Irvinecommuter said:Mety said:Irvinecommuter said:Mety said:No, they're not communist countries. I was saying the style you talk or command people are so communist-like. IC also told me to delete my post. You many times tell me and others to stop posting stuff. That's what I'm calling communists style. Finally understood?
1) I never told you to delete your post. I suggest that you edit or delete false data/misrepresentation. Bearing false witness is no bueno.
2) What is it with you the communist countries? You think communist countries are the only ones that infringe on human rights and authoritarian?
People in Taiwan, Japan, SK, Australia, NZ etc. do what they do in part because they care about other people...go read the social media posts and YTubers from Taiwan talking about how it is important for everyone to wear mask so that COVID doesn't get out of control.
Taiwan never locked did restrict travel and mandate quarantee for incoming travelers and those with symptoms/sick but most of Taiwan went on as usual...people were just convinced by a strong and coherent government that doing this is in the best interest. Taiwan govt didn't downplay it...they made it serious and people understood it as serious.
Their government didn't abandon them to the whims of private industries and the marketplace. It took actions to provide people with PPE and gave daily briefing from experts and scientists about the situation and what was being done. That is how you instill trust.
What I've been saying might have sounded different than what you're saying, but if you look closely, that's not the case. We both are saying let's wear a mask and practice some distance with others. The only difference is I think that should be practiced voluntarily and you think it should be a mandatory.
Do you really think people in the US is not doing enough of wearing masks and staying home as much as people from Taiwan or Korea? Do you think people don't care about others as much here? What are the things we're doing wrong? Is it all Trump's fault?
Clearly "voluntarily" does not didn't in the red states where they are dealing with a huge didn't work in didn't work in Europe after they relaxed the restriction. You actually think that governors and government officials want to shut everything down? You think that Gavin Newsome likes being called out for being a hypocrite?
Yes..I do think people in the US are not doing enough...60 to 70 percent compliance is not sufficient. We don't live in bubbles...we cannot' just dome off California from other more less restrictive areas. The pattern of spread was exactly as predicted and yet you and other skeptics are like "what...people can't police themselves?"
I don't think it is all Trump's fault...I said that before but as the President of hte United STates...he is responsible for the welfare of the citizens of this country. He chose not to take on that responsibility and instead handed it off to governors to handle and then blame them for screwing it up.
I made this analogy before...if California and New York were invades by a foreign army or agents...would the proper response from the Federal government: "You know what California and New handle it and we will totally back you up..."
When 9/11 happened, did the federal government go..hey Rudy/NYC you handle it? No...freaking FBI and NSA were at ground zero as soon as it was safe to be there trying to figure out what happened and how to stop it. In this case, the federal government knew the risks and issues and said "what me?"
That's is negligence, malpractice, ,and borderline criminal.
Umm.. so all you're saying is we should make masks and social distancing mandatory, not voluntary, right?