
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Your ready to die statements. I will not address.

News flash: it effects everyone. It is almost luck who recovers, but with side effects.

Again, I gave solutions to the problem. Healthy eating, vitamins, mask and social distancing. Since you did not give a solution. I can continue to blame Trump for not doing as much as he can to stop covid. (fair game)

You do whatever you want, my friend. Blaming Trump, Obama, Hillary, Biden. I don't care. What I care is that I want to see if you love others as YOURSELF as much as you're saying you provide good solutions and caring heart for everyone.

Previously you cared that I blamed Trump and said that I have no solution. You do not have a solution. So you give me the green light to blame. Thanks

No, I didn't say I cared that you blame Trump. Blaming without providing solutions is what I said that is not so smart in my opinion. Who am I to tell you you cannot blame anyone you want to? I only care that I rather would like to hear solution than stating issues which really is just a complain that anyone can express. Hope it clears some of confusion.

As for your question, I don't see C-19 as deadly disease as you do so I don't need to provide a solution. The only issue I see is what evolved with such stay-home-order. Was it necessary? Did it really help flatting the curve? What about all those protesters who ignored those still not infected with C-19? There are lots of questions and some weird vibe around this whole pandemic situation. I'm just questioning these, not blaming or complaining.

Are you sure the protesters did not get infected with covid? Maybe they were not tested. I can not help people if they know the potential consequences. Just like opioids or drugs. People know that they might get addicted and die, but they still do it.

National Guard troops test positive for coronavirus amid warnings of protest spike

Seems like you were affected by the shutdown. Let me know if you need help financially.

Yeah. That MAYBE is the key word. We don't know. We can only share what we believe or think. That is called "opinions." The only absolute truth is God's Word. Everything else in this world is just bunch of personal opinions. Few are important, many are not.

As for your assumption, I've wrote before that stay-home-order has given me actually more benefits personally. I'm not speaking from a personal experience venting out how I'm wrongfully treated. Wrong assumptions like that can lead to much confusion so I humbly suggest you don't do that.

If you're genuinely willing to help out whoever has been effected financially on this pandemic, you can start donating your suggested medicines, health related stuff or even money to a local church, homeless shelters, or anyone you personally know.

It seem like you were penny pinching with your hoa in a different thread. That is why I asked.
The archdiocese has announced today that normal school  Will resume August 17...I never doubted they would resume regular classes for the new school year. My kids are going and are happy to.
Actually, there is the *science* of epidemiology that can answer these questions.  But you have to be willing to accept evidence-based determinations.

Mety said:
Yeah. That MAYBE is the key word. We don't know. We can only share what we believe or think. That is called "opinions." The only absolute truth is God's Word. Everything else in this world is just bunch of personal opinions. Few are important, many are not.
morekaos said:
The archdiocese has announced today that normal school  Will resume August 17...I never doubted they would resume regular classes for the new school year. My kids are going and are happy to.

I assume you are talking about the below announcement?  If so, that's definitely a promising start but I don't know if it will be "normal" or "regular".  Some caveats in the statement including "changes to daily and weekly schedules" and the obvious CYA, "schools will prepare distance learning plans should they become necessary".  The degree of "normal" will probably depend on your school site and specific county orders.

I pray this correspondence finds you and your families safe and well. The California Department of Public Health has released guidance to PK-12 public and private schools for the return to in-person instruction. As a result of this guidance and recent modifications to county public health orders in Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles, the Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will resume on-campus instruction in the fall.

The Department of Catholic Schools has been working diligently with our county public health partners to define modifications to facilitate in-person instruction. We should anticipate protocols such as, physical distancing; facial coverings; frequent hand washing; keeping students in class-level cohorts; use of outdoor spaces for instruction; and, non-touch temperature checks upon entry, among others. Details will be presented to school principals and presidents in our forthcoming Starting the School Year Smart guidance document which will be based on the state public health department?s guidance and input from our school leaders.

Each of our school communities is unique and will customize modifications to meet their respective campuses and student enrollment needs. For example, some schools may see changes to their daily and weekly schedules, integrate technology into lessons, use campus spaces differently, set-up classroom furniture in a new way and other approaches to accommodate these new protocols. Due to the unpredictability of public health conditions and to accommodate student and staff needs, schools will prepare distance learning plans should they become necessary. Schools will be developing their individual return to campus plans in accordance with these modifications.
You need to forgive morekaos... he has qwerty-syndrome where he sees only what he wants to see.

While the purple font may make "normal" and "regular" seem as they are... the details show you that school, even Catholic school, will indeed be different from both normal and regular... and could include "distance learning plans should they become necessary".
If we get an effective treatment, then getting covid won't be such a big deal no more.  So many news articles saying there are so many drugs that are so promising.

cheap steroid drug?

So by AUG, I'm sure we'll have a treatment where covid death rate will dramatically come down.  We will be better at keeping people alive.  But it still doesn't mean you wanna get it.
I believe God created science so that we may use it to *love* God more. Interestingly, many are using it trying to prove God as false and it seems to be working for many followers.

However, please know that science is never 100%. It's always up to 99.99% when announced to public. Besides so much science is being used and manipulated politically now days, much of them are keep getting debunked so bad. It makes people like me not even want to believe what's being announced to the public regarding C-19 records.

Please do not get confused. I believe in science. But when it goes against what God says such as the 7-day creation and young earth theory, then I'm choosing the Word of God over the never-100%-proven science on certain matters.

freedomcm said:
Actually, there is the *science* of epidemiology that can answer these questions.  But you have to be willing to accept evidence-based determinations.

Mety said:
Yeah. That MAYBE is the key word. We don't know. We can only share what we believe or think. That is called "opinions." The only absolute truth is God's Word. Everything else in this world is just bunch of personal opinions. Few are important, many are not.
zubs said:
If we get an effective treatment, then getting covid won't be such a big deal no more.  So many news articles saying there are so many drugs that are so promising.

cheap steroid drug?

So by AUG, I'm sure we'll have a treatment where covid death rate will dramatically come down.  We will be better at keeping people alive.  But it still doesn't mean you wanna get it.
But August of which year? I tend to believe, they only release the optimistic news to get additional funding.
freedomcm said:
Actually, there is the *science* of epidemiology that can answer these questions.  But you have to be willing to accept evidence-based determinations.
Where were all those scientists when this crap started in Wuhan. How long did it take for WHO to finally admit the pandemic? Who would believe the science, that only can make the statements after the fact?
zubs said:
If we get an effective treatment, then getting covid won't be such a big deal no more.  So many news articles saying there are so many drugs that are so promising.

cheap steroid drug?

So by AUG, I'm sure we'll have a treatment where covid death rate will dramatically come down.  We will be better at keeping people alive.  But it still doesn't mean you wanna get it.

I agree with this.

But I can't seem to focus on your posts with that (hilarious?) avatar of yours.  That's all I look at. 
paydawg said:
zubs said:
If we get an effective treatment, then getting covid won't be such a big deal no more.  So many news articles saying there are so many drugs that are so promising.

cheap steroid drug?

So by AUG, I'm sure we'll have a treatment where covid death rate will dramatically come down.  We will be better at keeping people alive.  But it still doesn't mean you wanna get it.

I agree with this.

But I can't seem to focus on your posts with that (hilarious?) avatar of yours.  That's all I look at.

But according to Pence and Trump there is no more covid virus.
Sorry reading your post I just shake my head.

Do you want an HOA discount?
Do you want me to write you a check to give you a refund?

Owning a house is not cheap.

Mety said:
I believe God created science so that we may use it to *love* God more. Interestingly, many are using it trying to prove God as false and it seems to be working for many followers.

However, please know that science is never 100%. It's always up to 99.99% when announced to public. Besides so much science is being used and manipulated politically now days, much of them are keep getting debunked so bad. It makes people like me not even want to believe what's being announced to the public regarding C-19 records.

Please do not get confused. I believe in science. But when it goes against what God says such as the 7-day creation and young earth theory, then I'm choosing the Word of God over the never-100%-proven science on certain matters.

freedomcm said:
Actually, there is the *science* of epidemiology that can answer these questions.  But you have to be willing to accept evidence-based determinations.

Mety said:
Yeah. That MAYBE is the key word. We don't know. We can only share what we believe or think. That is called "opinions." The only absolute truth is God's Word. Everything else in this world is just bunch of personal opinions. Few are important, many are not.
eyephone said:
paydawg said:
zubs said:
If we get an effective treatment, then getting covid won't be such a big deal no more.  So many news articles saying there are so many drugs that are so promising.

cheap steroid drug?

So by AUG, I'm sure we'll have a treatment where covid death rate will dramatically come down.  We will be better at keeping people alive.  But it still doesn't mean you wanna get it.

I agree with this.

But I can't seem to focus on your posts with that (hilarious?) avatar of yours.  That's all I look at.

But according to Pence and Trump there is no more covid virus.

According to Trump, he's done more for Black people than anyone not named Abraham Lincoln....and even Lincoln's accomplishments are questionable. 

I can't believe he actually said that.  On video.  While talking to a black reporter.  SMDH.
I was simply asking for other community's HOA situation since many companies and corporations were giving discounts and refunds as I described in that thread. After reading people's responses, it made sense HOAs don't refund because taking care of the community still takes maintenance even though we're not allow to use it for awhile.

You probably thought I was looking for ways to get refunds from HOA because I was having a hard time during this pandemic. Guess what? You assumed wrong again. The purpose of that thread and the reason I wrote are as described above, to see what other HOAs are doing. Nothing more, nothing less. That's why we share opinions here, my friend.

But I appreciate your effort and willingness to cut me a check. I will take your sincere heart. Not sure why you're shaking head though. My guess is you probably are assuming something wrong on your own. ;D

eyephone said:
Sorry reading your post I just shake my head.

Do you want an HOA discount?
Do you want me to write you a check to give you a refund?

Owning a house is not cheap.

Mety said:
I believe God created science so that we may use it to *love* God more. Interestingly, many are using it trying to prove God as false and it seems to be working for many followers.

However, please know that science is never 100%. It's always up to 99.99% when announced to public. Besides so much science is being used and manipulated politically now days, much of them are keep getting debunked so bad. It makes people like me not even want to believe what's being announced to the public regarding C-19 records.

Please do not get confused. I believe in science. But when it goes against what God says such as the 7-day creation and young earth theory, then I'm choosing the Word of God over the never-100%-proven science on certain matters.

freedomcm said:
Actually, there is the *science* of epidemiology that can answer these questions.  But you have to be willing to accept evidence-based determinations.

Mety said:
Yeah. That MAYBE is the key word. We don't know. We can only share what we believe or think. That is called "opinions." The only absolute truth is God's Word. Everything else in this world is just bunch of personal opinions. Few are important, many are not.
perhaps we're looking at this virus all wrong

what if this virus is part of god's plan to save the human race from overpopulation - which perpetuates many of the issues we face today including hunger, poverty, climate change, depletion of natural resources, etc.

are we actually doing the human race a huge disservice by not allowing nature to run its course?
Cue qwerty protesting at Newsom's home.

It's sad that the divide on this is so contentious that it not only forced the OC Health official to resign but several others.

Also read about anti-vaxxers who are calling Covid and the developing vaccines some type of government conspiracy. What?