
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
daedalus said:
I feel like we're going to find out if deficits matter.  And I think having an answer, regardless of what it is, will be worse than not knowing.

Actually, I guess we're either going to find the answer is either "yes", or it will still be "maybe".  We'll never know if the answer is actually "no".  But we'll really be pushing on "yes" with all this.

What has ever given you the impression that deficits matter?  The damn debt keeps going up and they continuously excuse it saying it?s only x% of gdp and then compare us to countries with a worst %
It was randomly during the daytime.  Don't know what the citation stated.  Just say you are going to the grocery store if you happened to get pulled over.

eyephone said:
lovingit said:
Are cops really pulling people over?  My friend said his friend got pulled over in LA and fined $250 for visiting a friend.  Why she didn?t say she was going to the supermarket is beyond me.

Can you still go to auto shop for routine service during this time?

Thanks for sharing.
Interesting. Did that person get stop for another violation or pulled over just to ask the purpose? Was it during the daytime or night?
irvineboy said:
It was randomly during the daytime.  Don't know what the citation stated.  Just say you are going to the grocery store if you happened to get pulled over.

eyephone said:
lovingit said:
Are cops really pulling people over?  My friend said his friend got pulled over in LA and fined $250 for visiting a friend.  Why she didn?t say she was going to the supermarket is beyond me.

Can you still go to auto shop for routine service during this time?

Thanks for sharing.
Interesting. Did that person get stop for another violation or pulled over just to ask the purpose? Was it during the daytime or night?

That'll only work for up to 9pm as that's when grocery stores close.
I still prefer cash over debit card with 30 day use it or lose it.
The goal here should be to put buying power into people's hand without creating extra incentives for people rushing into stores.
Also, cash would mean less admin cost, less bureaucracy, and less gamesmanship.
Anything not cash, there will be people selling their card/credit for cash, like they do now with food stamps etc. (more human contact & less social distancing)

I am not one to think the deficit doesn?t matter.
But we are still the global reserve currency and at such low borrowing cost, we can make meaningful moves.
It?s also a bad time to worry about the deficit.
When your house is on fire, you shouldn?t care how much water cost.
We are heading into a deep recession and we should do everything we can to avoid a depression.
A depression will be more costly than this cash bailout.
Did anyone notice there are actually more people outside today in Irvine/Newport area? I don?t think people are scared of this coronavirus at all.
Rode along the beach in Lb and drove along Huntington Beach, more people out on a spring day than I have ever seen. People are going nuts sitting home.
daedalus said:
Hawaii is in a terrible situation.  They can't afford the stigma of the virus taking hold there, but they can't afford to halt the tourism industry.  They're going to get screwed eventually.

But not before our trip there in May, hopefully.  (Wishful thinking, I know).

Welp fuck there goes the Hawaii trip, and the paid-in-full VRBO reservation.

Hawaii is going to suffer badly.  Tourism is the #1 income stream.  What they did takes surprising and admirable political courage.  Much better than half-assed, let's-be-sure-to-really-drag-this-thing-out measures.
daedalus said:
daedalus said:
Hawaii is in a terrible situation.  They can't afford the stigma of the virus taking hold there, but they can't afford to halt the tourism industry.  They're going to get screwed eventually.

But not before our trip there in May, hopefully.  (Wishful thinking, I know).

Welp fuck there goes the Hawaii trip, and the paid-in-full VRBO reservation.

Hawaii is going to suffer badly.  Tourism is the #1 income stream.  What they did takes surprising and admirable political courage.  Much better than half-assed, let's-be-sure-to-really-drag-this-thing-out measures.

Heavy handed proven to give better result. Some of these dumdasses still think it?s no big deals. Better to do it early.
Compressed-Village said:
morekaos said:
Compressed-Village said:
Where and which country reporting the least infection right now? Russia? India? What are the infecting rate there?

Here is a good real time website to follow the game.

You guys are pretty smart, so figure this out ZERO (0) death in Russia and 109 active case. And covid ?suppose? to thrive in cold climate.

Someone else is noticing...

Why does Russia, population 144 million, have fewer coronavirus cases than Luxembourg?

US already surpasses Spain and now at #3 spot in the total cases. Only behind China and Italy. I bet before the week is over, we will be at #2 spot. We might even cross China in few days as China has stopped seeing (or reporting) new cases while we are just warming up to increased testing.
CNN: Trump on China: 'I wish they'd told us earlier' about coronavirus

President Donald Trump said Saturday that he wished China would have told him earlier about the novel coronavirus, despite previously praising the country's transparency on the issue.

"I wish they could have told us earlier about what was going on inside," Trump said during a briefing on the federal government's coronavirus response. "We didn't know about it until it started coming out publicly."

Trump added that China "was very secretive and that's unfortunate."

On January 24, Trump praised China and President Xi Jinping for the country's "efforts and transparency" in dealing with the coronavirus. That praise came nearly a month after the country informed the World Health Organization about the virus.

When asked by CNN's Jeremy Diamond on Saturday about his previous praise, Trump said he thought the country could have warned other nations sooner than it did.

"Because China has worked very hard," he said. "China was transparent at that time but when we saw what happened, they could have been transparent much earlier than they were."

Yah who cares? 428 is so much less than 22,000. I can see why all the panic.

Coronavirus Overshadows a Deadly Flu Season

With flu season still winding down, at least 144 children younger than 18 have died, a toll topped only by the 2009 H1N1 pandemic since health authorities began tracking flu data in 2004.

So far this season, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recorded 36 million flu cases in the U.S., with 370,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths.
Just as a mental exercise, if 36 million infections recorded for COVID-19, how many would be hospitalized and how many would be dead?

I am curious.
Cornflakes. Let's take California's population for example at 39 million. 20% of the California population is 65 years old an older. Assuming a death of 6% which is the number I have seen for the risk at this age group we are potentially looking at 432,000 death. This is assuming that 100% of California's population is infected with the COVID-19. 

Another information that maybe of your interest is that Jan 2020 Unemployment numbers for Orange County has showed its first uptick of reversal at 2.9% for Jan 2020 from 2.4% in Dec 2019. I think this unemployment wave will now start moving upwards.

Orange County Unemployment Data.
Dec 2019 2.4%
Jan 2020 2.9% - First uptick from bottom
Well before that point, the number of hospitalizations would be limited by the capacity of hospitals.  I've seen #s of around 2 hospital beds per 1000 people.  So we have space for .2% of the population.  The % of cases requiring hospitalization may need more clarity, but if we assume 10%, then 10% x 10% = 1%....which is 5x the capacity, and doesn't consider that utilization is not 0 in the absence of the pandemic.

Still as a mental exercise, if 10% catch it, and 2% die, that would be 720,000 deaths in a population of 360,000,000.

Thanks Guys. Makes sense.

As of today we have 33276 cases with 417 deaths. Which is 1.25%.

If 36 million cases happen in USA, at 1.25% rate we are looking at 450,000 deaths. This is assuming that all the hospitalized patients (which is about 18% of infections) receive the health care at current standards and the system, care provides, and medical supplies are readily available to manage the caseload.

Unfortunately that's a wildly optimistic way of estimating the mortality rate.  There were only 6500 confirmed cases in the US 4 DAYS AGO.  The ~27000 confirmed cases from the past 4 days are almost entirely all pending an outcome.  Most will survive.  Some will not. 

I will be calling my elderly parents tonight.  I only get to see them 2x a year. 