An odd turn of thread subject matter here.
On topic - Wear a mask. KTHXBY
Off topic:
Not sure why an arbitrary number like $400,000 means someones earned income should be uniquely confiscated. Why not $399,900 or $400,001?
To be in the "Top 1 percent" isn't $400,000. It's somewhat based on the state income average. If you want to "tax the rich" for example in California, you have to raise that $400k amount to well over $500k. In essence, this $400k limit actually penalizes the upper middle class in some areas while in others the "rich" start at $700,000! (Note link is 2018 income figures so add another $10k for inflation....)
As well, if you earn $375k then get a $50k one time bonus, why are you now the bad guy/girl? Why should you now pay more?
There are rock solid reasons why taxes should be paid however there is no moral basis for someone else determining another person's "fair share". Everyone like to point at the Gates, Musk's, or Bezo's of the world. Tell me something: Why should anyone be penalized for creating something out of nothing, then growing that company into what it is today, and finally paying themselves as they see fit out of the fruits of their own labor?
Anyone who wishes more tax revenue was paid can do so anytime voluntarily out of their own pocket. Until I've seen proof of someone actually doing this, everything that comes before that moment is mere jealousy and coveting.
My .02c