
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Nextdoor is updated daily for the Irvine count for anyone that's interested, updated by someone who works for City of Irvine.

4/5 was 75
4/6 was 77

eyephone said:
I believe last time stats were released Irvine had 33 cases. The city of Anaheim took over the #1 spot with covid cases.
No matter if you support this President or not, this entire "OMG THE PRESIDENT WAS WARNED AND DID NOTHING!!!" stuff is merely making a hurricane out of a fart.

From the Guardian Article:

"The Navarro memos, first reported by the New York Times and Axios, were written by Navarro on 29 January and 23 February. The first memo, composed ON THE DAY TRUMP SET UP A WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE...."

For those who can only absorb their news if written in crayon - this meant "Warning" = "Action" on the same flipping day.

Please, people... there are bigger issues at hand.
My big issue is having a hard time watching the walking bone spur talk.
Trump - "I was never involved in a model atleast this kind of a model"

I mean I say the most fucked up shit, but he is making a joke about fucking models during last weeks press conference.
Dafuq?  Watch pence's face...LOL  how did he keep a straight face?  The man is well trained.
Trump's not the savvy communicator he believes he is. Still, beats having some of the other folks up there. Every time Ben Carson speaks I nod off. That said, for some if POTUS 45 cured cancer people would still say he didn't work hard enough on Parkinson's because he's a thus and so....

I don't know about the rest of you here, but Pence has always struck me as someone easily to be cast as a Marvel Villain. That white hair looks bullet proof. But I digress....
Glenn Fine is a universally respected pillar of integrity.  His firing so he won?t be in a position to monitor the @realDonaldTrump Adminstration's pandemic effort is an act of public corruption.

There are too much corruption attempts from this president, I forget the counts.
Daily Mail article: I STILL won't speak to George W. Bush or Barack Obama about how to deal with coronavirus crisis because we've done a 'great job,' says Donald Trump

Trump was asked at the White House whether he would seek the counsel of Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush ? each of whom has extensive experience dealing with deadly diseases during their separate eight-year terms.   

'No, not really,' Trump responded. 'We're doing a great job,' Trump continued. 'Hey, I inherited ? we, this administration, we inherited a broken system,' Trump said.

George W. Bush set up intensive planning on flu pandemics. Obama established national security office on global health

But Trump scrapped/cut the funding. Doing a great job? Lol
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
As of 4/6/20 covid19 cases:
Anaheim 92
Irvine 77
Newport Beach 73
Huntington Beach 62
Santa Ana 62

I believe last time stats were released Irvine had 33 cases. The city of Anaheim took over the #1 spot with covid cases.

OC Health updates the stats daily. Irvine, Newport and Anaheim have usually been in the top 3, Anaheim just surpassed Irvine over the weekend,

But again, number of cases, is a tough number to use as it's probably way more than that relative to who is being tested.

It's better look at the rate of positive cases as a % of total tested.  That's only reported at the county level, but it has been hovering around 8% for the past couple weeks.  I believe that's quite a bit lower than the national (even after excluding NY) and state averages.  That's a hopeful sign. 
DBtoOC said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
As of 4/6/20 covid19 cases:
Anaheim 92
Irvine 77
Newport Beach 73
Huntington Beach 62
Santa Ana 62

I believe last time stats were released Irvine had 33 cases. The city of Anaheim took over the #1 spot with covid cases.

OC Health updates the stats daily. Irvine, Newport and Anaheim have usually been in the top 3, Anaheim just surpassed Irvine over the weekend,

But again, number of cases, is a tough number to use as it's probably way more than that relative to who is being tested.

It's better look at the rate of positive cases as a % of total tested.  That's only reported at the county level, but it has been hovering around 8% for the past couple weeks.  I believe that's quite a bit lower than the national (even after excluding NY) and state averages.  That's a hopeful sign.

Hopeful sign? Until there is a vaccine or approved drug that helps people the numbers will fluctuate and lives will be lost.
Soylent Green Is People said:
Trump's not the savvy communicator he believes he is. Still, beats having some of the other folks up there. Every time Ben Carson speaks I nod off.
Every time Ben Carson speaks, he nods off too.
irvinehomeowner said:
Health professionals I know and other people are not recommending gloves for the public unless you properly know how to use/handle/dispose of them.
If you pretend and act like the outside of the gloves are covered in poop, you'll probably be fine.  When done, carefully take them off by pulling on the cuff, without touching your arm with your other gloved hand. 

I re-use the gloves if they're in good shape.  I let them sit balled up inside out for at least 3 days and rotate through multiple pairs.  The virus doesn't last all that long.

Drive without gloves to destination.
Don mask with bare (presumably clean) hands, using the elastic as much as possible and without touching your skin.
Use hand sanitizer.
Don gloves via cuffs.
Exit, close door and lock with clean gloved hand.
Do not touch face, mask, or adjust gloves while out.
On return, unlock and open door with gloved hand (assume outside door handle contaminated).
Remove gloves via cuffs only.
If extra careful:  Use hand sanitizer.
Enter vehicle (assume inside of vehicle is clean).
Close door.
Remove face mask via elastic bands only and tuck into plastic storage bag.
Use hand sanitizer.
Drive to next destination.

Throw in extra sanitization steps to suit your level of OCD.  No medical training, but I work with very sensitive equipment from time to time and get trained on keeping things clean and uncontaminated to microscopic levels.
daedalus said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Health professionals I know and other people are not recommending gloves for the public unless you properly know how to use/handle/dispose of them.
If you pretend and act like the outside of the gloves are covered in poop, you'll probably be fine.  When done, carefully take them off by pulling on the cuff, without touching your arm with your other gloved hand. 

I re-use the gloves if they're in good shape.  I let them sit balled up inside out for at least 3 days and rotate through multiple pairs.  The virus doesn't last all that long.

Drive without gloves to destination.
Don mask with bare (presumably clean) hands, using the elastic as much as possible and without touching your skin.
Use hand sanitizer.
Don gloves via cuffs.
Exit, close door and lock with clean gloved hand.
Do not touch face, mask, or adjust gloves while out.
On return, unlock and open door with gloved hand (assume outside door handle contaminated).
Remove gloves via cuffs only.
If extra careful:  Use hand sanitizer.
Enter vehicle (assume inside of vehicle is clean).
Close door.
Remove face mask via elastic bands only and tuck into plastic storage bag.
Use hand sanitizer.
Drive to next destination.

Throw in extra sanitization steps to suit your level of OCD.  No medical training, but I work with very sensitive equipment from time to time and get trained on keeping things clean and uncontaminated to microscopic levels.

I leave the mask on and take it off when I get home.
eyephone said:
I leave the mask on and take it off when I get home.

Better to put it into a paper bag (labeled with the date) for a week of quarantine when you enter your car, if you think the mask might be contaminated, so as not to distribute the virus inside your presumptively clean car interior.
freedomcm said:
eyephone said:
I leave the mask on and take it off when I get home.

Better to put it into a paper bag (labeled with the date) for a week of quarantine when you enter your car, if you think the mask might be contaminated, so as not to distribute the virus inside your presumptively clean car interior.

Good point. If I take my mask on and off in my car. Then I have a chance to touch my face in the process. (my n95 mask has two rubber straps)

It's been shown already that this current outbreak is due to several strains of the Covid-19 Coronavirus. If it was here last year given open travel, there should have been a wider transmission of the disease. It also begs the question if 2018-2019 flu season was Covid-19 impacted, and 2019-2020 saw it rage, what will another variant in the 2020-2021 flu season do?

My .02c
Let the excuses begin...where is the 250000 dead we were assured were coming. ...and don?t say social distancing saved 249,462 people!! Now herd immunity is getting interest? The Swedes have already been doing this and we did it for H1N1....

Sweden challenges Trump ? and scientific mainstream ? by refusing to lock down

Much of Europe is still on coronavirus lockdown, with severe restrictions on movement and penalties for those who transgress.
But not Sweden. Restaurants and bars are open in the Nordic country, playgrounds and schools too, and the government is relying on voluntary action to stem the spread of Covid-19.
It's a controversial approach, and one that's drawn US President Donald Trump's attention. "Sweden did that, the herd, they call it the herd. Sweden's suffering very, very badly," Trump said on Tuesday.
But the Swedish government is confident its policy can work.
