
New York City ICUs are now full. NYT just reported today that a savable Covid-19 patient died waiting for a ventilator. This was a first since the start of the pandemic in US but definitely not the last to die waiting for a ventilator.

We also just broke 1000 toal death today. Here is the US death count for the past 7 days.


Prior to the past week, we had only 150 total. We started March with just 1 death.

Medical schools and hospitals, including mine, had been on conference calls getting informed on the legal coverage for pulling people off ventilators to give to other more likely to survive. I.e., not being charged with murder.

The New England Journal of Medicine (the world?s leading medical journal) just published ethical guidelines for the allocation of resources to fight Covid-19.
Some are just bone chilling, including prioritizing young over old. Withdrawing support from patients who arrived earlier to save those with better prognosis, sometimes without the consent of patients / family

To me all the current talk about re-opening the economy before Easter when we are still in a clear up trend towards disaster is insane.  :o
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm not sure where eyephone is going with his bite comparison.

Is he trying to say that you are more likely to die from a shark/corona bite than a dog/flu bite?

I don't think that's been proven in the case of the virus infection/death rate % (see my math thread).

And, to take his analogy further, since "dog" bites are probably less reported than "shark" ones, the numbers for flu deaths might actually be higher, whereas for corona/shark, outside of china, the numbers are fairly accurate.

So that's another variable for error.

There are more dog bites than shark bites.
I already cited a medical article that the carona virus is more deadlier.
Also, the test kits in US are not widely available. So that skews your comparison.
Please review your facts before you talk to me.

You are actually proving my point, we don?t have enough tests  or sample size to definitely prove corona is ?deadlier? than our worse flu strains.

Untill this pandemic is over, we don?t have enough data. No one has said any projection is fact.

Unless you have.

Then don?t compare. But when I use your logic. You don?t like it.
Double standard.
So since there are more dog bites should we be more afraid of a dog or a shark in the ocean?

What? Relax. You?re so bent on trying to talk down on everyone you are not making sense.

There is no double standard (your favorite phrase nowadays).

And let?s reverse your ?logic?... if you never go into the ocean, the fatality rate of a shark bite is meaningless right?

I?m just trying to understand your analogy... not saying you are wrong or right... just saying we don?t have enough data to make that determination.

Even with Italy (for Cornflakes), what if the infections/deaths slow like in other countries, then how do we look at this?

My point is that we don?t know for sure where the numbers are headed and we should continue to do things to minimize them. The flu numbers that others bring up is just for context, not a hard comparison.

Trump said the flu season  has been bad this year with over 50k deaths...what if the flu was not the regular flu but in fact the new virus? Since there was no testing ppl never knew?
NY is hurting. Colleague sent me a photo of Commisioner Zuckers letter offering to immediately recertify any healthcare providers (physicians, nurses, NPs, PAs, respiratory therapists, EMTs, etc) with expired licenses.  I'm sure they're hoping for the recently retired but not sure if they're screening for the bad apples that lost their licenses.


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World would be slightly better off if all of us, regardless of political affinity, just absolutely ignored everything that comes out of Trump's mouth and find ourselves a non-biased source of information. CNN/FOX does not count. Think outside...BBC, some Euro or Aussi news media.

If the info you get on those sources happen to align with what Trump said, fine you got lucky.

The issue with Trump is he lies, makes s***t up, does not have any clue, talks bigly words without any specifics etc. 98% of the time.
Kenkoko said:
New York City ICUs are now full. NYT just reported today that a savable Covid-19 patient died waiting for a ventilator. This was a first since the start of the pandemic in US but definitely not the last to die waiting for a ventilator.

We also just broke 1000 toal death today. Here is the US death count for the past 7 days.


Prior to the past week, we had only 150 total. We started March with just 1 death.

Medical schools and hospitals, including mine, had been on conference calls getting informed on the legal coverage for pulling people off ventilators to give to other more likely to survive. I.e., not being charged with murder.

The New England Journal of Medicine (the world?s leading medical journal) just published ethical guidelines for the allocation of resources to fight Covid-19.
Some are just bone chilling, including prioritizing young over old. Withdrawing support from patients who arrived earlier to save those with better prognosis, sometimes without the consent of patients / family

To me all the current talk about re-opening the economy before Easter when we are still in a clear up trend towards disaster is insane.  :o

The disconnect between the medical community and ?this is the flu?ers is mind boggling.
Kroger adds Plexiglass at cash registers, allows employees to wear masks and gloves

How one man spread coronavirus to NINE other people on his bus in China:
"None of the people who wore a face mask on the bus ride were diagnosed with COVID-19, indicating that those taking extra precaution on public transport are protected."

Can Masks Protect People from The Coronavirus?


  • Mask Test.jpg
    Mask Test.jpg
    72.7 KB · Views: 109
Irvinehomeseeker said:
Trump said the flu season  has been bad this year with over 50k deaths...what if the flu was not the regular flu but in fact the new virus? Since there was no testing ppl never knew?

My neighbor was having a party last night (03.25.2020).  I drove past their house, and there were like 30 people inside.  They are caucasian.  Thought about calling the cops, but then realized social distancing isn't a law.  Just a suggestion?
So we are almost 2 weeks in... how do we know if we are flattening the curve?

Had we not sheltered in place... would the numbers be much worse? OCHealthInfo shows 1 death now in OC (over 65).
Media will now move the eye of Sauron from NY to New Orleans and mind you there is only 1795 active cases and 65 deaths there but it will make good optics.  As a perspective from the CDC...

A new report published by the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, titled ?Gun Violence in America: An Analysis of 2018 CDC Data,? revealed that Louisiana had the third highest firearm homicide rate in the country in 2018.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Louisiana saw 497 firearm homicides (11.16 per 100,000 people) and 467 suicides by firearm in 2018. These numbers include 92 total children and teens.

Just as a chart of infections by state. New York has about 33k and California has about 3.2k. New Jersey was 2 at 4.4k cases.

I guess our inherent social distancing by the way housing is set up helps and that we all use cars and not public transportation.

Feel sorry for the folks in New York. 
Yeah I agree the subway is like the Diamond Princess.
Enclosed spaces spreading viral infections.

That's why we should opt for open air markets.

CA car culture is keeping us safer than NY
zubs said:
My neighbor was having a party last night (03.25.2020).  I drove past their house, and there were like 30 people inside.  They are caucasian.  Thought about calling the cops, but then realized social distancing isn't a law.  Just a suggestion?
Easy solution. Knock on the door, when your neighbor opens, start coughing into the open door. No law against coughing, right?