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No body likes to admit being wrong; same logic can be applied people who are fully vaccinated following all the precautions and still get infected with COVID and still have to wear a mask and other restrictions. They hate to admit they are being duped into believing the efficacy of the vaccine. They hate to admit two shots are not enough and now we are talking 4 shots and more. They need a scape goat (which are those who are vaccine hesitant) and want other people to be just like them.

Between the anti Vaxxers and full on sheeple, there is another group in the middle. They know the virus is real, but understand the limitation of the vaccine and the actual risk of COVID. They live their life normally with all the precautions taken but without all the fear.
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
That's because in the US, we haven't gone that far above the line.

If you check other countries where they far exceeded the medical resources availability, there are higher death rates.

C'mon... this is a very easy concept to understand.

Now you move the goal posts..other countries?  I don't recall any other country plastering the slogan "Flatten the Curve!" all over the place.  Besides, I don't care about other countries..its this one I'm concerned with.

Really? Are you purposely trying to be obtuse?

The point was to show you how above the line has a higher death rate than below the line. Other countries were above the line because they didn't have enough resources or were not able to flatten the curve... thus a higher death rate.

Had that happened in the US (and it did in certain areas), you would have also seen a higher death rate... not a mirrored one or one similar to under the line.

I think you understand because I don't think you are this thick.
Can we use COVID19 to fuck up China?

Since they have a "NO COVID" policy, we can send agents into China with covid to infect their population.
Think of all the lockdowns in different Chinese cities causing mass economic distress all over the world.....

I bet the CIA already ran some simulations.
Plus I heard you can trick covid testing by putting vaseline inside your nose.

Winter Olympics here we come!
zubs said:
Can we use COVID19 to fuck up China?

Since they have a "NO COVID" policy, we can send agents into China with covid to infect their population.
Think of all the lockdowns in different Chinese cities causing mass economic distress all over the world.....

I bet the CIA already ran some simulations.
Plus I heard you can trick covid testing by putting vaseline inside your nose.

Winter Olympics here we come!

So you are saying send Kaos and Akula into China?
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
That's because in the US, we haven't gone that far above the line.

If you check other countries where they far exceeded the medical resources availability, there are higher death rates.

C'mon... this is a very easy concept to understand.

Now you move the goal posts..other countries?  I don't recall any other country plastering the slogan "Flatten the Curve!" all over the place.  Besides, I don't care about other countries..its this one I'm concerned with.

Really? Are you purposely trying to be obtuse?

The point was to show you how above the line has a higher death rate than below the line. Other countries were above the line because they didn't have enough resources or were not able to flatten the curve... thus a higher death rate.

Had that happened in the US (and it did in certain areas), you would have also seen a higher death rate... not a mirrored one or one similar to under the line.

I think you understand because I don't think you are this thick.

That is not what ?flattening the curve? means?has nothing to do with reducing the illness and death?just spreading it out.

Flattening the curve
How the CDC defines the curve: a visual display of the onset of illness among cases associated with an outbreak.
What ?flattening the curve? means during coronavirus: ?You want to spread out the rate of infection so as to not overwhelm our health care system and infrastructure,? Hidalgo said. ?If everyone is out and about, it?s more likely that everyone will get sick at once. But if you?re able to spread out how many people get sick, over time, patients can get the treatment they need because hospitals and other resources will not be exhausted.?>:D
CogNeuroSci said:
zubs said:
Can we use COVID19 to fuck up China?

Since they have a "NO COVID" policy, we can send agents into China with covid to infect their population.
Think of all the lockdowns in different Chinese cities causing mass economic distress all over the world.....

I bet the CIA already ran some simulations.
Plus I heard you can trick covid testing by putting vaseline inside your nose.

Winter Olympics here we come!

So you are saying send Kaos and Akula into China?

The lockdown policy that China is using vs. COVID presents an arbitrage opportunity for the USA as they could not use this strategy against us.
Since vaccine only prevents serious condition and reduce hospitalization rate, I think there is an alternative which is to force people to have a healthy life style.  Having a pass or mandate for people with healthy BMI and non smokers. I would bet the hospitalization rate for young and healthy unvaccinated people would be low as well. Plus getting into shape and quit smoking not only works against COVID hospitalization but overall better for things like cardiovascular disease, diabetes...etc.
akula1488 said:
Since vaccine only prevents serious condition and reduce hospitalization rate, I think there is an alternative which is to force people to have a healthy life style.  Having a pass or mandate for people with healthy BMI and non smokers. I would bet the hospitalization rate for young and healthy unvaccinated people would be low as well. Plus getting into shape and quit smoking not only works against COVID hospitalization but overall better for things like cardiovascular disease, diabetes...etc.

When was your birthday?
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
That's because in the US, we haven't gone that far above the line.

If you check other countries where they far exceeded the medical resources availability, there are higher death rates.

C'mon... this is a very easy concept to understand.

Now you move the goal posts..other countries?  I don't recall any other country plastering the slogan "Flatten the Curve!" all over the place.  Besides, I don't care about other countries..its this one I'm concerned with.

Are you sure you are concerned about the US. Our health care system is turning like those in third world countries. (takes hours to see a doctor/get admitted into the hospitals)
Why because of the unvaccinated? For example, People are waiting in ambulances waiting to get admitted or not enough room or staff to see patients.

More phony non-lethal variant Covid porn?.

COVID-positive hospitalizations still climbing (but also still shy of last winter?s peaks)

Dr. Christina Ghaly, the county director of health services, said roughly two-thirds of the COVID-positive patients at the four county-run hospitals were admitted for other reasons, and only tested positive upon admission.

According to state figures, there were 2,661 COVID-positive patients in county hospitals, up from 2,461 on Wednesday. The number of those patients being treated in intensive care units was 352 on Thursday, up from 330 a day earlier.

The number of COVID-positive patients hasn?t been this high since mid-February of 2021. But the number is still well shy of the peak of more than 8,000 reached last January, at the height of that winter?s surge in virus infections.
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
That's because in the US, we haven't gone that far above the line.

If you check other countries where they far exceeded the medical resources availability, there are higher death rates.

C'mon... this is a very easy concept to understand.

Now you move the goal posts..other countries?  I don't recall any other country plastering the slogan "Flatten the Curve!" all over the place.  Besides, I don't care about other countries..its this one I'm concerned with.

Really? Are you purposely trying to be obtuse?

The point was to show you how above the line has a higher death rate than below the line. Other countries were above the line because they didn't have enough resources or were not able to flatten the curve... thus a higher death rate.

Had that happened in the US (and it did in certain areas), you would have also seen a higher death rate... not a mirrored one or one similar to under the line.

I think you understand because I don't think you are this thick.

That is not what ?flattening the curve? means?has nothing to do with reducing the illness and death?just spreading it out.

Flattening the curve
How the CDC defines the curve: a visual display of the onset of illness among cases associated with an outbreak.
What ?flattening the curve? means during coronavirus: ?You want to spread out the rate of infection so as to not overwhelm our health care system and infrastructure,? Hidalgo said. ?If everyone is out and about, it?s more likely that everyone will get sick at once. But if you?re able to spread out how many people get sick, over time, patients can get the treatment they need because hospitals and other resources will not be exhausted.?>:D

So you are trying to be obtuse. Your own post even explains what "flattening the curve" means.

What do you think will happen if everyone gets sick at once and exhausts the resources? More or less deaths?

Re-read what you just posted, think about it, look up some of the words in a dictionary, find your common sense (probably hiding under your natural immunity) and then come back and join us in a real conversation.
The same people will get sick and die faster?hence the spiked curve. They can?t die twice so you will end up with a bell curve anyway. The key words in the definition is ?spread out? ?not reduce. The volumes and the systems capacity are constants.
morekaos said:
The same people will get sick and die faster?hence the spiked curve. They can?t die twice so you will end up with a bell curve anyway. The key words in the definition is ?spread out? ?not reduce. The volumes and the systems capacity are constants.

Man... can't believe I'm ELI5'ing this.

Let's set the table:

- 30 people get super bad Covid.
- Hospital only has 10 ventilators
- Chances of dying on a ventilator: 10%
- Chances of dying without ventilator: 50%

If all 30 get sick at the same time... the 10 who get a ventilator will result in 1 death, the 20 who don't, will have 10 dead. Total dead: 11

If they get sick over time (spread out)... say 10 at a time (the resource limit), 1 will die for the 3 different times. Total dead: 3

Does that math make better sense?
That is not how it worked and those two graphs prove it out..deaths ebbed and flowed along with infection almost perfectly?ventilators turned out to be death sentences for most?a fact we only discovered after we were drowning in ventilators. In other words the die was cast numerically from the start. You are arguing two different things?flattening the curve and reducing infections and deaths overall. Flattening the curve had little to do with reducing overall deaths. That number would have remained the same if it took 6 months or two years.
Exactly. Here is where we can tell who has critical thinking skills vs those who just follow what they are told.

If curve is flattened but deaths still tracks infection cases, we have either:

1. Hospital capacity is never reached
2. Hospital is doing mal practice causing extra deaths.
C?mon, this doesn?t make you even an eensy weensy bit nervous?  Even just a little??These were the same guys liberals were comparing to tobacco CEO?s just two short years ago?now they?re Saints??. ;D ;D >:D

Moderna CEO warns Americans may need yet another COVID booster in fall 2022 after claiming the shots effectiveness won't 'hold great' after a few months

Stephane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna, spoke on Thursday at a Goldman Sachs conference of healthcare professionals
Bancel said he expects a second booster shot will be necessary in the fall, as the data from the first boosters is not expected to be strong
Only around a third of Americans have had their booster shot and convincing a COVID-weary population to get a fourth jab is likely to be a struggle
Britain and South Korea have already placed orders for a fourth jab, Bancel said
His comments echo those of Pfizer's CEO, who said he too expects a fourth jab to be necessary
akula1488 said:
2. Hospital is doing mal practice causing extra deaths.

Wut?  Is this a significant number? Source (please no tabloid sites)?

Edit:  dang, just googled it, it is a lot. Wow