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eyephone said:
CNN article: Two weeks of zero local infections: How Hong Kong contained its second wave of Covid-19

The government took quick, aggressive action to curb the second imported wave; they barred non-residents from entering the city, halted travelers from transiting through the city's airport, and implemented strict quarantine and testing measures on all arrivals to the city, regardless of origin. Those under home quarantine were given electronic bracelets to track their location.

The government implemented restrictions like prohibiting alcohol sales in bars and closing all gyms and sports facilities. Many restaurants and cafes closed; those that stayed open had to cut down seating capacity to increase the distance between customers, or put up physical barriers between tables.

Though many of these measures were viewed by some as drastic, authorities never ordered an official lockdown or stay-at-home order, relying instead on community efforts and peoples' compliance to contain the virus.

This approach appears to have worked, with new daily cases dropping once again. April 19 was the last recorded local transmission.

My comment: It looks like another country was able to stop the covid spread.

It looks like the country of Vietnam contains the covid virus. Keep in mind Vietnam%u2019s health system is lower than the the US. (Like really low)
Reading the article below the way they contained it with surveillance, tracking, and mandatory 14 day quarantine for anyone entering Vietnam.

How Vietnam is winning its 'war' on coronavirus

No offense, but a third world country beating the covid virus. Maybe we can not do what they did like the strict surveillance. But it goes to show it does not take money to beat covid.

New strain may be more contagious:

Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.

In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

Make people more vulnerable? It's going after qwerty.
From CNBC.

This may be the most damning evidence yet that stay home doesn?t necessarily work so no real point to continue it.

From Cuomo:

?It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.?

The he went on to say

?This is a surprise: Overwhelmingly, the people were at home,? he added. ?We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we?ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually no, because these people were literally at home.?

?Cuomo said nearly 84% of the hospitalized cases were people who were not commuting to work through car services, personal cars, public transit or walking. He said a majority of those people were either retired or unemployed. Overall, some 73% of the admissions were people over age 51.?

Then I wasn?t sure if he was trying to blame

?Much of this comes down to what you do to protect yourself. Everything is closed down, government has done everything it could, society has done everything it could. Now it?s up to you,? Cuomo said. ?

So if it comes down to what people do, why not end the shelter place. Let businesses open and people can decide on their own. They can maintain whatever discordance they want, don?t need a market on the floor for that. They can wear masks, etc.

Again... too many conflicting reports.

Some countries used very strict lockdowns to control it (as someone likes to keep pointing out). India for example with the 2nd highest population has very low cases and deaths per million compared to countries with lower population.

Then there is Belgium, which as been on lockdown since March 18, has the highest death rate but that could be attributed to the way they count deaths and they have a high number of elderly in care facilities which have been Covid hotbeds.

As much as protestors complain (whether it be in California or Michigan), the US is one of several countries that did not do a nationwide lockdown. This BBC article is pretty interesting with all the graphs and charts... even showing how polution levels dropped due to lockdowns:

So there is no fool proof method.

For those of you against the lockdowns, shelter-at-home, whatever you want to call it... seeing how many died in this quasi-quarantine environment, do you think if we didn't do any of this that the cases/deaths would be more, much more... or only a little more?
qwerty said:
From CNBC.

This may be the most damning evidence yet that stay home doesn?t necessarily work so no real point to continue it.

From Cuomo:

?It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.?

The he went on to say

?This is a surprise: Overwhelmingly, the people were at home,? he added. ?We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we?ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually no, because these people were literally at home.?

?Cuomo said nearly 84% of the hospitalized cases were people who were not commuting to work through car services, personal cars, public transit or walking. He said a majority of those people were either retired or unemployed. Overall, some 73% of the admissions were people over age 51.?

Then I wasn?t sure if he was trying to blame

?Much of this comes down to what you do to protect yourself. Everything is closed down, government has done everything it could, society has done everything it could. Now it?s up to you,? Cuomo said. ?

So if it comes down to what people do, why not end the shelter place. Let businesses open and people can decide on their own. They can maintain whatever discordance they want, don?t need a market on the floor for that. They can wear masks, etc.

So these people are getting it from other people they are in contact with (I assume family members they either live with or have visited) who are commuting/using public transit/walking/going to the grocery store?
Compressed-Village said:
Salon owner sent to jail, fined $7,000 for hair styling. She needed to feed her kids. Yeah, we need safety. A $200 citation might have been OK. But, not in Texas. Good reminder that it's a short path from "public safety" to neo-fascism.

Her GoFundMe already raised $370k, of which she is the sole beneficiary:

Qwerty, time for me and you to open a dine-in taco shop and go before the judge saying that our children are starving, and we have to stand up for what is right.  IHO will open the GoFundMe while we're preoccupied in Men's Central :)
We can take over an empty spot in a Irvine company mall. We don?t need a lease. I?ll have my peeps from Santa Ana unlock the doors for us :-)
aquabliss said:
Compressed-Village said:
Salon owner sent to jail, fined $7,000 for hair styling. She needed to feed her kids. Yeah, we need safety. A $200 citation might have been OK. But, not in Texas. Good reminder that it's a short path from "public safety" to neo-fascism.

Her GoFundMe already raised $370k, of which she is the sole beneficiary:

Qwerty, time for me and you to open a dine-in taco shop and go before the judge saying that our children are starving, and we have to stand up for what is right.  IHO will open the GoFundMe while we're preoccupied in Men's Central :)

Seriously, I think it would get a lot of donors. Not going to know until we try.
NY Times Article: How Delays and Unheeded Warnings Hindered New York?s Virus Fight

The federal response was chaotic. Even so, the state?s and city?s own initial efforts failed to keep pace with the outbreak, The Times found.

From the earliest days of the crisis, state and city officials were also hampered by a chaotic and often dysfunctional federal response, including significant problems with the expansion of coronavirus testing, which made it far harder to gauge the scope of the outbreak.

Normally, New York would get help from Washington in such a time, as it did after Sept. 11. But President Trump in February and early March minimized the coronavirus threat, clashing with his own medical experts and failing to marshal the might of the federal government soon after cases emerged in the United States.

As a result, state and city officials often had to make decisions early on without full assistance from the federal government.

Even so, the initial efforts by New York officials to stem the outbreak were hampered by their own confused guidance, unheeded warnings, delayed decisions and political infighting, The New York Times found.

State and city officials blamed the confusing messages on shifting guidance from the federal government.

But by the second week in March, as the virus continued to spread widely, Mr. de Blasio also clashed over messaging with his own Health Department.

The mayor wanted widespread testing, but senior Health Department officials believed it was a waste of limited resources. They urged instead a public awareness campaign to tell people with mild symptoms to stay home and not infect others, or themselves, by going to testing centers.

City Hall blocked the department from releasing that message to the public, until the mayor eventually backed down in the third week in March.

After seeing a neighborhood house having popups and a margherita machine delivered the morning of the 5th and reading complaints on facebook of people hitting 6 stores for their quest for some food item and the daily line readout for costco/HD, I'm a cynic on how many are sheltered.  Never mind the essential workforce.

bones said:
qwerty said:
From CNBC.

This may be the most damning evidence yet that stay home doesn?t necessarily work so no real point to continue it.

From Cuomo:

?It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.?

The he went on to say

?This is a surprise: Overwhelmingly, the people were at home,? he added. ?We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we?ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually no, because these people were literally at home.?

?Cuomo said nearly 84% of the hospitalized cases were people who were not commuting to work through car services, personal cars, public transit or walking. He said a majority of those people were either retired or unemployed. Overall, some 73% of the admissions were people over age 51.?

Then I wasn?t sure if he was trying to blame

?Much of this comes down to what you do to protect yourself. Everything is closed down, government has done everything it could, society has done everything it could. Now it?s up to you,? Cuomo said. ?

So if it comes down to what people do, why not end the shelter place. Let businesses open and people can decide on their own. They can maintain whatever discordance they want, don?t need a market on the floor for that. They can wear masks, etc.

So these people are getting it from other people they are in contact with (I assume family members they either live with or have visited) who are commuting/using public transit/walking/going to the grocery store?
Compressed-Village said:
Salon owner sent to jail, fined $7,000 for hair styling. She needed to feed her kids. Yeah, we need safety. A $200 citation might have been OK. But, not in Texas. Good reminder that it's a short path from "public safety" to neo-fascism.

But there is nothing wrong with the far right or shall I say far reich rallies. Sign of Hitler and Jewish derogatory statements. That is why people dismiss the rallies because they are political statements with racism tied to it.
nosuchreality said:
After seeing a neighborhood house having popups and a margherita machine delivered the morning of the 5th and reading complaints on facebook of people hitting 6 stores for their quest for some food item and the daily line readout for costco/HD, I'm a cynic on how many are sheltered.  Never mind the essential workforce.

bones said:
qwerty said:
From CNBC.

This may be the most damning evidence yet that stay home doesn?t necessarily work so no real point to continue it.

From Cuomo:

?It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.?

The he went on to say

?This is a surprise: Overwhelmingly, the people were at home,? he added. ?We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we?ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually no, because these people were literally at home.?

?Cuomo said nearly 84% of the hospitalized cases were people who were not commuting to work through car services, personal cars, public transit or walking. He said a majority of those people were either retired or unemployed. Overall, some 73% of the admissions were people over age 51.?

Then I wasn?t sure if he was trying to blame

?Much of this comes down to what you do to protect yourself. Everything is closed down, government has done everything it could, society has done everything it could. Now it?s up to you,? Cuomo said. ?

So if it comes down to what people do, why not end the shelter place. Let businesses open and people can decide on their own. They can maintain whatever discordance they want, don?t need a market on the floor for that. They can wear masks, etc.

So these people are getting it from other people they are in contact with (I assume family members they either live with or have visited) who are commuting/using public transit/walking/going to the grocery store?

Right so this "evidence" isn't an indictment that staying at home doesn't necessarily work.  It just means, you're "staying at home" with the "wrong" people.
eyephone said:
Compressed-Village said:
Salon owner sent to jail, fined $7,000 for hair styling. She needed to feed her kids. Yeah, we need safety. A $200 citation might have been OK. But, not in Texas. Good reminder that it's a short path from "public safety" to neo-fascism.

But there is nothing wrong with the far right or shall I say far reich rallies. Sign of Hitler and Jewish derogatory statements. That is why people dismiss the rallies because they are political statements with racism tied to it.

Those are idiots. People are empathy and sympathy for hard working parents to make ends meet, putting food on table for their kids rather taking handout. Look at these greedy big corps, they ready to grabs funds that not even suppose to be for them. She has higher honors than most of these pigs.
A Florida Park Opens & Recloses In Less Than A Week As Visitors Fail To Follow New Rules

This is why we can't have nice things. Just five days after reopening, South Pointe Park closes after crowds failed to follow the city's social distancing guidelines. Miami Beach park rangers had to issue more than 7,000 verbal warnings this past weekend at the city's parks.

So it seems it is not just problem in California. The park rangers issues more than 7,000 verbal warnings in Miami.
Compressed-Village said:
eyephone said:
Compressed-Village said:
Salon owner sent to jail, fined $7,000 for hair styling. She needed to feed her kids. Yeah, we need safety. A $200 citation might have been OK. But, not in Texas. Good reminder that it's a short path from "public safety" to neo-fascism.

But there is nothing wrong with the far right or shall I say far reich rallies. Sign of Hitler and Jewish derogatory statements. That is why people dismiss the rallies because they are political statements with racism tied to it.

Those are idiots. People are empathy and sympathy for hard working parents to make ends meet, putting food on table for their kids rather taking handout. Look at these greedy big corps, they ready to grabs funds that not even suppose to be for them. She has higher honors than most of these pigs.

You are the only one that said anything on TI regarding the racism in the rallies. I guess the rest are okay with it.
This is why people do not give a dam about it. They cry about their rights, but they are okay with warrentless searches. Sorry it is a joke!