Why so many negative comments about living in the City of Irvine?

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[quote author="bkshopr" date=1228530220]Another factor is the ease of maneuverability in driving in and backing out.</blockquote>

Are you saying Asians have trouble driving?

Young women in shitbox cars with carseats are far worse.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1228486762]I love 3-car wide garages. They don't make those anymore in Irvine.</blockquote>

<img src="http://cgreenrealestate.com/company_listings/nipomo/Oak_Leaf_Estates/3_car_garage_front.jpg" alt="" />

Here is the real reason why developers hate wide and shallow lots as shown in the photo. Assuming the lot is 75'wide and 50' deep and in order to plot 2 adjacent lots the total width required would be 150'. The street length fronting the 2 properties would be 150'. The maximum number of properties accessible from the 150' street would be 4 parcels (2 on each side of the street).

Now take a Scrooge approach but still offer to the buyer the same amount of land by making the plot narrow and deep instead of wide and shallow. Now the plot is measured 50' wide and 75' deep. The consumers are still paying the same price since the area of the land is the same. Here is the catch: remember the 150' street length I mentioned earlier. Along it (3) 50' wide lots can fit on each side of the street thus now the same street dedication could accommodate 6 parcels instead of 4 parcels. This is a density increase thus saving street usage for extra parcels.

However, the greedy developers want to sell the same plot for much more money. How should he justify the price increase? Do you remember IHO's favorite 3 car garages? When was the last time that garage footage was a part of a selling price for a home? Never!!! Selling price is always based on the livable area and never the garage or rear yard size.

So the greedy developers decided to take out the 3rd car garage and replaced it with livable area so he can charge the consumers more money. Oh yes, that piece of driveway in front of the 3rd car and lets convert that to a front yard and take away the real front yard and build more livable area so the developers can charge the consumers much more money.

Are there any more land left on the table? Yes, the back yard. Developers will encroach to the yard and build more footage and charge even much more money. The greed does not stop here.

Since a house only need one roof regardless of stories then let squeeze in a third floor and charge the consumers a premium.

This is the evolution of a new housing specie McMansion.

<img src="http://www.sunlighthomesblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/mcmansion.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1228532776][quote author="bkshopr" date=1228530220]Another factor is the ease of maneuverability in driving in and backing out.</blockquote>

Are you saying Asians have trouble driving?

Young women in shitbox cars with carseats are far worse.</blockquote>

Are you looking for trouble?
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1228532776]

Young women in shitbox cars with carseats are far worse.</blockquote>

Oops. Sorry again about that fender-bender, No Vas. My Pinto will be o.k. It's your hooptie I'm worried about. Well, no hard feelings.
Hey BK... is that house in Orange County? I haven't seen that in Irvine.

And yes... I realize that lot space is the main reason why the 3-car wide is an extinct animal... however.... I do think that you can do a similar floor plan with a 3-car wide in the same lot space as current 2-car wide houses without having to go the 3-story route.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1228535851]Hey BK... is that house in Orange County? I haven't seen that in Irvine.

And yes... I realize that lot space is the main reason why the 3-car wide is an extinct animal... however.... I do think that you can do a similar floor plan with a 3-car wide in the same lot space as current 2-car wide houses without having to go the 3-story route.</blockquote>

<img src="http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:YncOQGSYUKdZCM:http://jenniferheflin.com/Listingphotos/27111SouthRidge.jpg" alt="" />

I pray that we will never be neighbors. This is the 11th sin added to the commandments.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1228536671]<img src="http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:YncOQGSYUKdZCM:http://jenniferheflin.com/Listingphotos/27111SouthRidge.jpg" alt="" />

I pray that we will never be neighbors. This is the 11th sin added to the commandments.</blockquote>
Aww... what's wrong with 3-car wide houses? Like you said... people use that as the main entrance for their house anyways... hehe.

Here's a Quail Hill plan I would have changed if I were the builder:

<img src="http://www.edgeworld.com/ihb/Lgar.jpg" alt="" />

To this:

<img src="http://www.edgeworld.com/ihb/3wide.jpg" alt="" />

It now has a private covered entry with double doors and a nice wide driveway.

[quote author="bkshopr" date=1228536671][quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1228535851]Hey BK... is that house in Orange County? I haven't seen that in Irvine.

And yes... I realize that lot space is the main reason why the 3-car wide is an extinct animal... however.... I do think that you can do a similar floor plan with a 3-car wide in the same lot space as current 2-car wide houses without having to go the 3-story route.</blockquote>

<img src="http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:YncOQGSYUKdZCM:http://jenniferheflin.com/Listingphotos/27111SouthRidge.jpg" alt="" />

I pray that we will never be neighbors. This is the 11th sin added to the commandments.</blockquote>

hmm i presume you wouldnt have any interest in being commissioned to build this home for me.
<fieldset class="gc-fieldset">
<legend> Attached files </legend> <a href="http://www.talkirvine.com/converted_files/images/forum_attachments/200_bpDXXTXcQgNJ8QYbetqP.jpg"><img src="http://www.talkirvine.com/converted_files/images/forum_attachments/200_bpDXXTXcQgNJ8QYbetqP.jpg" class="gc-images" title="mcmansiontower.jpg" style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1228536671]

<img src="http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:YncOQGSYUKdZCM:http://jenniferheflin.com/Listingphotos/27111SouthRidge.jpg" alt="" />

I pray that we will never be neighbors. This is the 11th sin added to the commandments.</blockquote>

I take it you're not a fan of architecture in Rowland Heights.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1228463956]I bought in Northpark 6 years ago and 80% of my neighbors sold their homes and moved up to a bigger house. I never saw them again.</blockquote>

Northpark is a scary place. My neighbors were always watching and gossiping about each other. Once the chick across the street was knocking on my door and I didn't feel like opening it and she yelled "open up, I know you're in there, I saw you pull into your garage a while ago."
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1228539588][quote author="bkshopr" date=1228536671]<img src="http://tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:YncOQGSYUKdZCM:http://jenniferheflin.com/Listingphotos/27111SouthRidge.jpg" alt="" />

I pray that we will never be neighbors. This is the 11th sin added to the commandments.</blockquote>
Aww... what's wrong with 3-car wide houses? Like you said... people use that as the main entrance for their house anyways... hehe.

Here's a Quail Hill plan I would have changed if I were the builder:

<img src="http://www.edgeworld.com/ihb/Lgar.jpg" alt="" />

To this:

<img src="http://www.edgeworld.com/ihb/3wide.jpg" alt="" />

It now has a private covered entry with double doors and a nice wide driveway.


Now let me see, when your guests visit you they have to analyze first where the entry is. Is it to the left or right? Oops I just walked to the left and blocked by your trash cans and got barked at by your dog in his dog run. I then walked to the right side yard which is only 5' wide. The walkway is only 3 foot wide flanked by a 12" wide planters on both sides wiith mostly dead plants due to the lack of light and not having enough surface area to absorb water. As I walked through the tightness of this 5' sideyard compressive space I scraped the beautiful present I brought you next to that stucco wall. I then arrive at your 6' wide double door. I thought to myself your door width is wider than the outdoor passage that I struggled through earlier. The purpose of the double door is prestige but walking through a 5' sideyard was too unpleasant to comprehend the gracious double door entry estates.

After a nice evening leaving through the gracious double door I was faced with a 8' tall wall at my sight (3 foot retaining plus 5 foot wall at Quail Hills hillside conditions) that separate you and your neighbor's pad 3' higher. In Tuscany the view outside of the double door is a gracious courtyard and a view vista beyond that.

A good rule of thumb in design. Good design is when a home sits on the site graciously and harmoniously. Double doors and a 3 garage solution cramped on a lot is ostentatious. A smaller cottage is much dignified on the same size lot. I am sorry for my ranting because this actually happened often in new communities and Irvine is not immune.

Are you Chinese between the age of 36 and 46 from the southern provinces near the Pacific Coast and your parents home faced north and southerly direction?
[quote author="High Gravity" date=1228540921][quote author="bkshopr" date=1228536671]

<img src="http://tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:YncOQGSYUKdZCM:http://jenniferheflin.com/Listingphotos/27111SouthRidge.jpg" alt="" />

I pray that we will never be neighbors. This is the 11th sin added to the commandments.</blockquote>

I take it you're not a fan of architecture in Rowland Heights.</blockquote>

Homes designed based on Chinese criteria is the ugliest. Akins, Catellus and Shapell built those homes above Pathfinder are atrocious. Their taste for home aesthetic should be averaged out among their good taste for foods, cars and handbags.
[quote author="acpme" date=1228540364][quote author="bkshopr" date=1228536671][quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1228535851]Hey BK... is that house in Orange County? I haven't seen that in Irvine.

And yes... I realize that lot space is the main reason why the 3-car wide is an extinct animal... however.... I do think that you can do a similar floor plan with a 3-car wide in the same lot space as current 2-car wide houses without having to go the 3-story route.</blockquote>

<img src="http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:YncOQGSYUKdZCM:http://jenniferheflin.com/Listingphotos/27111SouthRidge.jpg" alt="" />

I pray that we will never be neighbors. This is the 11th sin added to the commandments.</blockquote>

hmm i presume you wouldnt have any interest in being commissioned to build this home for me.</blockquote>

Hang me on the tall arch.

<img src="http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/?ACT=25&fid=2&aid=200_bpDXXTXcQgNJ8QYbetqP&thumb=1&board_id=1" alt="" />
[quote author="skek" date=1228540831]Why waste valuable floor space on a first floor entry when you can use that space to add a <em>fourth</em> garage. BK, how's the feng shui on this one?

<img src="http://www.casakash.com/images/030.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

It needs a double door entry. I like it. A 400 sf house with only a bedroom, no living room and a 4 car garage. A perfect house for Ten and his Ferrari's.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1228542687]

Now let me see, when your guests visit you they have to analyze first where the entry is. Is it to the left or right? Oops I just walked to the left and blocked by your trash cans and got barked at by your dog in his dog run. I then walked to the right side yard which is only 5' wide. The walkway is only 3 foot wide flanked by a 12" wide planters on both sides wiith mostly dead plants due to the lack of light and not having enough surface area to absorb water. As I walked through the tightness of this 5' sideyard compressive space I scraped the beautiful present I brought you next to that stucco wall. I then arrive at your 6' wide double door. I thought to myself your door width is wider than the outdoor passage that I struggled through earlier. The purpose of the double door is prestige but walking through a 5' sideyard was too unpleasant to comprehend the gracious double door entry estates.

After a nice evening leaving through the gracious double door I was faced with a 8' tall wall at my sight (3 foot retaining plus 5 foot wall at Quail Hills hillside conditions) that separate you and your neighbor's pad 3' higher. In Tuscany the view outside of the double door is a gracious courtyard and a view vista beyond that. </blockquote>

well! when you put it that way, guests that come to my house have it far too easy. maybe scattered cinderblocks along the walkway and on top of the retaining wall, propped up by small pebbles, designed to topple over from heavy footsteps. when they reach the front door they will encounter 3 sets of double doors, 1 of which is the actual entrance to my home and 2 of which are wormholes to an existential hell. if my guests are lucky enough to select the right door, they are graced by the view of my handsome face... which makes it all worth it. of course it could be me, or it could be a Terminator replica of myself serving as my butler. usually it is programmed to greet guests in the most pleasant manner but because it's windows 95-based, sometimes it will kill you on site.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1228534232][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1228532776][quote author="bkshopr" date=1228530220]Another factor is the ease of maneuverability in driving in and backing out.</blockquote>

Are you saying Asians have trouble driving?

Young women in shitbox cars with carseats are far worse.</blockquote>

Are you looking for trouble?</blockquote>


[quote author="SoCal78" date=1228534895][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1228532776]

Young women in shitbox cars with carseats are far worse.</blockquote>

Oops. Sorry again about that fender-bender, No Vas. My Pinto will be o.k. It's your hooptie I'm worried about. Well, no hard feelings.</blockquote>

I'm okay, but my wife did get hit this week exiting the 5 at Jamboree. She was in the left turn lane (the right turn lane was stopped) and somebody pulled out and hit her as she passed. The woman in question insisted my wife "hit the front of her car" even though the damage on my wife's car is the passenger side behind the rear tire and the other car was on the drivers side in front of the front tire. Unless my wife backed up the ramp I'm not sure how it's her fault, but whatever.
This would be like, my ideal home. You can open any window and cast your fishing rod, plus there's enough rooms to stash my loot.

<img src="http://www.chenonceau.com/media/images_big/accueil.jpg" alt="" />

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch?teau_de_Chenonceau">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch?teau_de_Chenonceau</a>
[quote author="acpme" date=1228544057][quote author="bkshopr" date=1228542687]

Now let me see, when your guests visit you they have to analyze first where the entry is. Is it to the left or right? Oops I just walked to the left and blocked by your trash cans and got barked at by your dog in his dog run. I then walked to the right side yard which is only 5' wide. The walkway is only 3 foot wide flanked by a 12" wide planters on both sides wiith mostly dead plants due to the lack of light and not having enough surface area to absorb water. As I walked through the tightness of this 5' sideyard compressive space I scraped the beautiful present I brought you next to that stucco wall. I then arrive at your 6' wide double door. I thought to myself your door width is wider than the outdoor passage that I struggled through earlier. The purpose of the double door is prestige but walking through a 5' sideyard was too unpleasant to comprehend the gracious double door entry estates.

After a nice evening leaving through the gracious double door I was faced with a 8' tall wall at my sight (3 foot retaining plus 5 foot wall at Quail Hills hillside conditions) that separate you and your neighbor's pad 3' higher. In Tuscany the view outside of the double door is a gracious courtyard and a view vista beyond that. </blockquote>

well! when you put it that way, guests that come to my house have it far too easy. maybe scattered cinderblocks along the walkway and on top of the retaining wall, propped up by small pebbles, designed to topple over from heavy footsteps. when they reach the front door they will encounter 3 sets of double doors, 1 of which is the actual entrance to my home and 2 of which are wormholes to an existential hell. if my guests are lucky enough to select the right door, they are graced by the view of my handsome face... which makes it all worth it. of course it could be me, or it could be a Terminator replica of myself serving as my butler. usually it is programmed to greet guests in the most pleasant manner but because it's windows 95-based, sometimes it will kill you on site.</blockquote>

Natinal Treasure meeting Acpmeana Jones?
[quote author="momopi" date=1228544399]This would be like, my ideal home. You can open any window and cast your fishing rod, plus there's enough rooms to stash my loot.

<img src="http://www.chenonceau.com/media/images_big/accueil.jpg" alt="" />

<a href="http://en.wiki.org/wiki/Ch?teau_de_Chenonceau">http://en.wiki.org/wiki/Ch?teau_de_Chenonceau</a></blockquote>

Nice! Your taste in food commensurate architecture. The water moat was a defensive device to discourage intruders.