The rule of no parking on the streets was supposedly the original "vision" of the community. The board thought that this would be against better judgment, so that has been put on hold while they develop this program. It could be 24 hour no parking enforcement or overnight only. This is where people need to speak up and state just what works for them.
The city crackdown is supposedly on the fire lane violations/fire hydrants, not guest parking. According to the LA, the city is forcing them to tow every car from fire lanes and they're liable if they don't. In other communities, I've seen all kinds of tickets for hydrants and fire lanes, but never tow away. If they relax the enforcement of the rules, then they're liable. It sounds like they need a little more legal counsel on this issue.
I'm sure that there are many places that parking is a real issue. My street doesn't have that problem, but we're an a much more open area of CG. The denser areas have heavy parking on both sides of the street, because the homes don't have driveways to use.
Eval: I totally agree with you. But wouldn't a stiff ticket work just as well as towing your car away, making a person miss work, waste gas, and pay impound fees? If I had gotten a ticket or fine, I wouldn't be posting here now. Towing was overkill. How about warning, ticket, ticket X 2, tow? They would have had me at ticket.