
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
aquabliss said:
Missed something.  What does the person trying to forcibly enter the car have to do with being Asian?

As kenkoko stated. 

There is an increasing number of hate crimes against Asian across north America. It may be just a correlation, but if you are Asian. I would advice to keep on a higher alert
We do live in crazy times.

I have a hard time deciding who is the craziest this weekend.

The Ohio church going lady claiming on CNN that Jesus blood in her will protect her and all the church goers from Covid


The old white lady on the opposite side of the street who called me Chinaman in front of my daughter and told us to go back home and not spread the virus


My Asian buddy who truly believe his MAGA hat and KAG shirt will protect him from any hate crimes.
irvinehomeowner said:
USCTrojanCPA said:
aquabliss said:
I think I?ll wait to get the antibody test to tell me if I had it.  Anyone know when that will be available.  If I have the antibody, I?m going out on the town like it?s nobodies business.

Yeah, I'm curious when the anti body test will be available.  I got sick in mid-Feb for about a week and wonder if I got it as some of the symptoms were the same (cough, sneezing, slight fever, weak, and light headache).

USC is TI Patient Zero!!! :)

Hahaha  I got sick a few days after going to over a half dozen open houses the weekend of Feb 8/9 (these open houses were mostly packed with people).  Once the antibody test comes out, I'll take it and know for sure if I had it.
Kenkoko said:
We do live in crazy times.

I have a hard time deciding who is the craziest this weekend.

The Ohio church going lady claiming on CNN that Jesus blood in her will protect her and all the church goers from Covid


The old white lady on the opposite side of the street who called me Chinaman in front of my daughter and told us to go back home and not spread the virus


My Asian buddy who truly believe his MAGA hat and KAG shirt will protect him from any hate crimes.

I guess all those people are misinformed about what they believe in.

Jesus never said He would protect anyone from Covid. He actually said if anyone believes in Him, the world will hate that believer in return. He also said obey the government authorities. While I do believe God's providence and sovereignty over all things which include protections from the world, He never said a believer will not get sick. This is where the church needs to teach the people correctly from the Bible. Sadly, many churches today fail at this thus such false beliefs are everywhere.

Your Asian buddy who truly believes MAGA or KAG outfits would protect him probably thinks such crimes are only from Trump supporters. He might think if you were wearing a MAGA hat, that crazy lady wouldn't have called you Chinaman. I don't think such crime is only from non-Asian Trump supporters. It's just a human nature wanting to blame on someone. I think it's beyond the racial issue. It's a sad reality people want to vent on others and tragically, non-caucasian people have been targets for many years. It's our sinfulness. A MAGA hat might save you a few conflicts, but if you're wearing it to fool others, you're fooling yourself before anything.
Mety said:
Kenkoko said:
We do live in crazy times.

I have a hard time deciding who is the craziest this weekend.

The Ohio church going lady claiming on CNN that Jesus blood in her will protect her and all the church goers from Covid


The old white lady on the opposite side of the street who called me Chinaman in front of my daughter and told us to go back home and not spread the virus


My Asian buddy who truly believe his MAGA hat and KAG shirt will protect him from any hate crimes.

I guess all those people are misinformed about what they believe in.

Jesus never said He would protect anyone from Covid. He actually said if anyone believes in Him, the world will hate that believer in return. He also said obey the government authorities. While I do believe God's providence and sovereignty over all things which include protections from the world, He never said a believer will not get sick. This is where the church needs to teach the people correctly from the Bible. Sadly, many churches today fail at this thus such false beliefs are everywhere.

Your Asian buddy who truly believes MAGA or KAG outfits would protect him probably thinks such crimes are only from Trump supporters. He might think if you were wearing a MAGA hat, that crazy lady wouldn't have called you Chinaman. I don't think such crime is only from non-Asian Trump supporters. It's just a human nature wanting to blame on someone. I think it's beyond the racial issue. It's a sad reality people want to vent on others and tragically, non-caucasian people have been targets for many years. It's our sinfulness. A MAGA hat might save you a few conflicts, but if you're wearing it to fool others, you're fooling yourself before anything.

Please do not talk about God. When you give misleading people about the virus.

But the Bible refers to the Samaritan that help out the stranger. A person can correlate that story to the current day hospital workers.

eyephone said:
Mety said:
Kenkoko said:
We do live in crazy times.

I have a hard time deciding who is the craziest this weekend.

The Ohio church going lady claiming on CNN that Jesus blood in her will protect her and all the church goers from Covid


The old white lady on the opposite side of the street who called me Chinaman in front of my daughter and told us to go back home and not spread the virus


My Asian buddy who truly believe his MAGA hat and KAG shirt will protect him from any hate crimes.

I guess all those people are misinformed about what they believe in.

Jesus never said He would protect anyone from Covid. He actually said if anyone believes in Him, the world will hate that believer in return. He also said obey the government authorities. While I do believe God's providence and sovereignty over all things which include protections from the world, He never said a believer will not get sick. This is where the church needs to teach the people correctly from the Bible. Sadly, many churches today fail at this thus such false beliefs are everywhere.

Your Asian buddy who truly believes MAGA or KAG outfits would protect him probably thinks such crimes are only from Trump supporters. He might think if you were wearing a MAGA hat, that crazy lady wouldn't have called you Chinaman. I don't think such crime is only from non-Asian Trump supporters. It's just a human nature wanting to blame on someone. I think it's beyond the racial issue. It's a sad reality people want to vent on others and tragically, non-caucasian people have been targets for many years. It's our sinfulness. A MAGA hat might save you a few conflicts, but if you're wearing it to fool others, you're fooling yourself before anything.

Please do not talk about God. When you give misleading people about the virus.

Still waiting for you to quote where I misled people.
Mety said:
BTW, eyephone. I appreciate your argument and providing all these links for us. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just still debating what to take as truth on this matter.

It effects everyone not just older.
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So if the virus is common in animals, and it wasn't from eating said animals... how did patient zero catch it from an animal... hmmm?

You can believe what they say in public news and papers. I personally don't. I can't say I deny them 100%, but I strongly believe there are more than just what they present in media. I believe it was something closer to a chemical test failure/leak from labs. Then it got into those animal or wet markets. And also something very political driven stuff involved in all these from the start to finish. Did Trump say it should be OK by April?

Leak from labs? Come on Mety?
I think a GOP Senator said the same thing! Lol
Mety said:
I think the flu is actually worse. Yeah, I really think the media is making the most out of it. Fake fear it is. There is nothing wrong with being careful and staying healthy, but it really is becoming a political play IMHO. It's only my opinion so it could be wrong also.

Misinformation again. Fake fear? it is called reality, wake up
eyephone said:
Mety said:
BTW, eyephone. I appreciate your argument and providing all these links for us. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just still debating what to take as truth on this matter.

It effects everyone not just older.

And where exactly are my words it effects only older people?
eyephone said:
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So if the virus is common in animals, and it wasn't from eating said animals... how did patient zero catch it from an animal... hmmm?

You can believe what they say in public news and papers. I personally don't. I can't say I deny them 100%, but I strongly believe there are more than just what they present in media. I believe it was something closer to a chemical test failure/leak from labs. Then it got into those animal or wet markets. And also something very political driven stuff involved in all these from the start to finish. Did Trump say it should be OK by April?

Leak from labs? Come on Mety?
I think a GOP Senator said the same thing! Lol

Ok. We, including you, still don?t know the truth of this. Yeah you think it?s from bat soup. I think it could be from something else. It doesn?t change the fact we?re living in a Covid-19 era. Again, where is the misinformation? All I see is two different opinions here.
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
So if the virus is common in animals, and it wasn't from eating said animals... how did patient zero catch it from an animal... hmmm?

You can believe what they say in public news and papers. I personally don't. I can't say I deny them 100%, but I strongly believe there are more than just what they present in media. I believe it was something closer to a chemical test failure/leak from labs. Then it got into those animal or wet markets. And also something very political driven stuff involved in all these from the start to finish. Did Trump say it should be OK by April?

Leak from labs? Come on Mety?
I think a GOP Senator said the same thing! Lol

Ok. We, including you, still don?t know the truth of this. Yeah you think it?s from bat soup. I think it could be from something else. It doesn?t change the fact we?re living in a Covid-19 era. Again, where is the misinformation? All I see is two different opinions here.

We all know it?s from a wet market. It is not from a lab. Another GOP spin.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
I think the flu is actually worse. Yeah, I really think the media is making the most out of it. Fake fear it is. There is nothing wrong with being careful and staying healthy, but it really is becoming a political play IMHO. It's only my opinion so it could be wrong also.

Misinformation again. Fake fear? it is called reality, wake up

Opinion. Not information. You think your words are information? If so, you?ve been giving much misinformation yourself many times. Remember, we?re sharing opinions.

BTW, I think media is still giving fake fear very much. But remember, I always said we need to be careful and minimize outdoor times.

And you need to stop getting political. Your GOP vs. Dems arguments are really unfruitful. You also keep calling people with mocking tones. That gives you so much less credit. Please know that. I?m saying out of love so that you won?t make the same mistakes again. Stay safe, bro.
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
I think the flu is actually worse. Yeah, I really think the media is making the most out of it. Fake fear it is. There is nothing wrong with being careful and staying healthy, but it really is becoming a political play IMHO. It's only my opinion so it could be wrong also.

Misinformation again. Fake fear? it is called reality, wake up

Opinion. Not information. You think your words are information? If so, you?ve been giving much misinformation yourself many times. Remember, we?re sharing opinions.

BTW, I think media is still giving fake fear very much. But remember, I always said we need to be careful and minimize outdoor times.

And you need to stop getting political. Your GOP vs. Dems arguments are really unfruitful. You also keep calling people with mocking tones. That gives you so much less credit. Please know that. I?m saying out of love so that you won?t make the same mistakes again. Stay safe, bro.

That is what a GOP Senator said, that it came from a lab. I am not making it up.
Hey welcome to America. Freedom of the press.
Also, remember if you say false info it is also called lying. We can talk about the different Bible versus about lying. Please do not type any more. You are looking silly.
You are changing your story. Before you said it is not that serious. But now you are saying this is serious. Wait a minute that is what Trump did also. Get a better role model and do your research before you post.

Keep on with the fake news fake fear. It shows your intelligence.