
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Soylent Green Is People said:
Also - I guess DiFi also sold stock after the briefing. Q: How many will be screaming for her resignation?  A: Not many.

My .02c

I see this repeatedly on my twitter feed today. Help me understand. Why do people become hyper-partisan and take sides when it comes to corrupt politicians?

Americans are struggling financially.  401ks are tanking, people are getting laid off, while senators were using their secret briefings to insider trade.

IMO, they should all resign.

Kenkoko said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
Also - I guess DiFi also sold stock after the briefing. Q: How many will be screaming for her resignation?  A: Not many.

My .02c

I see this repeatedly on my twitter feed today. Help me understand. Why do people become hyper-partisan and take sides when it comes to corrupt politicians?

Americans are struggling financially.  401ks are tanking, people are getting laid off, while senators were using their secret briefings to insider trade.

IMO, they should all resign.

Ken: check out his logo it goes to that says it all.
First it's "Oh that basterd, selling stock when he shouldn't."

Now it's "Why are people so hyper-partisan...?" when someone else with a D handle gets named???


May I recommend staying off Twitter. Some context: For a long time I was a very engaged Twitter user. I shut my well established account off in 2019 as I started getting carpet bombed with creepy NSFW suggestions on Twitter and other Social Media by a frequent poster here onTalk Irvine

I miss what was good about Twitter (was active  2009-2019) but the negativity is so pervasive and toxic that once you've been away from Twitter for a while, things are much clearer - similar to what happened in Venice Italy if you've seen the reports.

Yes, some of these DC folks are clearly lying about how and why they sold stocks. Yes, as well, if anyone was paying attention in February and was smart enough to sell, they would have done it also.

Re read the first 9 pages of this thread. There was enough open and available news evidence at that time which made for some a compelling argument to sell.

My .02c
here we go with your complains about twitter.
It has nothing to do with the virus. Lol

Do not think it is me. Because I do not know his Twitter account.
I thought your employer did not let you link the website to ti. Lol
I think you said that last time.
SGIP, thanks for engaging. Agree or disagree, I always appreciated an intellectually honest discussion/debate.

Agree w/ Twitter toxicity often getting out of control. Unfortunately, part of my job takes me on Twitter, and it is also addictive despite all the polarization and negativity.

Maybe someone else was making excuses for Dianne Feinstein, but it certainly wasn?t me. My earlier response to you was not partisan.

Kenkoko said:
If you find out about a nation-threatening pandemic and your first move is to adjust your stock portfolio you should probably not be in a job that serves the public interest.

I saw what you posted earlier about where we draw the line. Between ER doctor and CEOs of Mask Manufacturing, I don?t have a perfect answer. But I feel strongly that we should draw the line at politicians who are supposed to serve the public interest. What they did, however anyone wants to spin it, was not serving the public?s interest.

I don?t agree with Tucker Carlson on a lot of thing, but I loved his segment on Burr and Loeffler.

I brought up my disagreement with people being hyper partisan because corruption shouldn?t be a partisan issue. We would all be better off if we can send a message to both the right and the left: Having an R or D next to your name will not save you if you?re corrupt. They should resign.
Here is an Coronovirus chart with updated stats.

People can form their own opinions but data is data.


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The whole thing about compensating execs with the company stock, and then making laws on insider trading, and then enforcing them and so is an utter waste of time and resources. At the core, it is putting up too much mechanism to fight basic human instinct.

How about if companies gave their execs stock compensation in the form of their sector ETF or S&P 500 ETF. If the company stock did very well in the past year, they can get up to 500% of the target bonus. If all the companies and their execs in the sector work hard and ethically, they all will prosper. And up to 500% allocation on target is incentive enough for the employees to do what is best for their company.

They can buy and sell their sector ETF holding all day without worrying about insider trading rules.

SEC can do something better with the freed uptime.
Are cops really pulling people over?  My friend said his friend got pulled over in LA and fined $250 for visiting a friend.  Why she didn?t say she was going to the supermarket is beyond me.

Can you still go to auto shop for routine service during this time?
lovingit said:
Are cops really pulling people over?  My friend said his friend got pulled over in LA and fined $250 for visiting a friend.  Why she didn?t say she was going to the supermarket is beyond me.

Can you still go to auto shop for routine service during this time?

Thanks for sharing.
Interesting. Did that person get stop for another violation or pulled over just to ask the purpose? Was it during the daytime or night?
lovingit said:
Are cops really pulling people over?  My friend said his friend got pulled over in LA and fined $250 for visiting a friend.  Why she didn?t say she was going to the supermarket is beyond me.

Can you still go to auto shop for routine service during this time?

Not sure about vehicle maintenance, good question though.  I see now all these car dealerships sending me emails saying their ?virtual showroom? is still open, and click here to shop now!

At some point we might see a 2020 X5M for $40k OTD.  Ok that might be a bit much, but call on last day of March and I bet they are willing to give verrrry steep discounts.
According to the Governor during his news conference, the only enforcement available was "public shaming" - really - and some very general "we'll look into this or that".

All "non essential" meetings of 10 or more are banned without an enforcement mechanism. In a case like this I'm reading about 3-5 people in an essential meeting.

Something else is the real story here which is often the case.

My .02c
As always @Kenkoko you provide much more light rather than heat with your forum contributions - the way it's supposed to be done. Others? Well, that's another discussion thread all together.

Is Loeffler lying? Yes, I think the case is clear. The rest? More than enough gray there to fog this thing up.

Seems like it wasn't just the Big Fish who have been caught up in this net:

In 2-3 days no one will care as people focus on their checks from DC, and sadly mortality rates overtake all other news stories.

Speaking about checks - I heard someone suggest send out debit cards with a 30 day time limit to "use it or lose it". This would be akin to the OD/Adrenaline shot scene from "Pulp Fiction" to the economy. Thoughts?

Finally, In case this link wasn't posted earlier, a good step for all the dataheads out there:
My employer is deferring monthly payments upon request for those in dire straits. How it works: If your loan payoff was June 1, 2049, now it's July 1 2049. No impact to credit.

Some tips - subject to change....

A) You have to call an 800 number EVERY MONTH to request another monthly deferral.

B) As of yesterday, the phone wait was 2 hours.

C) You are advised to stop Auto Debiting the payment. This should be done now anyway IMHO

If you are in a position of need, and have your loan with a large multinational financial company with a flag in it's corporate logo, the phone number to call is either 669-6650 or 669-0102. Both are 800 number prefixes. These numbers may change as time progresses.

My .02c
Thanks SGIP.  What is the criteria for being in dire straights?  Do I have to sell all my investments at 50% off and use them to pay my mortgage before I qualify for relief?  Any more delay from private firms more than 30 Days?
Everything is in a state of flux. Announced guidelines are no longer a certainly

My first impression is that there is not a means test. The person who walked me through their families situation was a furloughed employee.

Today, requests are Month by Month. Tomorrow? Hard to say.

My .02c
I feel like we're going to find out if deficits matter.  And I think having an answer, regardless of what it is, will be worse than not knowing.

Actually, I guess we're either going to find the answer is either "yes", or it will still be "maybe".  We'll never know if the answer is actually "no".  But we'll really be pushing on "yes" with all this.