Presidential Elections

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An America Dad wouldn't write law for The State to nullify parental rights.

An America Dad wouldn't provide medical access for the mutilation of children.

An American Dad wouldn't let his house burn during criminal riots.

An American Dad wouldn't run from a fight.

An American Dad is a capitalist, rejecting all forms of failed socialist thinking.

An American Dad wouldn't wish harm upon the Jews or the innocent.

Some people have said that Josef Mengele was a good dad, one who did many of the things listed above. Plus, he was a socialist to boot!

Perhaps the OP has copied and pasted the wrong Wikipedia page.
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Americas Dad wouldn’t be a lying coward…👎🏽😡😡

SECOND VIDEO SURFACES! – 2007 Video of Tim Walz Makes Rounds on Internet: “I Deployed in Support of Operation Enduring Freedom” – A COMPLETE LIE #StolenValor​

Tim Walz dropped out of the Army after his unit was deployed to Iraq.

Retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr published a scathing letter in the West Central Tribune, exposing what they claim are significant fabrications and omissions in Walz’s military record.

Tampon Tim was the one who started using the word "weird". Ironic coming from someone who pushed to have tampons in boys bathrooms.

Also ironic that the man who encouraged people to snitch on neighbors during Covid is now telling people that the golden rule in Minnesota when it comes to respecting your neighbor's choices is "Mind your own damn business".

Now the con begins .... convince the public that Harris and Walz are moderates.
America’s Dad Coach Walz vs. America’s Weirdo Vance

The amount of optimistic energy unleashed is unreal. Democrats continue to push for the middle, while MAGA continues to alienate more people.

People hear Walz talk and love the guy within 5 minutes. He’s the only Democrat to win his district since the 1800s, and the guy is a workhorse. None of the MAGA attacks are going to stick. Those tired old cliches only make MAGA feel better about their own bad choices.

Trump created a permission structure for people to say and do mean things. Harris and Walz are creating a permission structure for people to feel good and optimistic again.

The whole make America great has always been a false premise anyway. America IS great.

This is the most prosperous and successful nation in the history of the world. If MAGA wants to spend the rest of their lives being miserable, waking up every morning and waiting to be programmed who they are supposed to be mad at (or scared of), by all means, it’s a free country, so go right ahead.

Everyone else is moving on and is ready to get things done.

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For someone who appears to know all the Democrat talking points, you seem to have missed the part where a loud faction of the left believe the US is not a great country. Hence the need for all the radical change they wish to implement. My question for you then is if you believe the US is great, then why would you or anyone support these radical policies being pushed by the left?
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Stolen Valor and swift boating…American Dads don’t run and hide…this is not going to go away…👎🏽😡😡😡

My son, 19, was killed in Iraq serving in the military unit Tim Walz 'abandoned': I'll never trust Kamala Harris' VP pick who took the 'coward's way out'

In an emotional interview with, nearly two decades after 19-year-old Kyle's death, Kathy Miller said: ‘I don’t think it’s fair that (Walz) takes credit when he didn’t step up to the plate.

'Walz claims a rank he never earned. When he was called to serve, and protect our country he didn’t.

'To publicly present false prestige of his unearned rank an inaccurate representation, is a falsehood of who he truly is.

'My son stepped up to the plate. All our sons stepped up.

'My son wasn’t even 21 years old. He couldn’t even buy alcohol. Yet he took the step to serve our country while Walz found the best way to run away.'
More lies…🤦🏽‍♂️🇺🇸😡😡

Harris Campaign Said Walz ‘Chaired Veterans Affairs.’ He Did Not

“after 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he chaired Veterans Affairs and was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform — and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families.”

A spokesman for Illinois Republican Rep. Mike Bost, current chairman of the committee, told RCP the same, saying that “Rep. Walz was only ever ranking member and he served in that role from 2017-2019.”
Great to see the chants of USA! back at the latest Harris/Walz rallies.

In the United States of America, all are created equal.

All this whining about the pronouns and menstrual cycles of kids they don't even know only serves to prove that, for all the tough guy talk of Trump and his fanboys, the MAGA movement embraces a masculinity built on cowardice. Their entire worldview is shaped by fear.
Walz, with his cheerful goober dad persona, offers a view of masculinity that is far tougher than that displayed by even the most steroid-inflated men of the MAGA world. He's a guy who isn't afraid of basic empathy. A man who is confident enough not to run from those who are different. A man so sure of himself that he can let a woman be his boss without acting threatened by her power. That's what real strength looks like. No wonder a weak man like Trump thinks Walz is the apocalypse.


An America Dad wouldn't write law for The State to nullify parental rights.

An America Dad wouldn't provide medical access for the mutilation of children.

An American Dad wouldn't let his house burn during criminal riots.

An American Dad wouldn't run from a fight.

An American Dad is a capitalist, rejecting all forms of failed socialist thinking.

An American Dad wouldn't wish harm upon the Jews or the innocent.

Some people have said that Josef Mengele was a good dad, one who did many of the things listed above. Plus, he was a socialist to boot!

Perhaps the OP has copied and pasted the wrong Wikipedia page.
I mean I mostly agree with you, but Trump has enacted more socialist tax policies than any democrat has in my lifetime.
I mean I mostly agree with you, but Trump has enacted more socialist tax policies than any democrat has in my lifetime.
Based on your earlier post, I assume you are referring to the SALT cap, which most affected higher income taxpayers living in states with high state income tax rates as well as those paying high property taxes. I feel your pain as it affects me as well. If that bothers you, then the freebies being handed out by Democrats in our state should bother you as well. I haven't looked at recent stats but California has been the number one state in welfare spending and that is reflected in the high state income tax rates levied on higher income California residents.

Take this state welfare model, apply it to the federal level, and that's what you can expect from the Harris/Walz presidency. Do you think your Federal income tax rates would go up or down in that scenario? There's a video of Harris explaining the concept of equality vs equity. While she believes some people need more to get them to equal (equity), both paths lead to the same end game ..... you will be paying a lot more to subsidize people who as you mentioned are already not paying their fair share.
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Regardless of party, I wouldn't mind a female president.
I hear this a lot. What I don't hear is the follow up: "Why?". Can you give a few reasons why a chromosomal difference is more important than competence? (I acknowledge that both of the current candidates are incompetent, but they are what we have to work with)

There have been competent female rulers - Elizabeth (I and II) as well as Victoria - but what makes a female leader superior in today's world? I'd like to know.
Same reason why people wanted Trump as a businessman vs a politician.

It may or may not be superior (as we found out), but it's different and lends to equality.

And through diversity that's how we improve ourselves.

Simple concept.
But all women running are politicians - Warren, Harris, Clinton, et al. Is there a non politician female you'd like to see run the country?

If "diversity" was of any national benefit The Balkans and South Africa would both be superpowers. How did diversity work out for them? Monocultures like Saudi or Best Korea have huge problems as well, but wield terrific global influences don't they? Another monoculture, Japan, is a good example of how "diversity" can be a bad thing. They may have a declining native population, but they are on whole stabile as a society - unlike Diverse France and the Diverse UK right now.

The opposite of diversity is our national motto: E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many, One. Political diversity-ista proponents dream of a nation of "Hyphenated Americans", rather than being an "American, of African Descent, or American, of Chinese Descent (you fill in the people group of your choice here) missing the value of national identity - of course not "melanin count identity" which is simply racism by another name and practice.

Diversity simply for Diversity sake is a road to ruin IMHO. Assumed (and/or demonstrative) Competence is the best we can do right now with the choices in front of us today.
You are being purposely obtuse when I know you understand what I am saying.

It's not just for the sake of diversity.

I can play the same game and say that's the problem with Trump... some good because he's not like politicians, but some (or many) bad because he's an egomaniacal business person. But... you can admit that his non-typical tactics are what many are drawn to. And just like your examples, I can say it didn't work out as well as was hoped. In fact, i still believe it's because of him there is more divisiveness now that there has been in a long time.

Nothing has indicated to me that Kamala is any worse than Trump at running the country. Is there better? Probably. If the Republicans had put up a female candidate over Trump, I would certainly consider her over Kamala.

You can't say your examples prove anything because foreign government systems are not the same as the US.

So let me revise my statement... it would be good to have a qualified female as president.
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I like the Buckley quote about competence in politics, saying "I'd rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the telephone directory than by the Harvard University Faculty". Perhaps someday we can gets that sort of "randomly assigned temporary representative Republic (not a pure Democracy)" going.

I asked for a name of some female leader you'd like to see running the nation.

Here's mine: Lynsi Snyder, CEO and Owner of In-N-Out. She knows how to maintain a business with high quality standards, has deep ethical convictions demonstrated in her charitable foundations, and knows when and where to grow the business profitably instead of overshooting the market for the singular purpose of profiteering. I have no idea of her politics, but she runs a tight ship.
Somewhere along the transition from “melting pot” to “salad bowl”, identity politics took a turn to outer space.
Based on your earlier post, I assume you are referring to the SALT cap, which most affected higher income taxpayers living in states with high state income tax rates as well as those paying high property taxes. I feel your pain as it affects me as well. If that bothers you, then the freebies being handed out by Democrats in our state should bother you as well. I haven't looked at recent stats but California has been the number one state in welfare spending and that is reflected in the high state income tax rates levied on higher income California residents.

Take this state welfare model, apply it to the federal level, and that's what you can expect from the Harris/Walz presidency. Do you think your Federal income tax rates would go up or down in that scenario? There's a video of Harris explaining the concept of equality vs equity. While she believes some people need more to get them to equal (equity), both paths lead to the same end game ..... you will be paying a lot more to subsidize people who as you mentioned are already not paying their fair share.
Look, I hate everything the progressives *say* about equity and all that.

However, welcome to reality: Donald Trumps tax policies have been more progressive and hurt more upper middle class Californians, than any other previous tax policy to come out by democrats.

You cannot argue that. It's just a fact. You're trying to tell me what *might* happen and I'm telling you what actually happened.
Look, I hate everything the progressives *say* about equity and all that.

However, welcome to reality: Donald Trumps tax policies have been more progressive and hurt more upper middle class Californians, than any other previous tax policy to come out by democrats.

You cannot argue that. It's just a fact. You're trying to tell me what *might* happen and I'm telling you what actually happened.

Sorry, you could not be more wrong. Only a Democrat would lie that "tax cuts hurt."

The bottom 50% of taxpayers pay about 7.3% of federal income taxes collected.
The tax cuts returned a higher percentage of taxes to the lower brackets in complete contradiction of Democrats' foul lies. Just because the "poor" pay so little in taxes, don't expect them to get back the lion's share that they never paid.

This confirms the lie of "tax cuts for the rich" whose cuts were far smaller percentages than lower income brackets.

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