
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program

At this point, no matter what I say might offend you. I?ll stop posting sharing opinions and arguments with you. I still hope you the best and hopefully one day, you get rid of all hatred or misunderstanding with me.

I?ll still be posting/replying whenever someone gives false or misinformation about God, Bible or Christianity since I believe it?s my or any Christ believer?s responsibility to defend The Bible as the inerrant word of God. You might say you?re the one who?s doing that and I?m the fake Christian. But just remember one thing. Are you doing what you?re doing out of love or just trying to prove you?re genius? A real Jesus believer does things out of love, not for boasting of yourself.

Mety said:
Kenkoko said:
We do live in crazy times.

I have a hard time deciding who is the craziest this weekend.

The Ohio church going lady claiming on CNN that Jesus blood in her will protect her and all the church goers from Covid


The old white lady on the opposite side of the street who called me Chinaman in front of my daughter and told us to go back home and not spread the virus


My Asian buddy who truly believe his MAGA hat and KAG shirt will protect him from any hate crimes.

I guess all those people are misinformed about what they believe in.

Jesus never said He would protect anyone from Covid. He actually said if anyone believes in Him, the world will hate that believer in return. He also said obey the government authorities. While I do believe God's providence and sovereignty over all things which include protections from the world, He never said a believer will not get sick. This is where the church needs to teach the people correctly from the Bible. Sadly, many churches today fail at this thus such false beliefs are everywhere.

Your Asian buddy who truly believes MAGA or KAG outfits would protect him probably thinks such crimes are only from Trump supporters. He might think if you were wearing a MAGA hat, that crazy lady wouldn't have called you Chinaman. I don't think such crime is only from non-Asian Trump supporters. It's just a human nature wanting to blame on someone. I think it's beyond the racial issue. It's a sad reality people want to vent on others and tragically, non-caucasian people have been targets for many years. It's our sinfulness. A MAGA hat might save you a few conflicts, but if you're wearing it to fool others, you're fooling yourself before anything.

Wearing a MAGA hat means you are more likely to get beat up in California.  There have been many documented cases of hate crimes against people wearing them.
Italy, Spain, and France seem to be on the other side of the peak for daily deaths. They day over day rate is now decreasing. I hope the trend continues. It will be definitely a good sign.

USA and Germany, on the other hand, are still on the rise for daily death count. I hope that we follow the pattern seen elsewhere in the world and peak sooner than later.
Yahoo News Article: Ecuador VP apologizes after virus corpses left on streets

Ecuador's vice president Otto Sonnenholzner has apologized after scores of bodies were left on the streets of Guayaquil as the coronavirus ravages the horror-struck port city.

Residents had published videos on social media showing abandoned bodies in the streets in the Latin American city worst hit by the pandemic.

Authorities collected at least 150 corpses from streets and homes earlier this week, but did not confirm how many of the dead were victims of the outbreak.

Cornflakes said:
Italy, Spain, and France seem to be on the other side of the peak for daily deaths. They day over day rate is now decreasing. I hope the trend continues. It will be definitely a good sign.

USA and Germany, on the other hand, are still on the rise for daily death count. I hope that we follow the pattern seen elsewhere in the world and peak sooner than later.
My fear is we will misconstrue the drop in daily fatalities as an "all clear" to lift the shelter in place measures.  It's almost a guarantee we will make that mistake.
It is out of control throughout the world. I read South Korea had an increase in cases.

Bodies on the street of Ecuador. (Previous article that I posted)
I hear you. I have had to go out on Friday for essential business and the observations I made in a local stores parking lot, cars on the road, and employees leaving the office building etc... I could see that there is this wide gap between people who are taking this seriously and have not left home in three weeks, and people who are just going about life as usual and thinking that it does not affect them.

It won't surprise me at all if we act too eager to call the whole thing off and may be pay a higher price in time.
Soylent Green Is People said:
Interesting side effect from Coronavirus and the CARES Act: An urgent need for COBOL programmers due to ancient State tech:

My .02c

I finally got around to reading an article on this, and the thing that blows my mind is...


Yes, that's right.  Come work for the NJ state government in the IT dept for FREEEEE!!!!!!

I guess they are figuring that most COBOL programmers are retirement age, so maybe they'll volunteer for the state out of the goodness of their hearts (and risk catching COVID-19 in the process).  Hmm...
Broke my rule tonight, flipped on Vice News Tonight, first segment, interview with Surgeon General Adams.  First question, is this under control...  Second question, "if I ask you about Hydroxychloroquine...". Adams answer " ... The important thing to understand here, 80% of the people that go on a ventilator, at least by NYC data, are not coming off a ventilator ... ".

Shouldn't have broke the rule.
Health professionals I know and other people are not recommending gloves for the public unless you properly know how to use/handle/dispose of them.
daedalus said:
Weren't they already at retirement age when we were panicking about Y2K?

You know it's bad when they are asking 80-90 year olds to come out of retirement to volunteer for the state's IT dept.  For such a highly taxed state like New Jersey, you would think they had room in their budget to pay IT contractors.
Guardian Article: Trump was warned in January of Covid-19's devastating impact, memos reveal

Donald Trump was warned at the end of January by one of his top White House advisers that coronavirus had the potential to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans and derail the US economy, unless tough action were taken immediately, new memos have revealed.

The memos were written by Trump?s economic adviser, Peter Navarro, and circulated via the National Security Council widely around the White House and federal agencies.

They show that even within the Trump administration alarm bells were ringing by late January, at a time when the president was consistently downplaying the threat of Covid-19.

eyephone said:
eyephone said:
As of 4/6/20 covid19 cases:
Anaheim 92
Irvine 77
Newport Beach 73
Huntington Beach 62
Santa Ana 62

I believe last time stats were released Irvine had 33 cases. The city of Anaheim took over the #1 spot with covid cases.

OC Health updates the stats daily. Irvine, Newport and Anaheim have usually been in the top 3, Anaheim just surpassed Irvine over the weekend,

But again, number of cases, is a tough number to use as it's probably way more than that relative to who is being tested.