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irvinehomeowner said:
I'm not sure where eyephone is going with his bite comparison.

Is he trying to say that you are more likely to die from a shark/corona bite than a dog/flu bite?

I don't think that's been proven in the case of the virus infection/death rate % (see my math thread).

And, to take his analogy further, since "dog" bites are probably less reported than "shark" ones, the numbers for flu deaths might actually be higher, whereas for corona/shark, outside of china, the numbers are fairly accurate.

So that's another variable for error.

There are more dog bites than shark bites.
I already cited a medical article that the carona virus is more deadlier.
Also, the test kits in US are not widely available. So that skews your comparison.
Please review your facts before you talk to me.
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
But is Covid-19 really a shark/lion/bear while flu is a dog?

I would say putting AIDS in a shark category is fairer comparison.

Yes it is.
FYI: your response changed from last time.
Moving the goal post?

Just questioning how you could take this coronavirus in a much more dangerous category than flu does not mean I don't believe Covid-19 exists. Like I've always said, it is something we all should be very careful of. Limiting outdoor times and contacts with others are all good practices. Quarantine and lockdown are all necessary steps. No doubt. But I just think putting Covid-19 as a Ferrari while flu a Civici is not a fair comparison.

Above statements have always been my position. I only apologized on how I used certain words to you yesterday since that could have been disrespectful and could possibly have hurt you.

Now I think you need to prove how you can take Covid-19 as a shark while flu a dog. If you say "What I'm saying is 2+2=4 thus it's true," it doesn't quite make sense that way. Instead of scaring people, logical explanations would be much more helpful for others. Since you started this thread, I value your opinion on this very highly also.

Let me go back to our posts and do what IHO does best and bring back previous posts.
I already gave you the stats that carona virus is more deadlier and you agreed. I guess you are back tracking.
I guess your official member of the misinformation club. 
6 x Italy is 45,000. Do you guys think that the immune system of American and Europeans are not as strong as the Chinese and Koreans? From a percentage of death, I sense we are on the same path as Italy. South Korean women on average live longer than American women by 20 years, and the BMI level and weight for Indians, Chinese, and Koreans are 40 lbs less than the American male. Just something to think about. America is the wealthiest country in the world in terms financial wealth, but in terms of physical wealth are we poorer than other countries?

bones said:
morekaos said:
No country has exceeded 7000 death including China who has 3 times our population...this will not exceed that here...mark my words.

Italy has 7,500+ and counting.
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
But is Covid-19 really a shark/lion/bear while flu is a dog?

I would say putting AIDS in a shark category is fairer comparison.

Yes it is.
FYI: your response changed from last time.
Moving the goal post?

Just questioning how you could take this coronavirus in a much more dangerous category than flu does not mean I don't believe Covid-19 exists. Like I've always said, it is something we all should be very careful of. Limiting outdoor times and contacts with others are all good practices. Quarantine and lockdown are all necessary steps. No doubt. But I just think putting Covid-19 as a Ferrari while flu a Civic is not a fair comparison.

Above statements have always been my position. I only apologized on how I used certain words to you yesterday since that could have been disrespectful and could possibly have hurt you.

Now I think you need to prove how you can take Covid-19 as a shark while flu a dog. If you say "What I'm saying is 2+2=4 thus it's true," it doesn't quite make sense that way. Instead of scaring people, logical explanations would be much more helpful for others. Since you started this thread, I value your opinion on this very highly also.

I think as a Christian. You would want for people to get medial help and not die.
But I guess you are okay for people dieing.
Please put an asterisk when you talk about God on TI.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
But is Covid-19 really a shark/lion/bear while flu is a dog?

I would say putting AIDS in a shark category is fairer comparison.

Yes it is.
FYI: your response changed from last time.
Moving the goal post?

Just questioning how you could take this coronavirus in a much more dangerous category than flu does not mean I don't believe Covid-19 exists. Like I've always said, it is something we all should be very careful of. Limiting outdoor times and contacts with others are all good practices. Quarantine and lockdown are all necessary steps. No doubt. But I just think putting Covid-19 as a Ferrari while flu a Civic is not a fair comparison.

Above statements have always been my position. I only apologized on how I used certain words to you yesterday since that could have been disrespectful and could possibly have hurt you.

Now I think you need to prove how you can take Covid-19 as a shark while flu a dog. If you say "What I'm saying is 2+2=4 thus it's true," it doesn't quite make sense that way. Instead of scaring people, logical explanations would be much more helpful for others. Since you started this thread, I value your opinion on this very highly also.

I think as a Christian. You would want for people to get medial help and not die.
But I guess you are okay for people dieing.
Please put an asterisk when you talk about God on TI.

Please get medical help if you need. I never said don't get medical help. Where are you getting these ideas from?
You can call me a member of misinformation or whatever, but I hope you're not creating stuff I've never said.
Gas station near Mission Viejo. Very disturbing and sad. Racism and xenophobia is real. Filled with rage inside. Need to remind myself that this is the reality of our world... and how much our broken world needs the Gospel.

Panda said:
Gas station near Mission Viejo. Very disturbing and sad. Racism and xenophobia is real. Filled with rage inside. Need to remind myself that this is the reality of our world... and how much our broken world needs the Gospel.


I would not go that far. But they should have some accountability. Just like the 911 survivors are suing the Saudi Arabia government.
I think the problem is when racism arises towards Chinese and Korean Americans who have nothing to do with this.

"It is very important that we totally protect our Asian American community in the United States, and all around the world," Trump tweeted Monday evening. "They are amazing people, and the spreading of the Virus (...) is NOT their fault in any way, shape, or form. They are working closely with us to get rid of it. WE WILL PREVAIL TOGETHER!" - Donald Trump
Last time I checked Christians help each other and not wanting to help people. In this case not helping people will cause people to die.

You can call me fake. I don't really care. But I do care that you and I are on the same page. I don't know where you got that idea of me not caring about people dying and I have no idea when I defended China or any other nation for that matter. Like I always say, I still respect you, man. Please try to have a peaceful conversation when asked questions instead of feeling offended.
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I'm not sure where eyephone is going with his bite comparison.

Is he trying to say that you are more likely to die from a shark/corona bite than a dog/flu bite?

I don't think that's been proven in the case of the virus infection/death rate % (see my math thread).

And, to take his analogy further, since "dog" bites are probably less reported than "shark" ones, the numbers for flu deaths might actually be higher, whereas for corona/shark, outside of china, the numbers are fairly accurate.

So that's another variable for error.

There are more dog bites than shark bites.
I already cited a medical article that the carona virus is more deadlier.
Also, the test kits in US are not widely available. So that skews your comparison.
Please review your facts before you talk to me.

You are actually proving my point, we don?t have enough tests  or sample size to definitely prove corona is ?deadlier? than our worse flu strains.

Untill this pandemic is over, we don?t have enough data. No one has said any projection is fact.

Unless you have.