Presidential Elections

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The same "fact checkers" that said The Cheeto Hitler was rushed off the stage in Pennsylvania because of loud popping noises"? Or perhaps the same "fact checkers" who confirmed the Pee Tape as Gospel? Why not the "fact checkers" who repeated ad nauseum that Trump lied when he said the Capitol Police led protesters into the Capitol Building - even though there is video showing everyone this very thing happened! (Or was that just a cheap fake?)

Ooh Ooh, I know. Why not bring in those "fact checkers" who confirmed Corn Pops was fit to run both as a candidate AND President at the same time. Yeah, that's the ticket.

"Fact Checkers" have their own biases and should not be a part of any live debate - I either in the first one with Biden (D-POTATO) or the upcoming one with DEI Barbie.

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"I've come to believe there is little, if any, honesty in the media, and ethic is a word they are totally unfamiliar with." -- Ronald Reagan (January 13, 1983 letter to Larry Beilenson)

[How much more dishonest and unethical have the media gotten in forty-one years since Reagan penned that observation! Democrats don't mind lies at all so long as they besmirch Republicans whom they despise.]

MEDIA quote by Ronald Reagan.png
Trump went into Georgia, a must-win state, and attacked its wildly popular Republican Governor and his wife. What a brilliant strategy.

Meanwhile Karl Rove is picking Kamala to win.

You love to see it

Kamala Harris is once-in-a-generation candidate and this is a once-in-a-generation moment for America - FOX News​

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Did she just pick Tim Kaine to be her vice president running mate again?… milk toast woke Guy who doesn’t bring anything to the ticket because she’s too scared to piss off her left flank, nice move, gutsy….doomed😂😂😂😂👎🏽🌈🦄
OK, so now I think they have pretty much written this off as a loss. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Brandon bows out, pushes Kamel up on the block…she loses spectacularly…clear the decks for 2028!….Boom!😂😂😂👍🏽🍿🍻
Said this months ago before Brandon pulled out….looks like I was prescient again!…😂😂😂👎🏽

Is Harris/Walz a Throwaway Ticket?​

Could the Harris/Walz ticket be a sacrificial lamb? Will the Dems punt on the 2024 election and hope to find a better candidate to face JD Vance in 2028? Granted they could hardly find a worse one, and the selection of Walz doesn't help her odds any.

Was that choice deliberate? Have the Dems just torpedoed Kamala Harris? Bear in mind that Eric Holder, who was in charge of vetting VP candidates, is an Obama creature; make of that what you will. Furthermore, it's doubtful Kamala Harris has any idea of the fleet of buses she's about to be tossed under if this is indeed what's happening.

Said this months ago before Brandon pulled out….looks like I was prescient again!…😂😂😂👎🏽

Is Harris/Walz a Throwaway Ticket?​

Could the Harris/Walz ticket be a sacrificial lamb? Will the Dems punt on the 2024 election and hope to find a better candidate to face JD Vance in 2028? Granted they could hardly find a worse one, and the selection of Walz doesn't help her odds any.

Was that choice deliberate? Have the Dems just torpedoed Kamala Harris? Bear in mind that Eric Holder, who was in charge of vetting VP candidates, is an Obama creature; make of that what you will. Furthermore, it's doubtful Kamala Harris has any idea of the fleet of buses she's about to be tossed under if this is indeed what's happening.

my sentiments exactly. Dems have a great chance to win in 2028; Josh Shapiro or Gretchen Whitmer are the perfect candidates for the top of ticket; swing state and in their mid 50's. I will pick any of them over Vance.
We will know that in four years but the fact that none of those “perfect candidates” would touch this race with a ten foot pole tells you a lot…it isn’t winnable 🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
DEI ticket is lurching left just as the country is swinging back the other way…it’ll be a train wreck…perfect timing, they’re doomed!…

Far-Left Squad Member Cori Bush Loses in Missouri Primary​

She was defeated by Democrat Wesley Bell, who does not share Bush’s stridently anti-Israel views. Bell is also a far left radical.

Bush, who was first elected to Congress back in 2020, joins New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman as the second far-left Democrat to lose their seat in a Congressional primary.


That's the the sound of one hand clapping - The MSN in their own alternative fact filled echo chamber.

They are trying to normalize DEI Barbie's VP pick, but you can't mainstream his weird trans policies, weird Iraq war dodging, weird wish to "invest in a ladder company" and help illegal aliens ( Hey readers with an H-1B visa... Wonder why any application approval for permanent residency or citizenship is taking so long? Could it be the 7-10M new illegals be a reason?)
His weird response to the burning of Minneapolis, a weird obsession with communist China, weird policies towards the only democracy in the Middle East... And the hits just keep on coming with this guy.
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She chose..poorly..😂😂😂👎🏽🇺🇸

Kamala Harris was 'humiliated' by Doug Emhoff affair bombshell and hoped to shift spotlight away from scandal with Tim Walz VP announcement​

She chose..poorly..😂😂😂👎🏽🇺🇸

Kamala Harris was 'humiliated' by Doug Emhoff affair bombshell and hoped to shift spotlight away from scandal with Tim Walz VP announcement​


This was a 1st marriage for the "Second Gentleman" and hardly anything earthshaking. There's more on the Cheeto Hitlers side of this question than anything that's going to come up with the D's. (other than Diversity Hire Barbie's manstealing for hire in the beginning of her "career")

I care more about who took the Bronze Medal in Synchronized Swimming than I do with this story. Wake me when something else drops, like "stolen valor" or some other big deal please.
Let's keep in mind, Trump's tax policy raised taxes on upper middle class Californians so he could give a tax break to the poorest people who are already not paying their fair share (by doubling the standard deduction).

So in my lifetime, Trump has enacted the most socialist tax policies thus far, so I definitely won't be voting for him.
No matter who you choose to vote for, may I suggest not looking hard at any one or two issues that impacted you directly. There isn't a 100% pure candidate on any side. If one candidate has many other policies you prefer but one or two impacted you specifically you may have to choose the lesser of two evils based on all policies they espouse and their impact on the population as a whole.

For me, a pro life position is very important for anyone I vote for. Could I vote for a pro-choice candidate? Yes, depending on the entirety of their positions on all the subjects they may impact - Tulsi Gabbard is one such politician and my original preference for VP.
America’s Dad Coach Walz vs. America’s Weirdo Vance

The amount of optimistic energy unleashed is unreal. Democrats continue to push for the middle, while MAGA continues to alienate more people.

People hear Walz talk and love the guy within 5 minutes. He’s the only Democrat to win his district since the 1800s, and the guy is a workhorse. None of the MAGA attacks are going to stick. Those tired old cliches only make MAGA feel better about their own bad choices.

Trump created a permission structure for people to say and do mean things. Harris and Walz are creating a permission structure for people to feel good and optimistic again.

The whole make America great has always been a false premise anyway. America IS great.

This is the most prosperous and successful nation in the history of the world. If MAGA wants to spend the rest of their lives being miserable, waking up every morning and waiting to be programmed who they are supposed to be mad at (or scared of), by all means, it’s a free country, so go right ahead.

Everyone else is moving on and is ready to get things done.

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