
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
irvinehomeowner said:
Under what legal grounds are HB and NB suing? The right to surf? The right to make sandcastles?

When did the beach become an essential activity? How do other states that are not on the coast survive?


Surfing is a religious experience.
newsom: i think people were too close to each other on the beach last weekend so i'm banning beach access for everyone

beach residents:

how's that working out for ya govna?
Kings said:
newsom: i think people were too close to each other on the beach last weekend so i'm banning beach access for everyone

beach residents:

how's that working out for ya govna?

I am sure this was photographed with a special lens making the crowd seem much bigger and packed together.  ;D
irvinehomeowner said:
NASA/JPL invented a ventilator which they are licensing for free:

And NVIDIA has created an open-source one:

Best minds are working on solutions!!

Without a liability shield, what hospital will assemble a ventilator and open themselves to lawsuits?  Without profit margins what company will assemble them and deal with the FDA manufacturing controls for medical equipment?

irvinehomeowner said:
City of Irvine will open golf courses tomorrow.

Also, will start doing its own Covid testing in phases.

They opened the Tustin Ranch Golf Course and I saw several small groups golfing when I drove by this afternoon.
irvinehomeowner said:
From left to right... aquabliss, morekaos, qwerty, momopi, LL, and kings.

Wow a few posts with rational thought and I get branded as an automatic weapon toting redneck thug.

What happened IHO, I thought when they went low, you went high?  That?s ok, I?ll continue to go high and just keep giving facts and not propaganda.

You guys do realize in Orange County, CA in a population of 3.2M people, there are only 50 COVID deaths as of today.

3.2 Million Population 50 Deaths over 3 months.  Typical fatal car accidents in OC are about 20 per month. 

Yes it?s a nasty disease and yes people die from it but it?s not the black freaking plague, and it doesn?t justify the overreaction it?s getting in SoCal. 

Why does this even have to be a political thing?  Just use common sense people. 
