Presidential Elections

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Sorry, you could not be more wrong.

The bottom 50% of taxpayers pay about 7.3% of federal income taxes collected.
The tax cuts returned a higher percentage of taxes to the lower brackets in complete contradiction of Democrats' foul lies. Just because the "poor" pay so little in taxes, don't expect them to get back the lion's share that they never paid.

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You proved my point with your chart. DT gave a bigger tax cut to people lower in the tax bracket and I pay more in taxes. Did you post the wrong chart?
Man, even Joe Rogan and Nick Fuentes have abandoned Trump. It’s not looking good boys. That’s what happens when you get support from a bunch of grifters. They’re not in it for an ideological stance or concerned about governance, they’re just in it to make money. Once they sniff out the gravity has shifted, they abandon ship.

Policy issues are great to debate over and are healthy in a thriving Democracy.

However, one of the parties has openly expressed multiple times they want to be a King. The guy literally tried to overthrow the government.

Your voice won’t matter. Even if you think that’s “your guy”, it won’t work that way. The policy becomes whatever the King says it is.

Look at the dictators Trump admires - Kim Jong Un, Putin, el-Sisi, or Emperor Xi. All have made catastrophically bad, unilateral economic choices. China had embraced open reforms and created one of the greatest economic miracles in history, only to squander it due to concentrating power in the hands of one person. The other 3 are basket cases. Alt-right fanboy favorite Russia has a smaller economy than US States and is falling off a cliff with 18% inflation and depleted reserves.

The bottom line is the greatest economic systems have always been driven by Democracy. That was true in Ancient Greece, and it’s true today. You want to make money, you vote for Democracy, not a criminal wannabe dictator.
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Man, even Joe Rogan and Nick Fuentes have abandoned Trump. It’s not looking good boys. That’s what happens when you get support from a bunch of grifters. They’re not in it for an ideological stance or concerned about governance, they’re just in it to make money. Once they sniff out the gravity has shifted, they abandon ship.

Policy issues are great to debate over and are healthy in a thriving Democracy.

However, they are completely irrelevant in this contest, where one of the parties has openly expressed multiple times they want to be a King. The guy literally tried to overthrow the government.

Your voice won’t matter. Even if you think that’s “your guy”, it won’t work that way. The policy becomes whatever the King says it is.

Look at the dictators Trump admires - Kim Jong Un, Putin, el-Sisi, or Emperor Xi. All have made catastrophically bad, unilateral economic choices. China had embraced open reforms and created one of the greatest economic miracles in history, only to squander it due to concentrating power in the hands of one person. The other 3 are basket cases. Alt-right fanboy favorite Russia has a smaller economy than US States and is falling off a cliff with 18% inflation and depleted reserves.

The bottom line is the greatest economic systems have always been driven by Democracy. That was true in Ancient Greece, and it’s true today. You want to make money, you vote for Democracy, not a criminal wannabe dictator.
If the Democrat elite really believed in democracy, Bernie Sanders would have been the presidential nominee in 2016 and either Bernie or Pete Buttigieg would have been the nominee in 2020. And Kama Kameleon, who did not win one single delegate in 2020 before suspending her campaign, would certainly not be the current presumptive nominee.
"Your voice won't matter..." Truer words have never been said.

When did you vote for Harris? As a Senator, yes? As a Presidential Primary candidate? Nope. Biden was the only choice as VP's are not chosen by primary.

I had so hoped to see a Trump / Sanders 2016 battle, but as we know the majority of voices did not matter to those on that side of the aisle.

BTW, we are a Representative Republic, not a Democracy. We both may convincing argue we are today more of an Oligarchy, but that's more the subject of another thread.
Let's keep in mind, Trump's tax policy raised taxes on upper middle class Californians so he could give a tax break to the poorest people who are already not paying their fair share (by doubling the standard deduction).

So in my lifetime, Trump has enacted the most socialist tax policies thus far, so I definitely won't be voting for him.
Well Kamala wants to charge a 4% tax on income over 100k at the federal level.

I will vote for whoever removes the SALT cap. I don't care about identity politics and nor do I care about all the petty arguments that don't relate to policies.
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Vote for woke insanity, two communists to the left of Bernie Sanders, tampons in schoolboys' restrooms, more hundreds of millions to our Islamic terrorist enemies, outrageous gasoline prices, inflation, and federal debt, 10,000,000 more illegals welcomed to America to VOTE !!!

Never in my long life have I seen Democrats, the party of slavery, so extreme, so hateful, so damaging, so wrong.

Registering to vote is simple. There are many organizations out there eager to help anyone register. No ID is needed in many states, so once you are registered,the door is wide open to do so. The State of Virginia just scrubbed many of the deceased voters, relocated voters, and about 6000 illegals off their voter rolls.

If you search on this subject you'll see screaming headlines about 3400 "legal voters" we're also purged but also later restored restored - as per the hard left Axios site

Here's one from Ohio:

I love how these once unregistered felons in Georgia are described as likely Democrat voters by activists in the piece. The Tang Menace is a Democrat? News to me.
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Harris' VP pick, Tim Walz, was arrested for doing 96 MPH while drunk.
The dirt keeps piling up on Timmy Tampons and his harlot partner who got where she is by sleeping with married politician, Willy Brown. What a pair of communists.

Registering to vote is simple. There are many organizations out there eager to help anyone register. No ID is needed in many states, so once you are registered,the door is wide open to do so. The State of Virginia just scrubbed many of the deceased voters, relocated voters, and about 6000 illegals off their voter rolls.

If you search on this subject you'll see screaming headlines about 3400 "legal voters" we're also purged but also later restored restored - as per the hard left Axios site

I love how these un registered felons are described as likely Democrat voters by activists in the piece. The Tang Menace is a Democrat? News to me.
Still on that election fraud? Cuts both ways right? And if I remember correctly, didn't the 2020 investigation end up being a Republican ballot stuffer?

C'mon SGIP, stop playing that song. We all know who was trying to "find" more votes in Georgia. :)
My Dude, you asked a short question and I answered it.

My thoughts on 2020 haven't changed. You can read them in earlier posts. I wasn't expressing them in my reply to you, but just in case....

There was stuffing, malicious ballot harvesting and plenty of shenanigans going on in 2020, but not enough to tip the scales. In my view it was universal mail on ballots that made it easier for low information Americans to vote in wide numbers. I don't believe "non- voters, AKA occasional voters" should vote, nor do I want ballot harvesting allowed anywhere. Voting is a privilege and something to take seriously. Like a drivers license, voter registration should be renewed every 4-5 years, and a photo ID needs to be presented when voting. Absentee Ballots should be requested, and processed by Election Day and not afterwards. Ballots should not sent to everyone on the voting rolls. The opportunity for trouble geometrically expands when this happens.

Button up the process and only let serious people vote. If that is upsetting to some, then become a serious person. Participate in the process every time. Know who your school board members are. Know the character of your D.A. (imagine electing a George Gascon in OC anyone???).

Make a few changes, all of them fair and equally protective, and perhaps finally this nation can get their election results in hours, not weeks.
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Still on that election fraud? Cuts both ways right? And if I remember correctly, didn't the 2020 investigation end up being a Republican ballot stuffer?

C'mon SGIP, stop playing that song. We all know who was trying to "find" more votes in Georgia. :)
One thing I have learned following politics …. watch what they do, not what they say.

During the 2020 election cycle, Mark Elias spearheaded the effort to sue states under the guise of COVID to weaken Voter ID laws and weaken existing protections for mail in ballots. Since the 2020 election, over 20 states introduced laws regarding Voter ID and mail in ballots to reverse these previous actions. Since then, Elias and his allies are back again suing these states to reverse these Voter ID and mail in ballot integrity laws that were passed since our last election.

Many experts have studied the 2020 elections and concluded that mail in ballots were a problematic area. The internal controls were not properly enforced in many states. Mail in ballots and ineligible voters on voter rolls continue to be ripe for taking advantage of.

The RNC and the Nevada Republican party just won a lawsuit requiring the Nevada SOS (a Democrat) to purge approx. 90,000 ineligible voters from their system. Why did it take a lawsuit, which one of Elias’ allies fought to dismiss, in order to get the SOS to clean up the voter rolls? Also, why aren’t these names being removed? Instead, the SOS is going to have these names marked “inactive” so these people do not receive a ballot automatically. Critics have said that is not enough as these 90,000 ineligible voters can still submit a ballot because they remain registered to vote.

A lawsuit was filed in Arizona by the Arizona Republican Party to force the SOS there (also a Democrat) to remove 500,000 ineligible voters from the voter rolls. Arizona was the only state where an election audit was conducted. That was the result of a hotly contested lawsuit that went all the way to the state Supreme Court. While a recount found several hundred more votes for Biden (widely reported), the audit also uncovered significant irregularities as well as large number of ineligible voters having voted (not widely reported). If there was no election fraud as widely claimed, why the resistance to an audit in the first place? If there are no plans to engage in any fraudulent activity in 2024, then why wouldn’t the SOS just clean up the voter rolls without necessitating a lawsuit? Keep in mind that Biden won Arizona by less than 12,000 votes.

As for as how illegals can vote, look to Biden’s executive order 14019. I can explain in a separate response if you can’t figure it out.
I'm just giving you a hard time SGIP. I agree with you on principle about making voting an informed decision.

But Starman's insinuation of using illegals to tip the scales is outlandish. And isn't they why we use the electoral college system, to help minimize popular vote fraud?
Explain to everyone reading this how you "pay more in taxes" after a "tax cut."
We're all ears, Mister Democrat.
Are you trolling or do you not really understand the difference between tax brackets (which is what you posted) and effective tax rate. Do you really not know about SALT?

The brackets were marginally lowered for upper middle class people, but the removal of the SALT deduction made Californians in upper middle class bracket pay more in federal taxes.

I'm not a democrat, I'm just pointing out the irony of Trump enacting more progressive tax policies than any democrats tax changes in my lifetime.

Also do you really have an MBA :ROFLMAO:
Trump is losing it. When he’s not lying about helicopter rides with people that never happened, he’s inventing more lies about Harris using AI to fake crowd size? LOL His advisors are begging him to pivot towards policy, but he is so undisciplined.

As expected, he is panicking and running to his base for help. If Trump told MAGA to keep Trump brand stacks of cow manure in the home, they would go out and do it. Then create an entire justification rationale structure behind it.

This is just going to bleed more votes from the center. What a weirdo.


* Trump was complaining about rigged elections in 2016 when he thought he would lose
* His own Homeland Security Cybersecurity chief called 2020 the most secure election in history
* He tried to overthrow the government in a violent coup and failed
* He lost 60+ court cases claiming fraud in the 2020 election

You can’t respect the results of an election only when you win


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Trump is losing it. When he’s not lying about helicopter rides with people that never happened, he’s inventing more lies about Harris using AI to fake crowd size? LOL His advisors are begging him to pivot towards policy, but he is so undisciplined.

As expected, he is panicking and running to his base for help. If Trump told MAGA to keep Trump brand stacks of cow manure in the home, they would go out and do it. Then create an entire justification rationale structure behind it.

This is just going to bleed more votes from the center. What a weirdo.


* Trump was complaining about rigged elections in 2016 when he thought he would lose
* His own Homeland Security Cybersecurity chief called 2020 the most secure election in history
* He tried to overthrow the government in a violent coup and failed
* He lost 60+ court cases claiming fraud in the 2020 election

You can’t respect the results of an election only when you win

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Let's focus on your "fact" that Trump lost 60+ cases claiming fraud; since you highlighted it.

The above is from Ohio State. Of the 58 lawsuits relating to the 2020 elections, only 15 were filed by Trump or his campaign. Not all the lawsuits are relating to fraud. Care to tell me where you got that "fact" from?

AG Barr said no significant election interference during 2020 voting.
Trump lost in 2020.

Ivanka Trump said she accepted Barr's conclusion that the 2020 election wasn't stolen​

The guy can't lose properly so he is un electable. He hates America.