eyephone said:
This also might be against Yaliu faith/beliefs to live by a cemetary.
Yaliu - please confirm if my points represent your opinion. If not, I can modify them.
irvinehomeowner said:
Does yaliu live in PP or PS?
irvinehomeowner said:
PP is soooo far from the cemetery this shouldn't even be an issue.
soooo far? I am only one mile away.
irvinehomeowner said:
Can't. City of Irvine took all my money with 1.7% property tax.
qwerty said:
Yaliu - supporting the veterans cemetery is a great way for you to show you are assimilating into the American culture, you should strive to be a chinese American not a chinese person living in America
you know my answer
eyephone said:
Yaliu - get black ops 2 and play zombies. Explain to your children that you have to play the video game to gain experience to fight the zombies.
Sorry. No video games for my kid.
Soylent Green Is People said:
Let's see....
(OK) Military chem waste - legacy issue
(OK) High auto traffic smog and noise - current, and building
(OK) Agriculture pesticides - legacy issue as well as the newly applied
(OK) Down wind from a dump - ongoing.
(OK) Garden pesticides used by landscapers - ongoing
(Not OK) Military Cemetary.
(OK) Military chem waste - legacy issue
Yaliu: I live in PP. it is build a farm land. (OK)
(OK) High auto traffic smog and noise - current, and building
Yaliu: welcome to S. Cal. there is always auto traffic, smog and noise. (OK)
(OK) Agriculture pesticides - legacy issue as well as the newly applied
Yaliu: dont eat anything that grow here (OK)
(OK) Down wind from a dump - ongoing.
Yaliu: Close the window. Turn on the AC (OK)
(OK) Garden pesticides used by landscapers - ongoing
Yaliu: Again, welcome to S. Cal (OK)
(Not OK) Military Cemetary.
Yaliu: you know my answer