
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Pretty f-ing cynical being in a State that prides on its outdoor lifestyle having 95% or more of outside venues closed to complain the handful of sites that are open in a region of 19 million people are too crowded.

Seriously, if all the LA, OC, and Riverside beaches and parks opened, maybe people could spread out more.  Issue citations to people dumbf-cks violating social distancing of others. 

I drove by the beach this weekend, the beach didn't look overcrowded or even unsafely crowded, it was the giant traffic jam of people pushed into the neoghborhoods trying to figure out how to get to beach as they take all the available neighborhood parking which, IMHo wasn't any more dense than a typical rental neighborhood.

daedalus said:
eyephone said:
Do you trust other people? What if people do not wear masks or cough? How about at work, what if someone continues to cough? Do you tell your boss or hr or complain to Cal OSHA?  (like a dry cough) Will they take action? idk
Sorry I do not have faith in people. This society in America do whatever you want.

Do you trust the government? They suppose to protect you. Heck if I was a senior, I would be pissed and say what in the world is gong on. 

Not sure what my level of trust in the govt has to do with this.  Again, we don't know exactly how effective each measure is.  Maybe me wearing a mask--the same N95 mask healthcare workers are clamoring for--would give me a very high chance of not catching anything from anyone coughing near me.  We need better data.

Would I rat on a sick coworker?  Absolutely, though I like to think no one I work with would be that selfish.  Happened at my wife's workplace unfortunately and I completely agreed with it.  Someone was escorted out of the building by security.  No one I've spoken to about it thought it was any sort of an overreach.  Public opinion is overwhelmingly congruent on something like that I think.

I agree. I was talking to someone just before the shutdown. That person told me that there was a person that showed the symptoms (dry cough) and they told the boss. The boss did nothing and said it is hard right now because that person might not have pto to cover if we send them home. Same person told me that the company gave a mask to another person to wear and that person refused.

bones said:
Riverside county and OC parks are open.

Sort of.

JIMHO, 90% of problem is caused by not having the parking lots.  IF we can next to other cars at the grocery store, we can park by them at the park/beach.

OC Parks COVID-19 Closures
In an effort to minimize the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on park patrons, staff, and the Orange County community at large, and consistent with the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Governor?s office, and the Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA), OC Parks is currently operating in the following manner as of Wednesday, March 25, 2020. See the County's March 24, 2020 press release for more information.

To ensure appropriate social distancing and reduce places of gathering, County park closures will include: parking lots at all County beaches, regional and wilderness parks; parking spaces at all trailheads; parking along Black Star Canyon Road; pedestrian access points at Thousand Steps, Table Rock, West, Camel Point and Treasure Island beaches; playgrounds; exercise equipment; shelters and trailheads. Passive walk-through pedestrian, cycling, and equestrian activity is permitted.
Irvine Lake closed.
All events, programs and activities canceled.
All scheduled volunteer programs and activities canceled.
OC Zoo closed.
OC Parks Headquarters closed.
Park Offices at Carbon Canyon, Clark, Craig, Irvine, Laguna Niguel, Mason, Mile Square, Santiago Oaks and Yorba regional parks closed.
The Nix Nature Center at Laguna Coast Wilderness Park closed.
The Muth Interpretive Center at Upper Newport Bay closed.
The Interpretive Center at Clark Regional Park closed.
The archery range at Mile Square Regional Park is closed.
All nature centers at regional parks closed.
Arden: Helena Modjeska Historic House and Gardens closed.
Heritage Hill Historical Park closed.
Irvine Ranch Historic Park closed except for Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the Farmers Market.
Old Orange County Courthouse closed.
Campsites at O?Neill Regional Park and Caspers Wilderness Park closed.
We are suspending new reservations (including camping reservations), permit requests and annual pass sales.
Staff is available to answer your questions, we just ask that you call the parks for more information and practice safe social distancing. Contact information for all our parks can be found by visiting the OC Parks website at

We apologize for the inconvenience but value you as a patron. More information about COVID-19 can be found at the Health Care Agency website

I feel like Newsom's California beach closure plan will fail spectacularly.  At the least, there will be more protests in coastal cities (without social distancing) and I expect many others to practice civil disobedience and go sit on the beach this weekend daring authorities to do something.  And, if authorities do something punitive it could start getting really ugly. 
nosuchreality said:
bones said:
Riverside county and OC parks are open.

Sort of.

JIMHO, 90% of problem is caused by not having the parking lots.  IF we can next to other cars at the grocery store, we can park by them at the park/beach.

OC Parks COVID-19 Closures
In an effort to minimize the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on park patrons, staff, and the Orange County community at large, and consistent with the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Governor?s office, and the Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA), OC Parks is currently operating in the following manner as of Wednesday, March 25, 2020. See the County's March 24, 2020 press release for more information.

To ensure appropriate social distancing and reduce places of gathering, County park closures will include: parking lots at all County beaches, regional and wilderness parks; parking spaces at all trailheads; parking along Black Star Canyon Road; pedestrian access points at Thousand Steps, Table Rock, West, Camel Point and Treasure Island beaches; playgrounds; exercise equipment; shelters and trailheads. Passive walk-through pedestrian, cycling, and equestrian activity is permitted.
Irvine Lake closed.
All events, programs and activities canceled.
All scheduled volunteer programs and activities canceled.
OC Zoo closed.
OC Parks Headquarters closed.
Park Offices at Carbon Canyon, Clark, Craig, Irvine, Laguna Niguel, Mason, Mile Square, Santiago Oaks and Yorba regional parks closed.
The Nix Nature Center at Laguna Coast Wilderness Park closed.
The Muth Interpretive Center at Upper Newport Bay closed.
The Interpretive Center at Clark Regional Park closed.
The archery range at Mile Square Regional Park is closed.
All nature centers at regional parks closed.
Arden: Helena Modjeska Historic House and Gardens closed.
Heritage Hill Historical Park closed.
Irvine Ranch Historic Park closed except for Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the Farmers Market.
Old Orange County Courthouse closed.
Campsites at O?Neill Regional Park and Caspers Wilderness Park closed.
We are suspending new reservations (including camping reservations), permit requests and annual pass sales.
Staff is available to answer your questions, we just ask that you call the parks for more information and practice safe social distancing. Contact information for all our parks can be found by visiting the OC Parks website at

We apologize for the inconvenience but value you as a patron. More information about COVID-19 can be found at the Health Care Agency website

I've used the parks extensively without a parking lot or restrooms.  I'm just glad they're open... unlike LA County parks/trails.
irvinelurker said:
I feel like Newsom's California beach closure plan will fail spectacularly.  At the least, there will be more protests in coastal cities (without social distancing) and I expect many others to practice civil disobedience and go sit on the beach this weekend daring authorities to do something.  And, if authorities do something punitive it could start getting really ugly.

I hope people know the ramifications if they break the law, flee, and fight back against a police officer.
I can list the CA penal codes if you like with potential time in jail and fines.
The idea was to let the locals use the beach and keep the visitors away. Doesn?t really work that well as they just park somewhere in the residential area.

They should open all the beaches to avoid overcrowding. L.A. crowd coming to OC beaches didn?t help.

The more outdoor places are closing the busier the ones still open are. I already heard some of my Huntington Beach friends are planing to come to Irvine for hiking when the beach will be closed. They won?t stay at home.

irvinehomeowner said:
Yeah... I don't understand opening the beaches but not the parking lots.
irvinehomeowner said:
Yeah... I don't understand opening the beaches but not the parking lots.

It is all about crowd control. Don't make it too easy (i.e. open parking lots) and less people show up.

Instead of closing parks/beaches, I would propose California have people sign up for an electronic license. They could limit the number of people at each park/beach per day. They could even spread the crowd out over the daytime by giving people time slots. They could then open up the street parking/open lots if people display the right licenses at checkpoints. Police and life guards can do spot checks on the sand.
Law enforcement has no stomachs for enforcing this. Friday, my son came down to our dock with about 12 friends to swim after they went surfing.  I didn?t invite them, they just showed up. Someone called the cops. I never knew but I was talking with one of my buddies on the Force and he told me about the call and ?they figured it was me, so they blew off the call.?  They don?t want to police this stuff.
eyephone said:
irvinelurker said:
I feel like Newsom's California beach closure plan will fail spectacularly.  At the least, there will be more protests in coastal cities (without social distancing) and I expect many others to practice civil disobedience and go sit on the beach this weekend daring authorities to do something.  And, if authorities do something punitive it could start getting really ugly.

I hope people know the ramifications if they break the law, flee, and fight back against a police officer.
I can list the CA penal codes if you like with potential time in jail and fines.

Several misdemeanors and thousands of dollars with jail time if you break the law, resist arrest, and assault a police officer just to go to the beach at this time.
To top it off, it goes on your record. Is it worth it? Idk
I took my family to the beach on Saturday and there was somewhat of a crowd along PCH, but on the beach itself things weren't that bad.  The water itself being 59 degrees was even less crowded, so no worries there.  Everybody was good about spacing their beach towels and chairs far enough apart.  The only time I felt forced to walk next to somebody was at a chokepoint between the sand and parking lot.  Even then it was more my impatience (and fault) because I couldn't wait for these gals to put their flip flops on.  Well, someone in my family had to use the bathroom so there was good reason for my sense of urgency.  We didn't use the beach bathroom BTW, but hopped in the car and drove home.

Gov. Newsom is literally being swayed by fake news on this, and not by the science and data as he claims.

These were taken by the HB Fire Dept on Saturday, judging by the shadows I would say about 12:30pm.  This is just North of the pier, one of the busiest spots in all of Huntington.  Notice the adherance to social distancing.

This is in front of the Hyatt and Hilton....looks like a ghost town.
I went to Costco today 1pm.  I literally walked within 3-4 ft of probably 50+ people over the course of 15 minutes.  I thought the cops would probably be waiting for me at the exit but to my surprise, it was all clear so I made a beeline for my car.

Newsom should try to navigate Costco or any grocery store without violating any protocols.  Guaranteed people are a LOT closer in there than they are in a huge empty space like the shoreline.
irvinelurker said:
I feel like Newsom's California beach closure plan will fail spectacularly.  At the least, there will be more protests in coastal cities (without social distancing) and I expect many others to practice civil disobedience and go sit on the beach this weekend daring authorities to do something.  And, if authorities do something punitive it could start getting really ugly.

I am skeptical as well.

Not wearing a mask, outright denying vaccines pre-emptively & refusing to abide by social distancing guidelines are slowly becoming badges of honor & signaling devices for a growing contingent too eager to show off their special status as "non-sheeple."

It's a New Woke.