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aquabliss said:
irvinehomeowner said:
From left to right... aquabliss, morekaos, qwerty, momopi, LL, and kings.

Wow a few posts with rational thought and I get branded as an automatic weapon toting redneck thug.

What happened IHO, I thought when they went low, you went high?  That?s ok, I?ll continue to go high and just keep giving facts and not propaganda.

You guys do realize in Orange County, CA in a population of 3.2M people, there are only 50 COVID deaths as of today.

3.2 Million Population 50 Deaths over 3 months.  Typical fatal car accidents in OC are about 20 per month. 

Yes it?s a nasty disease and yes people die from it but it?s not the black freaking plague, and it doesn?t justify the overreaction it?s getting in SoCal. 

Why does this even have to be a political thing?  Just use common sense people.

Sorry aqua... it was a joke. That?s why the smiley face thing is there.

It?s not a political thing, there are some members like you yourself have admitted that don?t agree with the measures that have been enacted. There are others who like guns and then there are others who I would imagine would rock a mohawk.

I?m not going low... I?m trying to lighten up the thread here.

If it makes you feel better, post a pic of some buffet lovin? fool and say ?This is IHO?.
What makes NYC situation their situation?  What makes Sioux Falls SD theirs?

The two counties comprising Sioux Falls have a population smaller that Irvine. In a month, they went from under a 100 State wide to 2400 cases in Sioux Falls.  Only 21 deaths***. (Needing official coroner certificate to count). Only 80 ish people currently hospitalized however half the positives have been diagnosed in the last two weeks, 1/4th the last week.

Massachusetts?  Fairing poorly too, half their deaths are in long term care facilities.

When I look at SD, I see the need to catch and quarantine an emerging hotspot before it blows out everywhere. 

The reopen people have no plan.

The shutdown people have no plan except wait for an accelerated vaccine in January, maybe.

We have 60,000 deaths, not to throw people under the bus, but that should give us a fair look into risk for age/co-morbidity.

aquabliss said:
irvinehomeowner said:
From left to right... aquabliss, morekaos, qwerty, momopi, LL, and kings.

Wow a few posts with rational thought and I get branded as an automatic weapon toting redneck thug.

What happened IHO, I thought when they went low, you went high?  That?s ok, I?ll continue to go high and just keep giving facts and not propaganda.

You guys do realize in Orange County, CA in a population of 3.2M people, there are only 50 COVID deaths as of today.

3.2 Million Population 50 Deaths over 3 months.  Typical fatal car accidents in OC are about 20 per month. 

Yes it?s a nasty disease and yes people die from it but it?s not the black freaking plague, and it doesn?t justify the overreaction it?s getting in SoCal. 

Why does this even have to be a political thing?  Just use common sense people. 
Here is the LBC numbers...what do you see here?

As of Today in Long Beach We Have:
667 total positive results
36 fatalities

30 out of 36 deaths in nursing homes

All had secondary health issues.

58 people hospitalized
Approximately 402 recovered (Please note that, for low-risk patients recovering at home, recovery data is self-reported.)

It means what is has always meant. Old people are more likely to die from whatever disease. Let?s open this shit up already! :-)
So for everyone who is protesting, if they contract Covid... will they cover all medical related treatment and charges for themselves and anyone else they infected?


Is America the new China regarding covering up the covid deaths? (I hope not)

HuffPost Article: Florida Officials Wont Release Coronavirus Death Toll Data, Report Says

The states medical examiners were releasing coronavirus death totals, until the Department of Health intervened.

Florida state officials have blocked medical examiners from releasing coronavirus death totals after it was found the examiners death count was 10% higher than the state said it was.

The list of deaths, which had been released in real time by the states Medical Examiners Commission, is no longer being published after the Florida Department of Health intervened, the Tampa Bay Times reported. The vital data, which includes demographic information and probable cause of death, has now been withheld for the last 11 days.
irvinehomeowner said:
So for everyone who is protesting, if they contract Covid... will they cover all medical related treatment and charges for themselves and anyone else they infected?



That?s what insurance is for. Who is going to pay for it if I get it at the grocery store or Costco?
This whole concept of blaming others if you contact covid is kind of foreign to me. If you don?t want to get covid don?t leave your house. It?s that easy right :-)
irvinehomeowner said:
So for everyone who is protesting, if they contract Covid... will they cover all medical related treatment and charges for themselves and anyone else they infected?



Creating chaos is what Trump does. No one barely protested before Trump tweeted.
Just imagine if GWB started chaos during the financial crisis.
For example, GWB worked with the Democrats passing TARP behind the scenes not through the media.
qwerty said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So for everyone who is protesting, if they contract Covid... will they cover all medical related treatment and charges for themselves and anyone else they infected?



That?s what insurance is for. Who is going to pay for it if I get it at the grocery store or Costco?

You?re missing my tongue in cheek point.

At grocery stores and Costco, they practice safety protocols and social distancing.

At protests, they are not and they are claiming that Covid is not a big deal.

I?m conjecturing but 1. They don?t think they will get it and 2. If they do, it won?t be serious.

Thus, they shouldn?t need any type of treatment for this ?not so contagious, not so lethal? virus right?

You can?t have it both ways. :)
NYC is about to embark on a massive program of tracing covid contacts, with quarantining for those who may been exposed.

A debate is already brewing on whether quarantines should be voluntary or mandatory. What do you think?
The tracing programs sound good in theory but from a practical perspective are way to difficult to execute so not a fan of it in general. 

I thought from day one the quarantines were unfair. I know some you hate the flu comparison but the death rates are probably similar (too early to tell). If this something that was a guaranteed death sentence if you got it then I would probably agree. But given its flu like death rate I would not agree with a mandatory quarantine on general principle.

I have a white collar job, so I would be able to a quarantine at home with out it impacting my livelihood at all. I think it?s unfair to folks who can?t work remotely and expect them to lose wages and it?s also unfair to expect their employer to pay them while in quarantine. Whatever local government is imposing the quarantine should pay them 100% of their wages not some $50/day bullshit or whatever amount that is lower than their wages. And it should come out of the local governments current budget, which is not going to happen. You know they would want the general public to pay for that through some sort of tax increase of some sort.

So it all comes down to the cost benefit. Which will come down to your own personal sensibilities, just like anything else. To me the cost benefit for the shutdown, tracing, etc are not worth it. I don?t know that there has been anything more disruptive in my lifetime than this virus and to me it has really been baffling. I think we have had enough experience with other viruses and other corona viruses to hypothesis that this virus was not going to kill millions and millions of people if we just let it run it?s course.

Sweden is still doing well and Brazil who gets criticized for not doing enough in response to covid seems to have much better results than we do and they have about 2/3 of our population. Brazil has 87,000 cases and 6,000 deaths. Their population is 210 million. The US has 1.16 million cases and 67k deaths.

The more this this shutdown and lack of return to normalcy drags out the less understandable it becomes given that we have some other examples to work with (Sweden and Brazil) and see that their outcomes are not the apocalypse government leaders and certain media would want you to believe.

The shutdown was meant to flatten the curve and we have for the most part. The goal post does seem to be moving. First it was flatten the curve, now it?s flatten the curve but meet these 5 criteria for 14 days, etc.

Given the economic impact, death rates and what seems to be goal post moving it?s easy to see why people are getting upset and protesting. I think it is clear, or it should be, covid is not going away and tracing etc will not get rid of it. So why continue with the charade?