Tough to compare Taiwan to the US. Some reasons -
1) Demographically Taiwan is nearly uniform. The United States is not.
2) The greatest "at risk" population tends to live with family, not clustered in Assisted Living facilities.
3) Taiwan has a very low poverty rate and a very low rate of homelessness
4) Taiwan has 13 Counties. The US has 50 states and multiple protectorates (Guam/Puerto Rico etc)
5) Taiwan practiced pandemic response protocals after H1N1 and SARS. The US did not.
6) Taiwan's population is more familiar with mask wearing. The US has a very steep learning curve on acceptance and use of masks.
Yes, the Taiwanese response to the Pandemic is a great model, but not one that could work here in the US at the velocity needed to curtail the spread of the virus. Taiwan's response wouldn't work in Egypt, Scotland, or Brazil, given how different their population, economy, and political structure.
This isn't to say we can't adopt some of these methods and practices, but given how the State of California treats the homelessness issue ALONE there's little hope for success here against COVID-19 to reach the same level as Taiwan's.
My .02c