
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
qwerty said:
Just as a chart of infections by state. New York has about 33k and California has about 3.2k. New Jersey was 2 at 4.4k cases.

I guess our inherent social distancing by the way housing is set up helps and that we all use cars and not public transportation.

Feel sorry for the folks in New York.

It would be useful to get the number of CV-19 test per x amount of people in each state. I think NY is taking the S-Korea approach of testing as many people as possible to identify people infected. I'm not sure California is so the numbers may not be easily comparable.

I do agree that NY seems to have it worst for now but who knows how it's going to be in a week time here in CA.
Yes, %postive of tests would be good.  The other number is % of postives needing hospitalization.  I heard Coumo still talk about the 15% needing hospitalization.

Stats like in the following article are hard to find.

So just under 15597 cases, 2850 hospitalizations, 650 icu.

Per Coumo, NYC hospitals are strained heading towards collapse.  The current ICU rate is 4.2%.    It is also an 18.2% hospitalization rate. 

The current flu season for reference is 1.2% so Covid-19 hospitalizatizes at 14x.

Happiness said:
zubs said:
My neighbor was having a party last night (03.25.2020).  I drove past their house, and there were like 30 people inside.  They are caucasian.  Thought about calling the cops, but then realized social distancing isn't a law.  Just a suggestion?
Easy solution. Knock on the door, when your neighbor opens, start coughing into the open door. No law against coughing, right?

I would think twice before coughing in someone?s face.

Monroe man tells customers he has coronavirus, coughs on them, gets arrested for terrorizing

marmott said:
qwerty said:
Just as a chart of infections by state. New York has about 33k and California has about 3.2k. New Jersey was 2 at 4.4k cases.

I guess our inherent social distancing by the way housing is set up helps and that we all use cars and not public transportation.

Feel sorry for the folks in New York.

It would be useful to get the number of CV-19 test per x amount of people in each state. I think NY is taking the S-Korea approach of testing as many people as possible to identify people infected. I'm not sure California is so the numbers may not be easily comparable.

I do agree that NY seems to have it worst for now but who knows how it's going to be in a week time here in CA.

Corona virus deaths is as follows today:
NY ~ 385
CA ~ 68

Using virus deaths as a ratio, and extrapolating, NY has about about 5 times more cases than CA.  You can tell CA is testing less than NY from these results, but the death from the virus is good data.
For those who stocked up, hope you are considering a PPE donation to the medical workers at the frontline. They accept open boxes too.
Saw KP in Irvine and UCI Medical Center, Irvine, the KP and St Josephs in Anaheim the lists. Many other SoCal hospitals in need.
There's also a website giving an option of home pickup/USPS drop off.
I thought about using the Merv 12 air filters that you stick in heating units and AC units.  But then i'm afraid I would be breathing in fiberglass.
eyephone said:
Panda said:
Also pick up the masks if you can as they will also be sold everywhere. I picked up 10 from Target for $6.99 each. It seems like everything that happened in South Korea is starting to unfold here in the U.S.

Momopi is posting here not because he has nothing better to do, but he cares for this community. The mega Church I attend also announced that we will not gather for worship this Sunday which is the first time since its inception.

Ghetto way: use a fruit bag from the market or bag from store as a glove.
(Gas station, take out the trash) lol

Push come to shove - put a shirt/scarf/bandana over your face for a mask jkjk

(Ps do not rely on my funny advice. It is just for fun)

Europe?s Desperate Doctors Are Shielded by Trash Bags

Will this work?

daedalus said:
Here's my time capsule of grading our efforts, to be opened 2 weeks from today:  If in 2 weeks we have as many cases of COV-19 as China, then our efforts to slow the spread by closing everything down was a dismal failure and had no effect.  If we have fewer than 20,000 cases then our efforts were an amazing success.  We can interpolate or extrapolate our success/failure by how close to, or beyond, either goalpost we end up at.

We're ahead of schedule.  We have failed miserably.  There is no other way to put it.
bones said:
The disconnect between the medical community and ?this is the flu?ers is mind boggling.

Agree. This goes beyond TI too.

It is very widespread among the general public. Many of the frequently asked questions we get from patients reflect this mindset.

For almost an entire day the top question asked was Trump's unproven drug remedy. Truly mind boggling.

Increment of 100k cases and the time between each increment

Date ... Worldwide Cases

3/5 ... 101k

11 days

3/16 ... 197k

4 days

3/20 ... 304k

3 days

3/23 ... 418k

3 days

3/26 ... 523k
Just saw a friend's post that they had b'day party a day before businesses and schools closed down..some 20-30 adults in the party...8 infections so far in that group with a couple of hospitalizations.
Kenkoko said:
Panda said:
We are #3 right now, but soon we will be #1. I am estimating that the cases will 7X our current numbers.

81,498 China
63,927 Italy
43,847 US
35,136 Spain
29,056 Germany
23,049 Iran
20,123 France
8,961 Korea, South

We just became #1, surpassing China. Took about 4 days

Not trying to minimize this, but are China's numbers accurate? Like eyephone, I have doubts.

And I'm not sure where my stance is being classified here because I do believe in the seriousness of this pandemic and am fully behind the sheltering/social distancing orders... but I just want to figure out if we can predict more accurate numbers.

I listened to the LA County call today on KFI and at least some good news is that the bed reporting could be under because of what they called "surge" events. Basically, hospitals can increase the number of beds for this type of crisis. Will it be enough? Probably not, but I'll take more than less. There was also talk of setting up the LA convention center for non-medical beds for people who are out of danger but still need to be isolated and can't go back home so they can free up hospital beds.

And I also don't think we can "open" by Easter.

So along the lines of "do both"... are there ways to get people back to work and businesses running but still cut down on the spread?