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New Zealand has effectively eliminated coronavirus. Here?s what they did right

The country began mandatory quarantines for all visitors on March 15, one of the strictest policies in the world at the time, even though there were just six cases nationwide. Just 10 days later, it instituted a complete, countrywide lockdown, including a moratorium on domestic travel. The Level 4 restrictions meant grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals, and petrol stations were the only commerce allowed; vehicle travel was restricted; and social interaction was limited to within households.

Does not seem that hard to do.

Cornflakes said:
tracing and all is pretty invasive from a privacy standpoint. In China and other Asian countries, Govt. can just push an app on your phone or tag your phone mac id with your name and then just track at all times the geographic location of your phone. When you test positive, they go back and see what other phones came within your circle of influence in last x get the idea.

We are a nation of cease and desist - even if I jacked you and not paying my debt, I can stop you from calling me.
eyephone said:
New Zealand has effectively eliminated coronavirus. Here?s what they did right

The country began mandatory quarantines for all visitors on March 15, one of the strictest policies in the world at the time, even though there were just six cases nationwide. Just 10 days later, it instituted a complete, countrywide lockdown, including a moratorium on domestic travel. The Level 4 restrictions meant grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals, and petrol stations were the only commerce allowed; vehicle travel was restricted; and social interaction was limited to within households.

Does not seem that hard to do.

Cornflakes said:
tracing and all is pretty invasive from a privacy standpoint. In China and other Asian countries, Govt. can just push an app on your phone or tag your phone mac id with your name and then just track at all times the geographic location of your phone. When you test positive, they go back and see what other phones came within your circle of influence in last x get the idea.

We are a nation of cease and desist - even if I jacked you and not paying my debt, I can stop you from calling me.

We have protests because you can?t go to the beach even after we have almost 70k deaths.

There would be riots if we had New Zealand restrictions.
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
New Zealand has effectively eliminated coronavirus. Here%u2019s what they did right

The country began mandatory quarantines for all visitors on March 15, one of the strictest policies in the world at the time, even though there were just six cases nationwide. Just 10 days later, it instituted a complete, countrywide lockdown, including a moratorium on domestic travel. The Level 4 restrictions meant grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals, and petrol stations were the only commerce allowed; vehicle travel was restricted; and social interaction was limited to within households.

Does not seem that hard to do.

Cornflakes said:
tracing and all is pretty invasive from a privacy standpoint. In China and other Asian countries, Govt. can just push an app on your phone or tag your phone mac id with your name and then just track at all times the geographic location of your phone. When you test positive, they go back and see what other phones came within your circle of influence in last x get the idea.

We are a nation of cease and desist - even if I jacked you and not paying my debt, I can stop you from calling me.

We have protests because you can%u2019t go to the beach even after we have almost 70k deaths.

There would be riots if we had New Zealand restrictions.

Were there riots after patriot act? (Government was able to check with no warrant: your email, text messages, listen to phone calls, review your Siri searches) It was temporary act. It stopped attacks.

People ask what can we do to stop covid. I gave my suggestion to do what New Zealand did. The evidence shows that there is no more covid there.
I?m just stating fact.

We can?t even keep beaches closed without whining.

As I and others have said, it?s very difficult to do in the US what can be done in other countries due to size, scale, geography, demographics, society etc.

Your link has a paywall but this one describes how strict their lockdown was:

qwerty would have gone bonkers if we had a ?Level 4? lockdown.

And NZ doesn?t get as many international visitors like we do.

CNN article: Two weeks of zero local infections: How Hong Kong contained its second wave of Covid-19

The government took quick, aggressive action to curb the second imported wave; they barred non-residents from entering the city, halted travelers from transiting through the city's airport, and implemented strict quarantine and testing measures on all arrivals to the city, regardless of origin. Those under home quarantine were given electronic bracelets to track their location.

The government implemented restrictions like prohibiting alcohol sales in bars and closing all gyms and sports facilities. Many restaurants and cafes closed; those that stayed open had to cut down seating capacity to increase the distance between customers, or put up physical barriers between tables.

Though many of these measures were viewed by some as drastic, authorities never ordered an official lockdown or stay-at-home order, relying instead on community efforts and peoples' compliance to contain the virus.

This approach appears to have worked, with new daily cases dropping once again. April 19 was the last recorded local transmission.

My comment: It looks like another country was able to stop the covid spread.

Too late for total lockdown people...the tide has turned...

Targeted Lockdowns Are Better

A new study finds they save more lives and do less economic damage.

Americans are paying a fearsome price for the government?s strict lockdowns of American life and commerce, and now comes evidence that targeted lockdowns aimed at protecting those who are most vulnerable to the coronavirus would be better for public health and the economy.

That conclusion comes in a new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research by MIT economists Daron Acemoglu, Victor Chernozhukov, Iv?n Werning and Michael Whinston. The authors compared relative risks of infection, hospitalization and death for the young, the middle-aged and those over age 65. They then compared strict lockdowns that treat all age groups the same with a more targeted strategy that protects the old.



I appreciate you are looking for solutions but I think even you said that it would be difficult to get US residents to sign up for a Covid tracking app due to privacy concerns... so they surely won't submit to electronic bracelets.

You asked about riots after 9/11 and I do believe there were protesters but look at how it is in California, qwerty is bringing a gun to the capitol just because he wants to go to the beach... so if we had stricter lockdowns... I think it may lead to riots.

morekaos mentions something that they talk about on KFI, instead of global lockdowns, targeted lockdowns for the at-risk. But I imaging there are some over 65 or asthmatic, diabetic gun toting protesters who will make noise about that. And while that may promote herd immunity, we still don't know if immunity exists for Covid.

And going back to the infection/death rates comparisons to the flu... the flu had its most deadliest year last year with 61k deaths, Covid has already killed almost 70k in just 3 months. The number would have been much higher had we just treated it like the flu.
The whole immunity thing to covid (once you get it, no evidence you can?t get it again) flips common sense upside down.

While there is no hard evidence, because it only has been around for 5-7 months, how often do you get the flu not cold twice in the same season? I generally get a cold twice a year. Once in the winter and for some odd reason once on the summer. The flu, when I do get it, would be once per season.

I suppose it could be the same flu the following year. But who knows.

Generally, with most viruses you have some sort of immunity. Not sure why this one would be different.

If you get covid19 and resolve, and then get it again, how would a vaccine work?

We would be screwed with no vaccine.
1. People in California? 3k people protesting in HB does not represent California. Have you seen the signs during the protest? (Hitler, Jewish references)  Sounds more like a far right rally.
2. You did not address the patriot act. Which was more invasive than the quarantine. (electronic and internet commutations was monitored with no warrant or sign off by a judge required) Note: It was only temporary!
3. No fly list is more invasive than the quarantine. (You can be put on the list without a trial or arbitration? You can not get on a airplane.) I assume there are valid reasons, but what if it was a misunderstanding.
4. It does not make sense. The US is the top country in the world, but we are handling the covid crisis like Iran, Brazil, etc. (close your eyes and it will get better?) lol
5. New Zealand and Hong Kong are the countries that has a good grasp/handle over covid. Which it does not include a vaccine or miracle drug. Just a lockdown of who comes in. (virtual wall) If they do come in quarantine them make sure they do not have it.

irvinehomeowner said:

I appreciate you are looking for solutions but I think even you said that it would be difficult to get US residents to sign up for a Covid tracking app due to privacy concerns... so they surely won't submit to electronic bracelets.

You asked about riots after 9/11 and I do believe there were protesters but look at how it is in California, qwerty is bringing a gun to the capitol just because he wants to go to the beach... so if we had stricter lockdowns... I think it may lead to riots.

morekaos mentions something that they talk about on KFI, instead of global lockdowns, targeted lockdowns for the at-risk. But I imaging there are some over 65 or asthmatic, diabetic gun toting protesters who will make noise about that. And while that may promote herd immunity, we still don't know if immunity exists for Covid.

And going back to the infection/death rates comparisons to the flu... the flu had its most deadliest year last year with 61k deaths, Covid has already killed almost 70k in just 3 months. The number would have been much higher had we just treated it like the flu.
eyephone said:
1. People in California? 3k people protesting in HB does not represent California. Have you seen the signs during the protest? (Hitler, Jewish references)  Sounds more like a far right rally.

People protested at the capitol (Sacremento) too... did you not see the guns? And that's just for our really basic stay at home orders. If it were a Level 4 lockdown like in New Zealand, there would be riots.

2. You did not address the patriot act. Which was more invasive than the quarantine. (electronic and internet commutations was monitored with no warrant or sign off by a judge required) Note: It was only temporary!

Please read. I did mention there were protests after 9/11. And these are different scenarios. The Patriot Act, I believe, was targeted at suspects of terrorism... quarantine is EVERYONE.

3. No fly list is more invasive than the quarantine. (You can be put on the list without a trial or arbitration? You can not get on a airplane.) I assume there are valid reasons, but what if it was a misunderstanding.

Again, no fly list only target certain people... quarantine is EVERYONE.

4. It does not make sense. The US is the top country in the world, but we are handling the covid crisis like Iran, Brazil, etc. (close your eyes and it will get better?) lol

As I've said repeatedly... size/scale/demographics/politics/society make it much harder to do things like other countries.

5. New Zealand and Hong Kong are the countries that has a good grasp/handle over covid. Which it does not include a vaccine or miracle drug. Just a lockdown of who comes in. (virtual wall) If they do come in quarantine them make sure they do not have it.

And one more time, New Zealand can't be compared to the US, it is an island that can have more control over who goes in and out. As for Hong Kong, like many Asian countries, their government has more control over what its citizens can and can't do.

Still not sure why you are not seeing the differences.
The patriot act is everyone. It was passed by Us congress and signed by the previous president. It has since expired. But I can not remember you or qwerty complain about it. (That law was was really invasive.)

The no fly list is a database not only for terrorist. Here are other reasons to get you on the no fly list that are committed on a plane: Fighting, Sexual assault,  disturbing the peace, misbehaving on jets
(but who knows what are the other disqualification outside the plane)

The people with guns that went to state capital was in Michigan and not Sacramento. (It does not mean anything. It is legal to carry open carry in Michigan. If you told me if they took over the building then that is another thing.)
So if you do not agree with something do you show your gun to the other person.
Kind of weak if you ask me.

You do not have your facts straight. It is like debating a 5 year old.

I am not sure you do not see America is losing and not winning against the covid virus. Trump just raised the death estimate from 50k to 100k. What does he know that we do not!

Last time I checked 70-80 percent of Americans thought we are moving to fast to open the country.

irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
1. People in California? 3k people protesting in HB does not represent California. Have you seen the signs during the protest? (Hitler, Jewish references)  Sounds more like a far right rally.

People protested at the capitol (Sacremento) too... did you not see the guns? And that's just for our really basic stay at home orders. If it were a Level 4 lockdown like in New Zealand, there would be riots.

2. You did not address the patriot act. Which was more invasive than the quarantine. (electronic and internet commutations was monitored with no warrant or sign off by a judge required) Note: It was only temporary!

Please read. I did mention there were protests after 9/11. And these are different scenarios. The Patriot Act, I believe, was targeted at suspects of terrorism... quarantine is EVERYONE.

3. No fly list is more invasive than the quarantine. (You can be put on the list without a trial or arbitration? You can not get on a airplane.) I assume there are valid reasons, but what if it was a misunderstanding.

Again, no fly list only target certain people... quarantine is EVERYONE.

4. It does not make sense. The US is the top country in the world, but we are handling the covid crisis like Iran, Brazil, etc. (close your eyes and it will get better?) lol

As I've said repeatedly... size/scale/demographics/politics/society make it much harder to do things like other countries.

5. New Zealand and Hong Kong are the countries that has a good grasp/handle over covid. Which it does not include a vaccine or miracle drug. Just a lockdown of who comes in. (virtual wall) If they do come in quarantine them make sure they do not have it.

And one more time, New Zealand can't be compared to the US, it is an island that can have more control over who goes in and out. As for Hong Kong, like many Asian countries, their government has more control over what its citizens can and can't do.

Still not sure why you are not seeing the differences.
Yeah.. my fault. Should not respond to eyephone when he's not understanding my posts.

I'll be like everyone else and ignore him... because instead of being civil he throws around insults... I thought we were past that but I guess not.
I have a question about the protest in Sacto last week.

Why are there so many photos of CHP doing arrests, getting confronted where the  CHP officers are not wearing PPE?


nosuchreality said:
I have a question about the protest in Sacto last week.

Why are there so many photos of CHP doing arrests, getting confronted where the  CHP officers are not wearing PPE?


Where are the Sacramento protestors with guns IHO? Lol
Here is Newsom?s quote regarding the reopening of CA:

?This is a very positive sign and it's happened only for one reason: The data says it can happen.?

What he doesn?t say is what data he is referring to, the data he is referring to are huge local and CA budget deficits.

The road to hell Is paved with good intentions!!