NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Everybody needs love. I hope there's a lid for every pot but... I'll give a full disclaimer, wash my hands of it, and hope for the best. PM me if interested. Looking for a tenacious guy with a backbone here.
qwerty said:
IHO is legite, IR2 is his agent, plays bball with Homer or used to at least, USC has met him.

Have you met him yourself? I find that an agent will respect his client's privacy, especially when asked. So would a basketball friend. They have met someone calling his or herself "Iho" but I don't know it's the same as we think it is.
Iho if you're real, grab a piece of paper. On it, write today's date and your screen name in marker. Hold it under your face. Snap a picture. Post your mugshot and fingerprints here or send it to me.
If I am preserving my anonymity... why would I post a picture of my face here?

Do you think I'm a robot or some--- a%&&#4dkk*#&$)zdf+#$lkar... system reboot... TI message post restarted... -thing?!?
Like I said, if you would rather not post it publicly, that's fine - send it to me. I will compare it with the others in your file, which are purported to be you. This will prevent you from giving the paper to someone else to pose with. Any objections? If you're authentic, it should be pretty easy.
Instead of being a post of trying to find a man wanting to date her, it seems like a post of you giving men reasons to stay away from her.

On topic:  I have seen one episode of Catfish.  The Scorpio one.  Only thing that really bugged me was how she claimed it was how he treated and how he made her felt that she liked, but clearly the fact that he didnt have the six pack or looked like Scorpio was the primary reason she didnt want to go out with him.  I wouldn't have any problem with her saying that or that it was that he had 4 kids, but just prefer her to be honest.
SoCal said:
qwerty said:
IHO is legite, IR2 is his agent, plays bball with Homer or used to at least, USC has met him.

Have you met him yourself? I find that an agent will respect his client's privacy, especially when asked. So would a basketball friend. They have met someone calling his or herself "Iho" but I don't know it's the same as we think it is.

have not met IHO
Socal - your friend needs plastic surgery to fix her face, is high maintenance and mean to men. even if i had single friends i could never subject them to something like that. good luck.

are you sure she is not a lesbian?
I love Catfish because the concept is ages old. Who here remembers the story of Cyrano de Bergerac? Matt's story was a modern version.

I definitely appreciate the male feedback on this situation with my friend. It is hard for me to crawl inside a man's mind to know what they look for or are willing to overlook exactly. Afterall, I've seen some not so nice women who are in relationships. It has me scratching my head. I guess some areas compensate for others. I'm sure we can all look in the mirror and find a few things we could improve on but many of us have people who loves us anyway.

@28inIrvine: My intention was to avoid false advertising. I will list some good things about her:

*She's generous & thoughtful.
*You can talk to her about anything / she is very understanding.
*She can be compassionate.
*She is pretty smart in a book kind of way (science, etc.)

She does take anti-depressants. I'm sure that dosage changes may be the cause of some of her mood swings from kind and compassionate to bitter and cruel. I sometimes find it hard to guess what direction she's going in next. 

@Qwerty: It's interesting you ask if she is a lesbian! Good observation. My husband has asked me the same thing. She is very close to one friend who, if I didn't know her for years, would guess she's gay. Mr. SoCal thinks they are close for a reason. In fact, she would blow off plans with her ex to spend time with this friend. She always preferred spending time with the "friend" over him. That friend is also a 33 y.o. woman who has NEVER even been on a date! True story! In the past I have sometimes wondered if my friend is into men or women. Last year I finally brought it up with her. She said she is straight. All I know is - I've never slept with her.  :) We've known each other for about 20 years. In that time, she has never put the moves on me. Eh. Maybe I'm not her type. She'll say certain guys are cute. I've had my doubts but I do think she is into men.

Maybe there is a guy out there who is so lonely he could cry just like her. I'm sure there is. Would they be better off being alone than with each other? I don't know the answer to that but as someone who does care about her, I hope something good can come out of this.

SoCal said:
Maybe there is a guy out there who is so lonely he could cry just like her. I'm sure there is. Would they be better off being alone than with each other? I don't know the answer to that but as someone who does care about her, I hope something good can come out of this.

I may know a guy.  But he is not one to commit.

qwerty said:
Socal - your friend needs plastic surgery to fix her face

I don't know how seriously to take Mr. SoCal's comment. He and I joke around a LOT. We are extremely blunt with each other about everything. He says that but I don't know if he means it. I know he does not like her so maybe that influences how he views her physically. Fwiw, I don't think she needs surgery! (She thinks she does, though.) She does not look scary at all! She is an average looking person. Some men might even find her pretty. I don't know. I'm not a guy. It's really hard to figure men out.
Can I PM someone here a pic of her and tell me your honest guy opinion? You don't have to worry about hurting my feelings at all just because she's a friend. Like I said, I'm cool with bluntness - it's what I'm used to.
SoCal said:
She is an average looking person. Some men might even find her pretty. I don't know. I'm not a guy. It's really hard to figure men out.
Look-wise you rated her a 4/10... so that's a bit below average.

Is she fit? For some men... a woman in good shape will help overcome a plain face. For others, a pretty face will help overcome a not so good shape.
irvinehomeowner said:
Look-wise you rated her a 4/10... so that's a bit below average.

Is she fit? For some men... a woman in good shape will help overcome a plain face. For others, a pretty face will help overcome a not so good shape.

Yeah, I rated her a 4 but I've noticed men & women seem to have differing views when it comes to what "attractive" is.

Nah, she doesn't really have a nice figure, imo. I do wish I had her boobs, though. 

I just remembered I didn't enable the picture attachment feature thing on PM's.  :(
Ah, I've never seen that show.

Okay, I've got a few pics I can either embed in a PM or put a link.

Do I have any male volunteer judges?