
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
adventurous said:
bones said:
adventurous said:
Hybrid is no different than on-site.

As an aside, it is different from an academic standpoint.  Lower student/teacher ratios may actually be more effective in facilitating learning.
Your student will only see the teacher on every other day. Is it better to see your teacher every day, or just 50% of the instructional time allocated?

With a smaller class size, classroom management is more effective.  Schools can also group similar level learners together on "their day" and have the teaching be more focused and targeted.  So yea, I don't think there will be much of an instructional drop-off (if any).  There is so much time wasted at school.  Plus with 2 "off" days a week, kids can go learn/do other things they don't have a chance to because of time, school funding, etc.  Learning doesn't have to be confined to flexible seating with a teacher on a super fund site. 

Besides this is Irvine, doesn't all the learning occur at/with Kumon, JEI, after school centers, tiger dads, etc? :)
During the Cold War, the US Government forced all schools to have their students go through nuclear attack drills. The government knew such drills would not do much if a nuclear attack actually happened but they still demanded every school conduct these drills to satisfy the parents' clamoring for the government to "do something" because the country was gripped by fear and hysteria about nuclear war fanned by the media and the experts.

But doing these nuclear attack drills, while useless, was not unharmful to the kids:

"A handful of educators, for example, questioned the schools? approach to nuclear preparedness, suggesting that fear-struck grade-schoolers gazing out classroom windows for Soviet jets hardly constituted an ideal learning environment."

Staggering sounds to me like a 21st century nuclear attack drill.
Yeah I was telling someone today that it seems the schools are doing something for the optics, so they can say they are doing something. The folks above are right. Everything is open and the kids will be in class at least 50% of the time so it will spread.

As I?ve stated before, government organizations are not practical/rational because they are always playing with other people?s moneys/lives. Fuckers sit back and collect their paychecks while watching their idiotic decisions play out and destroy job/students etc
bones said:
With a smaller class size, classroom management is more effective.  Schools can also group similar level learners together on "their day" and have the teaching be more focused and targeted.  So yea, I don't think there will be much of an instructional drop-off (if any).  There is so much time wasted at school.  Plus with 2 "off" days a week, kids can go learn/do other things they don't have a chance to because of time, school funding, etc.  Learning doesn't have to be confined to flexible seating with a teacher on a super fund site. 

Besides this is Irvine, doesn't all the learning occur at/with Kumon, JEI, after school centers, tiger dads, etc? :)
The kids are not in a college yet. They need the instructions, they need the teacher to help them during the practice, etc. You may feel some time at school is wasted, but the real waste of time will be the distant learning with a limited, if any, communication with the teacher.
Some kids are better, when they study on their own, but the majority of the kids are not such quick learners.
I never said distance learning is better than in person learning. I?m just pointing out some pluses to the hybrid system because EVERYONE knows what the cons are. Here. I spelled out my stance for you.

February 2020 school > hybrid learning > distance learning > play video games all day at home
IUSD also taking a parents survey to see what the preference is for upcoming school year.

But it only affects at risk and older right?

We will see where qwerty?s kids are come December. :)
Happiness said:
qwerty said:
irvinehomeowner said:
16 Florida women get sick after night at bar:

Florida hitting record high new cases too.

@Kings: Hope you?re okay.

So 16 of them got the virus, some got flu like symptoms by none were seriously ill. Isn?t this the most common outcome?

It's actually the best outcome: minor or no symptoms and now you're probably immune.

That?s not the point. It shows how communicable CV is when not using safety protocols.

And we still don?t know if there are long term effects from Covid.

Many diseases can have ?minor or no symptoms?, do you want to get them?
bones said:
Yes I know. Distance learning sucks on many levels.  Unfortunately, I don't have a say in what each school does so again, all I can do is have backup options for my kids in case it is distance learning again this fall because I do believe some schools will be able to implement in person learning and/or better executions of whatever protocols need to be put in place as mandated.
I'm curious - what are you evaluating in terms of back-up plans? Private schools, who have a bit more skin in the game in terms of how well they need to execute the remote learning to ensure they get paid? Or are you looking at bringing a teacher to your house? 
bones said:
adventurous said:
bones said:
adventurous said:
Hybrid is no different than on-site.

As an aside, it is different from an academic standpoint.  Lower student/teacher ratios may actually be more effective in facilitating learning.
Your student will only see the teacher on every other day. Is it better to see your teacher every day, or just 50% of the instructional time allocated?

With a smaller class size, classroom management is more effective.  Schools can also group similar level learners together on "their day" and have the teaching be more focused and targeted.  So yea, I don't think there will be much of an instructional drop-off (if any).  There is so much time wasted at school.  Plus with 2 "off" days a week, kids can go learn/do other things they don't have a chance to because of time, school funding, etc.  Learning doesn't have to be confined to flexible seating with a teacher on a super fund site. 

Besides this is Irvine, doesn't all the learning occur at/with Kumon, JEI, after school centers, tiger dads, etc? :)
I don't get why the schools don't shift their attention to dedicated focus areas. I.e., instead of having one teacher teach all subjects...divide it up more based upon concepts. Have one or two teachers focused on science, another few focused on math, etc.  Get more targeted in terms of how you roll people through.  At least than there should be better on demand lessons from the teachers (in a remote setting). I get that the challenge is one teacher doesn't fully know everything your student does, but if the past couple months were an example fo what to expect in the future...there is just no way big group zooms is worth much anything as it relates to teaching a large group of kids. I do think more focused modules on teaching various concepts and subjects - highly focused with specific small group windows where people can get dedicated interaction time (Q&A) would be much better.

I don't know how to do it all and it would obviously be a dramatic shift for teachers, but if there is even a 50% possibility that next year is going to be fully remote or close to fully remote, the entire state and country better figure out fast how to significantly up their game (and I might be more biased, but especially at the younger levels). 
Bullsback said:
bones said:
Yes I know. Distance learning sucks on many levels.  Unfortunately, I don't have a say in what each school does so again, all I can do is have backup options for my kids in case it is distance learning again this fall because I do believe some schools will be able to implement in person learning and/or better executions of whatever protocols need to be put in place as mandated.
I'm curious - what are you evaluating in terms of back-up plans? Private schools, who have a bit more skin in the game in terms of how well they need to execute the remote learning to ensure they get paid? Or are you looking at bringing a teacher to your house? 

Yes. Private schools (they already have spots at one with spots on hold at another). Hybrid homeschool (go on site a few days a week and/or bringing teachers into the house which can be shared amongst a few families).  My goal is to have some in person learning.  If physical distancing is the main barrier for public schools, private schools with inherently smaller class sizes should be able to hold classes.  These options also provide a much smaller school environment, 25-300 students versus a 1000 student campus.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Your ready to die statements. I will not address.

News flash: it effects everyone. It is almost luck who recovers, but with side effects.

Again, I gave solutions to the problem. Healthy eating, vitamins, mask and social distancing. Since you did not give a solution. I can continue to blame Trump for not doing as much as he can to stop covid. (fair game)

You do whatever you want, my friend. Blaming Trump, Obama, Hillary, Biden. I don't care. What I care is that I want to see if you love others as YOURSELF as much as you're saying you provide good solutions and caring heart for everyone.

Previously you cared that I blamed Trump and said that I have no solution. You do not have a solution. So you give me the green light to blame. Thanks

No, I didn't say I cared that you blame Trump. Blaming without providing solutions is what I said that is not so smart in my opinion. Who am I to tell you you cannot blame anyone you want to? I only care that I rather would like to hear solution than stating issues which really is just a complain that anyone can express. Hope it clears some of confusion.

As for your question, I don't see C-19 as deadly disease as you do so I don't need to provide a solution. The only issue I see is what evolved with such stay-home-order. Was it necessary? Did it really help flatting the curve? What about all those protesters who ignored those still not infected with C-19? There are lots of questions and some weird vibe around this whole pandemic situation. I'm just questioning these, not blaming or complaining.
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Your ready to die statements. I will not address.

News flash: it effects everyone. It is almost luck who recovers, but with side effects.

Again, I gave solutions to the problem. Healthy eating, vitamins, mask and social distancing. Since you did not give a solution. I can continue to blame Trump for not doing as much as he can to stop covid. (fair game)

You do whatever you want, my friend. Blaming Trump, Obama, Hillary, Biden. I don't care. What I care is that I want to see if you love others as YOURSELF as much as you're saying you provide good solutions and caring heart for everyone.

Previously you cared that I blamed Trump and said that I have no solution. You do not have a solution. So you give me the green light to blame. Thanks

No, I didn't say I cared that you blame Trump. Blaming without providing solutions is what I said that is not so smart in my opinion. Who am I to tell you you cannot blame anyone you want to? I only care that I rather would like to hear solution than stating issues which really is just a complain that anyone can express. Hope it clears some of confusion.

As for your question, I don't see C-19 as deadly disease as you do so I don't need to provide a solution. The only issue I see is what evolved with such stay-home-order. Was it necessary? Did it really help flatting the curve? What about all those protesters who ignored those still not infected with C-19? There are lots of questions and some weird vibe around this whole pandemic situation. I'm just questioning these, not blaming or complaining.

Are you sure the protesters did not get infected with covid? Maybe they were not tested. I can not help people if they know the potential consequences. Just like opioids or drugs. People know that they might get addicted and die, but they still do it.

National Guard troops test positive for coronavirus amid warnings of protest spike

Seems like you were affected by the shutdown. Let me know if you need help financially.

Of course you do not see covid as a deadly disease. I can tell by your previous response. That you believe it only effects old people, but many on TI know that is not true. Even my advice to take vitamins, you thought it was for old people.
I honestly do not know where you get your information.

eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Your ready to die statements. I will not address.

News flash: it effects everyone. It is almost luck who recovers, but with side effects.

Again, I gave solutions to the problem. Healthy eating, vitamins, mask and social distancing. Since you did not give a solution. I can continue to blame Trump for not doing as much as he can to stop covid. (fair game)

You do whatever you want, my friend. Blaming Trump, Obama, Hillary, Biden. I don't care. What I care is that I want to see if you love others as YOURSELF as much as you're saying you provide good solutions and caring heart for everyone.

Previously you cared that I blamed Trump and said that I have no solution. You do not have a solution. So you give me the green light to blame. Thanks

No, I didn't say I cared that you blame Trump. Blaming without providing solutions is what I said that is not so smart in my opinion. Who am I to tell you you cannot blame anyone you want to? I only care that I rather would like to hear solution than stating issues which really is just a complain that anyone can express. Hope it clears some of confusion.

As for your question, I don't see C-19 as deadly disease as you do so I don't need to provide a solution. The only issue I see is what evolved with such stay-home-order. Was it necessary? Did it really help flatting the curve? What about all those protesters who ignored those still not infected with C-19? There are lots of questions and some weird vibe around this whole pandemic situation. I'm just questioning these, not blaming or complaining.

Are you sure the protesters did not get infected with covid? Maybe they were not tested. I can not help people if they know the potential consequences. Just like opioids or drugs. People know that they might get addicted and die, but they still do it.

National Guard troops test positive for coronavirus amid warnings of protest spike

Seems like you were affected by the shutdown. Let me know if you need help financially.

Yeah. That MAYBE is the key word. We don't know. We can only share what we believe or think. That is called "opinions." The only absolute truth is God's Word. Everything else in this world is just bunch of personal opinions. Few are important, many are not.

As for your assumption, I've wrote before that stay-home-order has given me actually more benefits personally. I'm not speaking from a personal experience venting out how I'm wrongfully treated. Wrong assumptions like that can lead to much confusion so I humbly suggest you don't do that.

If you're genuinely willing to help out whoever has been effected financially on this pandemic, you can start donating your suggested medicines, health related stuff or even money to a local church, homeless shelters, or anyone you personally know.
eyephone said:
Of course you do not see covid as a deadly disease. I can tell by your previous response. That you believe it only effects old people, but many on TI know that is not true. Even my advice to take vitamins, you thought it was for old people.
I honestly do not know where you get your information.

Wrong assumption again. Just clarifying I (or ANYONE in TI actually) never said that.