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irvinehomeowner said:
"500 words or less"? So one word will suffice? I'm watching.

My answer in 500 words or less: Yes.

How is your extra credit work coming along? I hope you've caught up on the last three episodes.
Is anyone watching this show called "Jungle Gold"?

I've seen three episodes, each more ridiculous than the next. Apparently it's a couple of loser real estate agents (of course!) who got themselves into a million dollars worth of debt back home in the states. Rather than deal with the root of their problem, their bright idea is to go to Ghana and mine gold for some quick $$$. Long story short, things get pretty bad and they get desperate. They quickly get talked into taking one business detour then another. On one particular afternoon, they are sitting inside a heavily guarded compound talking to the head gold dealer. Their idea is to buy from him and resell for profit elsewhere. Their production team is discovered and their safety is threatened. It's always smart for a couple of wide-eyed knuckleheads to play games with Ghanese kingpins. Last I saw, their debt had increased to something like $1.25M.

At first, the premise of the show sounded quite interesting. However, after their back-story began surfacing, I just couldn't take these people seriously.
Preview of tonight's episode of Catfish is HERE.

Jasmine & Mike. Both are single parents. They love each other. He refuses to meet her. She wants to know why. He only lives 15 minutes away for God's sake. Something is definitely up.
:( Last night's episode sucked. I'm disappointed compared to the first three episodes, all of which were really good. The first was creepy-good. The second was weird enough to be good. The third was devastatingly-heart-breakingly-good. However, this one was just a petty situation with a Jerry Springer ending. I thought the wig and shoes were going to go flying. The characters weren't well-developed and even the blind love didn't seem all that deep. I'm regretting staying up late for this one. Iho - I'm sorry I made you watch this one. I promise the previous episodes were worth watching. I hope they have better material next time.
Update on Awesome Matt:

He's getting hit on left and right by beautiful women. The attention from the show has done wonders for him. He won't be sorry about Kim for long!

He's filming a documentary about his weight / weight loss.
SoCal said:
Update on Awesome Matt:

He's getting hit on left and right by beautiful women. The attention from the show has done wonders for him. He won't be sorry about Kim for long!

He's filming a documentary about his weight / weight loss.

Good for him!
So I watched it.

I guess I should have known by the "Jerry Springer" clue how this was going to end. I'm sure many of these are like that... it's just funny that someone would be in this "relationship" for 2 years and not bother to meet each other living only 15 minutes away. There is some blame on Jasmine for not realizing something was up.

And while the other person had tragedy and maybe reasons for what was done... it was still messed up to do that to Jasmine. What comes around goes around... so we'll see.

I think the show takes too long... it could really be a half-hour show or put 2 or 3 of these meet-ups into a 1-hour show.

You know with Skype, Facetime and all this video chat stuff available on phones and computers... people should really vet their "online loves" better.
I'm impressed you actually watched it!

I watched it twice. Once on the night it aired and again when I tied Mr. SoCal to a chair, propped his lids open with popsicle sticks and hit "Play".

What's funny is he said the exact same thing as you. His exact words were: "It should have ended 20 minutes ago."

I promise you with the first three episodes, the time was better spent. I agree that this episode seemed to drag on. I watched the Google hangout video after the show with Nev, Max, Chelsea, and Matt. Nev said they spent 4 hours talking to Mhissy (what kind of name is that anyway) and there was so much more to her story than what they could show in that 2-3 minutes. I take that to mean she's a lot more messed up in the head than we saw but she already came off damaged to me.
irvinehomeowner said:
it's just funny that someone would be in this "relationship" for 2 years and not bother to meet each other living only 15 minutes away. There is some blame on Jasmine for not realizing something was up.

Fwiw, Matt wouldn't see Jasmine for 10 years but he is real, he was honest the whole time, except for withholding some of the "bonus" info. They were talking about getting married before they met. They both took their relationship very seriously. If she had taken the tip-off that he was avoiding her to mean he didn't love her, she would have been wrong (contrary to what I would have thought). He just needed to be coaxed out of his shell. Lots of people do meet online and end up getting married. I guess it's possible to strike up a real relationship online. I did think it was possible Mike was real but was avoiding her for some other reason - maybe insecurity like Matt or else he's married which is why he couldn't talk on the phone but to sneak very brief calls.
I think the difference is Matt and Kim were much farther apart... Jasmine and Mike were only 15 minutes away from each other.

I always wonder if I would have went the route... I have a few friends that have... and one got married to her (although I don't know how they are now).

I know a few people that seem "date-able" but 5 years later... they are still single and it makes me question why that is.
I give your report an "A", by the way. Nice job. I am withholding the "+" for one reason. You say the fact they only live 15 min away and haven't met for years should have been a clue he's not real. *Uh-hem*. I've met a lot of people online / acquaintances - almost everybody on this site - and so far they have all been real, thank goodness. All of them except you? I'm thinking you may not be. You only live 15 min away, haha, and haven't proven you're real. Maybe I'm as gullible as these people. Maybe we here on TI are all gullible. I know how you feel about anonymity. You could be a completely different person behind the keyboard, making us all believe you're someone else. This show has definitely got me questioning that. It wouldn't really matter, no big deal, but it would be strange. Not unexpected but weird... and definitely possible. O_o
IHO is legite, IR2 is his agent, plays bball with Homer or used to at least, USC has met him.
irvinehomeowner said:
I always wonder if I would have went the route... I have a few friends that have... and one got married to her (although I don't know how they are now).

I know a few people that seem "date-able" but 5 years later... they are still single and it makes me question why that is.

I agree!

I question the usefulness of a dating site and also some of the people on them. No offense if anybody here is on one. Haha. Obviously, I don't have any first-hand experience with that but I do have a friend who has been using dating sites for 4 years with no luck!! She does get contacted by men. They always fall into two groups: Sex Crazed Maniac or Nice Guy. She only chats with the latter. Okay, fine. Everything goes great, they plan to meet, and then he falls off the face of the earth before they do. She met one guy and never saw hide nor hair of him again. He told her he's suddenly moving far away. Never mentioned it before. I KNOW it's a lie but she has convinced herself it's true. She says he wouldn't make it up. Uh. To spare her feelings he would - definitely. I didn't say that part, though. Whatever. She's 33, divorced after a 2 yr. marriage (she was very mean-spirited to her husband. I didn't like him, never thought they belonged together at all, but I did I feel bad for the guy.) She still lives at home with her mother. She cries herself to sleep at the idea she's missing out on something. I got so desperate for her, I contacted a couple guys here to see if they had any single and willing friends (Iho and IR2. Haha! Sorry guys!) Nope. No luck. Anyway, she's the kind of person you'll find on a dating site. Her, the frauds, and the sex starved beasts.

My real name is Ihissy and I work for TIC.

I created this TI account to distract buyers with 3CWG homes to inflate older Irvine resale inventory so that we could push sub-par, small lot, driveway-less, 2-car garage motor court homes on the masses.

Mission accomplished... I should delete my TI account.

"The greatest trick that IHO ever pulled was convincing TI that he existed."
irvinehomeowner said:
My real name is Ihissy and I work for TIC.

I created this TI account to distract buyers with 3CWG homes to inflate older Irvine resale inventory so that we could push sub-par, small lot, driveway-less, 2-car garage motor court homes on the masses.

Mission accomplished... I should delete my TI account.

"The greatest trick that IHO ever pulled was convincing TI that he existed."

I have no clue about the show you are watching/ talking about, but hey, this is entertaining :)
SoCal said:
she was very mean-spirited to her husband
"Being mean-spirited" isn't an item on most men's checklists for who they would like to date... that could be a showstopper.

They guys I know in your friend's age range aren't really companion material... those guys at that age are still single for a reason.

I would be interested in watching a reality show titled "Attractive, Nice, Smart but still Single"... because there has to be something wrong if you have all those qualities.
irvinehomeowner said:
SoCal said:
she was very mean-spirited to her husband
"Being mean-spirited" isn't an item on most men's checklists for who they would like to date... that could be a showstopper.

They guys I know in your friend's age range aren't really companion material... those guys at that age are still single for a reason.

I would be interested in watching a reality show titled "Attractive, Nice, Smart but still Single"... because there has to be something wrong if you have all those qualities.

Fwiw, her age range is like 25-50+ in case you have any single, desperate male friends in that range looking for companionship who may have similar qualities to you except are a glutton for punishment  ;). Hopefully, that age range will open up the options a little. She's open to any race. She's white / blonde / blue. She was in an inter-racial marriage. She's never had any other relationships, though.

I'll give you the straight dope here:

*Looks-wise = 4/10 depending on who you ask (my husband tells me she needs plastic surgery to fix her face. I don't think it's quite that bad. I'll say she's "meh / okay".)

*Brains = 9/10

*Personality = 3/10

*Morals = 7/10

*Financial common sense = 0/10. She spends $$ faster than she makes it. She's also high maintenance.

Any takers?? Not all at once, please!! I'm willing to do a double-date / meet & greet if somebody has a fellow in mind so they can meet.

Yes, she was very mean to her husband. She seems to have a low opinion of men in general. Like they are not as smart or they are just something to boss around and criticize publicly. I've been appalled at the way she's treated her former husband in front of me. She did the same to her father and she saw her mother do it to her father. That's why I feel she won't change. That was the example that was set for her. She has no respect. She doesn't take responsibility at all. It's always the husband's fault. He "deserves" it. She said horrid things like hoping he cheats on her so she won't look responsible for the divorce. I was holding back the vomit while she was telling me this. She threw all his clothes on the grass of their apartment complex, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong. She is a very sweet talker at first. It once you get to know her that it's time to run away.

I have to be blunt. I don't think she's ready to be relationship material and may never be. I'm sorry to say that but I've known her a very long time. I do care about her, though. I do not like to see her cry herself to sleep for years.  ??? All I can do is pray for her. I do. Maybe one day she'll be ready.