
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
bones said:
nosuchreality said:
After seeing a neighborhood house having popups and a margherita machine delivered the morning of the 5th and reading complaints on facebook of people hitting 6 stores for their quest for some food item and the daily line readout for costco/HD, I'm a cynic on how many are sheltered.  Never mind the essential workforce.

bones said:
qwerty said:
From CNBC.

This may be the most damning evidence yet that stay home doesn?t necessarily work so no real point to continue it.

From Cuomo:

?It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.?

The he went on to say

?This is a surprise: Overwhelmingly, the people were at home,? he added. ?We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we?ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually no, because these people were literally at home.?

?Cuomo said nearly 84% of the hospitalized cases were people who were not commuting to work through car services, personal cars, public transit or walking. He said a majority of those people were either retired or unemployed. Overall, some 73% of the admissions were people over age 51.?

Then I wasn?t sure if he was trying to blame

?Much of this comes down to what you do to protect yourself. Everything is closed down, government has done everything it could, society has done everything it could. Now it?s up to you,? Cuomo said. ?

So if it comes down to what people do, why not end the shelter place. Let businesses open and people can decide on their own. They can maintain whatever discordance they want, don?t need a market on the floor for that. They can wear masks, etc.

So these people are getting it from other people they are in contact with (I assume family members they either live with or have visited) who are commuting/using public transit/walking/going to the grocery store?

Right so this "evidence" isn't an indictment that staying at home doesn't necessarily work.  It just means, you're "staying at home" with the "wrong" people.

Operative word is largely.

Like largely use condoms.

"All the time Doc"

"I had two drinks officer"
Did the Police agencies issue warnings when the beaches were closed?
As I previously stated, they should enforce the laws if not turn in your badge.
Maybe a security guard would of done a better job issuing warnings. A lot cheaper too. A fraction of the cost with less benefits and no pension. (Okay maybe a 401k plan but the city is not on the hook for the future benefit.)

eyephone said:
A Florida Park Opens & Recloses In Less Than A Week As Visitors Fail To Follow New Rules

This is why we can't have nice things. Just five days after reopening, South Pointe Park closes after crowds failed to follow the city's social distancing guidelines. Miami Beach park rangers had to issue more than 7,000 verbal warnings this past weekend at the city's parks.

So it seems it is not just problem in California. The park rangers issues more than 7,000 verbal warnings in Miami.
Third world counties that barely have reliable running water and electricity are getting it right to fight covid. They are having no cases of covid or really low like a handful.

Sorry it is a joke! Shocking to say they are more stricter on the border than Trump. (Lockdown/quarantine/surveillance)

The US does not have a plan. I think a 5 year old playing Fornite or chess would come up with a better plan. Lol (I have seen young kids play chess like professionals. They think ahead and have a strategy. That is what we need.)
aquabliss said:
Compressed-Village said:
Salon owner sent to jail, fined $7,000 for hair styling. She needed to feed her kids. Yeah, we need safety. A $200 citation might have been OK. But, not in Texas. Good reminder that it's a short path from "public safety" to neo-fascism.

Her GoFundMe already raised $370k, of which she is the sole beneficiary:

Qwerty, time for me and you to open a dine-in taco shop and go before the judge saying that our children are starving, and we have to stand up for what is right.  IHO will open the GoFundMe while we're preoccupied in Men's Central :)

I?ll be busy eating at said dine-in taco shop.

eyephone said:
A Florida Park Opens & Recloses In Less Than A Week As Visitors Fail To Follow New Rules

This is why we can't have nice things. Just five days after reopening, South Pointe Park closes after crowds failed to follow the city's social distancing guidelines. Miami Beach park rangers had to issue more than 7,000 verbal warnings this past weekend at the city's parks.

So it seems it is not just problem in California. The park rangers issues more than 7,000 verbal warnings in Miami.

That was not a big surprise, we'll have more of that with more states reopening.
Today in Long Beach We Have:
768 total positive results
37 fatalities
42 people hospitalized
Approximately 475 recovered (Please note that, for low-risk patients recovering at home, recovery data is self-reported.)

Details Regarding Fatalities:
All had underlying health conditions
30 are associated with long-term care facilities
Three individuals were in their 50s, seven were in their 60s, three were in their 70s and 24 were over 80 years old
18 individuals were men and 19 were women

Here?s some numbers

81% of the dead were in nursing homes
100% had secondary health issues
0% were under 50 years old.

Hmmm.... i spy with my little eye...a pattern.  Will the dreaded ?second wave mutation? get the other 99.99% of us?...I think not.
Not to burst the morekaos bubble but just saw some report on TV that Covid related illnesses are popping up in children in NY.

So many unknowns about this virus.
aquabliss said:
Compressed-Village said:
Salon owner sent to jail, fined $7,000 for hair styling. She needed to feed her kids. Yeah, we need safety. A $200 citation might have been OK. But, not in Texas. Good reminder that it's a short path from "public safety" to neo-fascism.

Her GoFundMe already raised $370k, of which she is the sole beneficiary:

Qwerty, time for me and you to open a dine-in taco shop and go before the judge saying that our children are starving, and we have to stand up for what is right.  IHO will open the GoFundMe while we're preoccupied in Men's Central :)

Be careful what you wish for, OC Jail has 216 infections and it's been growing rapidly the past few days.  They used to lump jail infections in with the numbers for Santa Ana, but it's grown so rapidly they have their own category now.
No bubble to burst...

New Corona Study Bolsters Case to Reopen Schools

Denmark and Norway have reopened their elementary schools. States in America should start reopening their schools, too. New research says that doing so won't spread coronavirus to many adults, and it will have little effect on child mortality.

Children Don?t Pass Covid-19 to Adults, Report Indicates

Children contract the coronavirus less often and with less severity than the general population, and there doesn?t appear to be cases of a child passing Covid-19 to an adult, according to a new report.

Many infected children may stay asymptomatic, but cases of them becoming critically ill with Covid-19 remain rare, according to an analysis of global virus studies compiled by the Don?t Forget the Bubbles pediatric blog.

Among the study?s findings are:

A China/World Health Organization joint commision couldn?t find a single case of a child passing the virus to an adult.
Finally someone who understands me!! See you guys later. Moving to Ohio

From CNBC:

"People want to wear masks, they can. But mandating it, that's a whole different story for me," Tuesday's post said. "No one is stopping anybody from wearing a face mask. But quite frankly everyone else's freedom ends at the tip of my nose. You're not going to tell me what to do and there's a lot of people that feel that way."

"If someone is that scared, that they do not want to go out into the public because 100 percent of the people are not wearing masks, then that person should stay home, not tell everyone else what they should be doing," said Vitale, who represents Champaign County and parts of Logan and Shelby counties.
qwerty said:
Finally someone who understands me!! See you guys later. Moving to Ohio

From CNBC:

"People want to wear masks, they can. But mandating it, that's a whole different story for me," Tuesday's post said. "No one is stopping anybody from wearing a face mask. But quite frankly everyone else's freedom ends at the tip of my nose. You're not going to tell me what to do and there's a lot of people that feel that way."

"If someone is that scared, that they do not want to go out into the public because 100 percent of the people are not wearing masks, then that person should stay home, not tell everyone else what they should be doing," said Vitale, who represents Champaign County and parts of Logan and Shelby counties.

Sorry, why too cold out in Ohio for me as I get cold when it drops below 60.  haha
qwerty said:
Finally someone who understands me!! See you guys later. Moving to Ohio

From CNBC:

"People want to wear masks, they can. But mandating it, that's a whole different story for me," Tuesday's post said. "No one is stopping anybody from wearing a face mask. But quite frankly everyone else's freedom ends at the tip of my nose. You're not going to tell me what to do and there's a lot of people that feel that way."

"If someone is that scared, that they do not want to go out into the public because 100 percent of the people are not wearing masks, then that person should stay home, not tell everyone else what they should be doing," said Vitale, who represents Champaign County and parts of Logan and Shelby counties.

But you wear a mask and gloves. (when you do not have to)
It is like telling your kid not to smoke, but you smoke a carton a day.
qwerty said:
Finally someone who understands me!! See you guys later. Moving to Ohio

From CNBC:

"People want to wear masks, they can. But mandating it, that's a whole different story for me," Tuesday's post said. "No one is stopping anybody from wearing a face mask. But quite frankly everyone else's freedom ends at the tip of my nose. You're not going to tell me what to do and there's a lot of people that feel that way."

"If someone is that scared, that they do not want to go out into the public because 100 percent of the people are not wearing masks, then that person should stay home, not tell everyone else what they should be doing," said Vitale, who represents Champaign County and parts of Logan and Shelby counties.

But that's the problem. If you want to re-open the economy, people *have* to abide by protective rules like social distancing and masks.

If you don't, and people "stay home" like Vitale said, then how can the economy return with people afraid to go out and shop?

It's contradictory.
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
Well someone blinked..


*Active* recreation. That means no laying around suntanning or socializing.

Let's see how that goes because I doubt that's going to be easy to enforce.

Its going to be impossible to enforce, and they don't want to enforce it anyway.  This official stuff is all for show.  Might as well open totally and let people do what they are comfortable with.  Today will be 90 at the beach,  Our parks are about to spill onto the sand.
irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
Finally someone who understands me!! See you guys later. Moving to Ohio

From CNBC:

"People want to wear masks, they can. But mandating it, that's a whole different story for me," Tuesday's post said. "No one is stopping anybody from wearing a face mask. But quite frankly everyone else's freedom ends at the tip of my nose. You're not going to tell me what to do and there's a lot of people that feel that way."

"If someone is that scared, that they do not want to go out into the public because 100 percent of the people are not wearing masks, then that person should stay home, not tell everyone else what they should be doing," said Vitale, who represents Champaign County and parts of Logan and Shelby counties.

But that's the problem. If you want to re-open the economy, people *have* to abide by protective rules like social distancing and masks.

If you don't, and people "stay home" like Vitale said, then how can the economy return with people afraid to go out and shop?

It's contradictory.

I don?t think it?s contradictory. The masks probably provide what, 10-15% effectiveness? Meaning if you sneeze with a non surgical mask a good amount is going to make it through the mask. While I agree with you that a mask provides some protection, I thinks it is very little. Which is why I think the whole mask thing shouldn?t be required. Recommended is fine. Not to me mention all the people who touch all sorts of groceries and put them back on shelf. Then you have all sorts of people who don?t wash their hands and probably touch all sorts of stuff at the grocery store the the cashier touches all of their stuff and everyone else?s. I can go on and on.

The more effective thing is probably the distancing than the masks.
qwerty said:
irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
Finally someone who understands me!! See you guys later. Moving to Ohio

From CNBC:

"People want to wear masks, they can. But mandating it, that's a whole different story for me," Tuesday's post said. "No one is stopping anybody from wearing a face mask. But quite frankly everyone else's freedom ends at the tip of my nose. You're not going to tell me what to do and there's a lot of people that feel that way."

"If someone is that scared, that they do not want to go out into the public because 100 percent of the people are not wearing masks, then that person should stay home, not tell everyone else what they should be doing," said Vitale, who represents Champaign County and parts of Logan and Shelby counties.

But that's the problem. If you want to re-open the economy, people *have* to abide by protective rules like social distancing and masks.

If you don't, and people "stay home" like Vitale said, then how can the economy return with people afraid to go out and shop?

It's contradictory.

I don?t think it?s contradictory. The masks probably provide what, 10-15% effectiveness? Meaning if you sneeze with a non surgical mask a good amount is going to make it through the mask. While I agree with you that a mask provides some protection, I thinks it is very little. Which is why I think the whole mask thing shouldn?t be required. Recommended is fine. Not to me mention all the people who touch all sorts of groceries and put them back on shelf. Then you have all sorts of people who don?t wash their hands and probably touch all sorts of stuff at the grocery store the the cashier touches all of their stuff and everyone else?s. I can go on and on.

The more effective thing is probably the distancing than the masks.

Are you eyephoning me?

I wasn?t talking about the effectiveness of masks.

I was talking about telling people to stay home if they don?t want to deal with people who won?t wear masks.

But by them staying home, you lose business. We want people to feel safe so they will go to work/stores/restaurants.

That?s the contradiction.
Wearing or not wearing a mask has become another "awareness ribbon" (pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness, red ribbon for drug awareness, yellow ribbon for support the troops, etc.)

Just as it is arguable whether wearing a yellow ribbon actually increases the combat effectiveness of US military forces, so there is conflicting opinions about the masks but people wear such items to show others where they stand and to satisfy the need to "do something".