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Panda said:
Imagine locking down 1.3B people 21 days for 606 cases. Indians listen to authority..  while we Americans are still in Disneyland.

morekaos said:
Panda said:
The entire nation of India 1.3 Billion people 21 day lock down.

Again seems a bit much...606 cases with 10 dead...I think that's less than got eaten by tigers there last year. >:D

That?s my lock down 1.3 billion people for the sake of ten really does make no sense. 50 people really do get eaten by tigers....should they kill them all then?...just to be sure?  A 0 tolerance risk world just cannot exist.
Happiness said:
Happiness said:
Individuals, organizations, businesses, and governments are doing some crazy shit these days "because of the coronavirus" and no one is is questioning anything, much less debating it.

Bill Cosby wants to be released from prison "because of the coronavirus":

Little happy: who really cares? you complain about gun stores, but why don?t you complain about the lack of medical supplies
Panda, we're also 6x the population, almost 7x than South Korea. Our laws, society, and lifestyles are part of many other factors make the two death rates an invalid comparison.

How they stamped down the curve is another discussion altogether when viewed not on a numerical basis but percentage wise. We don't yet have a full picture - SK being about 3-4 weeks in time ahead of the US on the scale of this outbreak. May I suggest we wait and see how the numbers shake out in the 2nd week of April before comparing death rates.

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
Panda, we're also 6x the population, almost 7x than South Korea. Our laws, society, and lifestyles are part of many other factors make the two death rates an invalid comparison.

How they stamped down the curve is another discussion altogether when viewed not on a numerical basis but percentage wise. We don't yet have a full picture - SK being about 3-4 weeks in time ahead of the US on the scale of this outbreak. May I suggest we wait and see how the numbers shake out in the 2nd week of April before comparing death rates.

My .02c

If we wait and see. It will be too late.
morekaos said:
That?s my lock down 1.3 billion people for the sake of ten really does make no sense. 50 people really do get eaten by tigers....should they kill them all then?...just to be sure?  A 0 tolerance risk world just cannot exist.

If tigers will kill 1% of their population, which is 13 million for India, they very damn well should kill them all.

eyephone said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
Panda, we're also 6x the population, almost 7x than South Korea. Our laws, society, and lifestyles are part of many other factors make the two death rates an invalid comparison.

How they stamped down the curve is another discussion altogether when viewed not on a numerical basis but percentage wise. We don't yet have a full picture - SK being about 3-4 weeks in time ahead of the US on the scale of this outbreak. May I suggest we wait and see how the numbers shake out in the 2nd week of April before comparing death rates.

My .02c

If we wait and see. It will be too late.

First they compared it to the flu, now they say wait and see.
Let's throw away the cases as each country is different in what they count and how many tests conducted etc. Let's base the deaths per million of the population. Death is a Death - more reliable count. Let's also assume that these top countries (except China) is reporting the deaths with high accuracy and there is no cove up.

If so, we'd be looking at 5 to 40k deaths before we even start plateauing. And, we are reaching that number before 4/4/20 for sure. Many of these countries, and us, are just warming up. A tsunami is yet to come.


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That post belongs in my Coronavirus Math thread.

So, not calling this a flu, but it's the only virus we can compare it to:

Flu deaths by year (from CDC):
2017-18: 61,000
2018-19: 34,157

So is that right? A low of 5000 to a high of 41000 deaths but not above the average of deaths from flu.

Again, not to minimize this, we still need to socially distance... I think the question is how long do we do this? Won't this 14-day incubation just keep rolling?
irvinehomeowner said:
That post belongs in my Coronavirus Math thread.

So, not calling this a flu, but it's the only virus we can compare it to:

Flu deaths by year (from CDC):
2017-18: 61,000
2018-19: 34,157

So is that right? A low of 5000 to a high of 41000 deaths but not above the average of deaths from flu.

Again, not to minimize this, we still need to socially distance... I think the question is how long do we do this? Won't this 14-day incubation just keep rolling?

You are not comparing correctly. I will use the same analogy I used with Mety.
Bites by animal. Do you compare a dog bite to a shark/lion/bear bite?

We all know statistically that there are not reported dog bites. But if you get bitten by a lion the outcome is most likely different. You might ask how can I get bitten by a lion? If you go hiking or camping.
But is Covid-19 really a shark/lion/bear while flu is a dog?

I would say putting AIDS in a shark category is fairer comparison.
No country has exceeded 7000 death including China who has 3 times our population...this will not exceed that here...mark my words.
Mety said:
But is Covid-19 really a shark/lion/bear while flu is a dog?

I would say putting AIDS in a shark category is fairer comparison.

Yes it is.
FYI: your response changed from last time.
Moving the goal post?
NBC Article: NYU to Graduate Medical Students Early in Battle Against Coronavirus

NYU said Wednesday its medical school will let medical students graduate early, pending approval by the state Department of Education and other regulatory bodies.

"In response to the growing spread of COVID-19, and in response to Governor Cuomo?s directive to get more physicians into the health system more quickly, NYU Grossman School of Medicine and NYU have agreed to permit early graduation for its medical students" pending those approvals, the school said in a statement.

I'm not sure where eyephone is going with his bite comparison.

Is he trying to say that you are more likely to die from a shark/corona bite than a dog/flu bite?

I don't think that's been proven in the case of the virus infection/death rate % (see my math thread).

And, to take his analogy further, since "dog" bites are probably less reported than "shark" ones, the numbers for flu deaths might actually be higher, whereas for corona/shark, outside of china, the numbers are fairly accurate.

So that's another variable for error.
morekaos said:
No country has exceeded 7000 death including China who has 3 times our population...this will not exceed that here...mark my words.

Italy has 7,500+ and counting.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
But is Covid-19 really a shark/lion/bear while flu is a dog?

I would say putting AIDS in a shark category is fairer comparison.

Yes it is.
FYI: your response changed from last time.
Moving the goal post?

Just questioning how you could take this coronavirus in a much more dangerous category than flu does not mean I don't believe Covid-19 exists. Like I've always said, it is something we all should be very careful of. Limiting outdoor times and contacts with others are all good practices. Quarantine and lockdown are all necessary steps. No doubt. But I just think putting Covid-19 as a Ferrari while flu a Civic is not a fair comparison.

Above statements have always been my position. I only apologized on how I used certain words to you yesterday since that could have been disrespectful and could possibly have hurt you.

Now I think you need to prove how you can take Covid-19 as a shark while flu a dog. If you say "What I'm saying is 2+2=4 thus it's true," it doesn't quite make sense that way. Instead of scaring people, logical explanations would be much more helpful for others. Since you started this thread, I value your opinion on this very highly also.