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I personally know two people both tested positive and did not know they had it.  Asymptomatic, both are fine and self exiling themselves but feel nothing. Everyone tested around them came back negative, including me.
Cuomo 2024!

zubs said:
Watching the different governors and people talk about corona virus, here is my rating:
Trump - horrible 2/10 - I feel dumber listening to him
Pence - below avg 4/10 - dry, wooden.
Dr. Birk - Good 8/10
Cuomo - Excellent 10/10 - calms me down and high charisma.
Newsom - Ok 6/10 - Sounds like William Shatner
Fauci - Ok 6/10
Kushner - Good 8/10 - Well spoken

Surgeon General...that Lisp is really distracting. "you don'th needth to wear a maskth!"
Anybody want to take a stab at how long this shelter in place will last? My bet is July 10. Around 3 months after the initial Trump premature ejac. And in about 1 month President Trump will start wearing mask, after today refuse to wear mask. :P
irvinehomeowner said:
Self congratulatory posts aside... how is everyone doing?

Any TI member know anyone personally who has Covid? A relative of a friend of mine thinks they have it, waiting for test results. :(

A friend of mine that now lives in Canada thinks he had it.  All the symptoms were there, and he was bedridden for three weeks with low energy and trouble breathing.  He's pulling out of it now, but still weak.  Since he wasn't bad enough to be hospitalized, they wouldn't test him, so there's no way of knowing for sure.
irvinehomeowner said:
Any TI member know anyone personally who has Covid? A relative of a friend of mine thinks they have it, waiting for test results. :(

I know a young family of three that all had pretty bad/severe symptoms matching COVID symptoms (104 fever/loss of taste & smell, vomiting etc) This was around the middle of last month but they were not able to get a test because they were not considered high-risk, had not traveled internationally, and had not been in contact with anyone that was considered high-risk.
I think I?ll wait to get the antibody test to tell me if I had it.  Anyone know when that will be available.  If I have the antibody, I?m going out on the town like it?s nobodies business.
qwerty said:
Kenkoko/IAC renter - are local hospitals using some of the treatments other countries are using? Or something similar to the above treatment?

Just curious what hospitals in the US are doing.

Sorry for the late reply. Been busy at work.

The data is pretty thin for all these treatments. Medical studies are ongoing or limited in nature. So pretty much everything is being tried but there is no magic bullet. IV Remdesivir (antiviral) is undergoing clinical trials now but has limited availability for emergency / compassionate usage outside the study. Hydroxycholorquine+Azithromycin is another regimen  that showed decreased viral load. But the French study only enrolled 36 patients and was not randomized and had limited followup. Availability of both hydroxycholoruine and chloroquine has become very limited in the outpatient setting. Most health care systems including Kaiser are cutting off the drug for outpatients. Other adjuncts could include Vitamin C (high serum levels in mice model show protection for lung epithelium tissue) and steroids for patients with severe disease with ARDS (badly inflamed lungs--patient will be on a ventilator).

Masks should be mandatory.  If you are out in public you must wear a mask or the cops should give you a ticket.
Masks flatten the curve because 25% - 50% have no symptoms and are spreading it to everyone else just by talking next to them.

Surgeon General Lisp made a huge mistake a few weeks back telling people not to wear masks.
It would have slowed transmission.

CDC is also to blame...bunch of tards.
morekaos said:
morekaos said:
morekaos said:
I predict, in the very near future it will become quite fashionable to get the coronavirus. >:D

Tom Hanks Says He Has Coronavirus

The actor said he and his wife, Rita Wilson, had tested positive while in Australia, where he is set to begin production on a film.

Anyone who?s anyone has got Corona...embrace the rapture!!

Idris Elba urges fans not to 'freak out' as he confirms he has tested positive for coronavirus COVID-19... but is yet to discover if wife Sabrina has also contracted the virus


Game of Thrones star Kristofer Hivju reveals he has tested positive for the coronavirus


You are just not down with the movement if you don't have the Corona...All SJW's have it, Prince Charles is on board too...

Greta Thunberg says it?s ?extremely likely? she has coronavirus

Greta Thunberg said Tuesday it?s ?extremely likely? that she became infected with COVID-19 on a recent jaunt to Europe ? but has ?basically recovered.?

The 17-year-old Swedish climate activist said both she and her father, who accompanied her on the Brussels leg of her journey, have experienced symptoms associated with coronavirus.

?I was feeling tired, had shivers, a sore throat and coughed. My dad experienced the same symptoms, but much more intense and with a fever,? she wrote on Instagram.

All the cool people have it...or say they do, then don?t...

Pink reveals she and three-year-old son Jameson were diagnosed COVID-19... before SLAMMING US government for lack of tests

The 40-year-old singer took to Instagram to share a sweet snap with her son with a lengthy caption about the diagnosis
She went on to explain that they were retested days ago and are now negative
The singer made sure to use her platform to criticize the US government over the lack of tests for the coronavirus
Taiwan actually had COVID-19 all under control

until the most recent wave of exchange students travel back home from EU and NA.

Even with most of them doing self quarantine, an outbreak is looking in Taiwan is looking to be the most likely outcome....

So yeah. longer shelter in place may be a wise choice, but that requires all the idiots who are still partying to stay inside.
aquabliss said:
I think I?ll wait to get the antibody test to tell me if I had it.  Anyone know when that will be available.  If I have the antibody, I?m going out on the town like it?s nobodies business.

Yeah, I'm curious when the anti body test will be available.  I got sick in mid-Feb for about a week and wonder if I got it as some of the symptoms were the same (cough, sneezing, slight fever, weak, and light headache).
USCTrojanCPA said:
aquabliss said:
I think I?ll wait to get the antibody test to tell me if I had it.  Anyone know when that will be available.  If I have the antibody, I?m going out on the town like it?s nobodies business.

Yeah, I'm curious when the anti body test will be available.  I got sick in mid-Feb for about a week and wonder if I got it as some of the symptoms were the same (cough, sneezing, slight fever, weak, and light headache).

USC is TI Patient Zero!!! :)
USCTrojanCPA said:
aquabliss said:
I think I?ll wait to get the antibody test to tell me if I had it.  Anyone know when that will be available.  If I have the antibody, I?m going out on the town like it?s nobodies business.

Yeah, I'm curious when the anti body test will be available.  I got sick in mid-Feb for about a week and wonder if I got it as some of the symptoms were the same (cough, sneezing, slight fever, weak, and light headache).

sneezing is unlikely, probably a common cold.
A couple weeks back I had low grade fever and body aches (lasted 2-3 Days), but very mild.  My wife felt the same thing about 5 Days after me, and same symptoms.  I?d really like to know if I had it.  Bring on the antibody test.  Maybe I?ll have to venture to Bolsa.
A friend (Asian) just had someone tried to forcibly enter his car via passenger door at San Canyon USPS Parking lot while he was in his car.

Good thing he drove a Tesla and the ass hole does'nt know how to open it.

I can't even say travel in groups anymore... but I guess becareful when you are by your self, especially if you are Asian, even in Irvine.