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Man, have I got you fooled. Forget watching Catfish. We should be ON Catfish.  ;)

Watching these people on Catfish makes me realize I'll only ever have one relationship my entire life. Unfortunately for him, my husband can't get rid of me permanently unless he cheats on me or dies - whichever comes first, no matter how miserable either one of us may be at times.  ;) Either way it ends, no other man will want me as I'll be damaged goods. Even if there was a desperate guy, it wouldn't matter. It would take all my strength just to keep living each long day without the only person I've ever known that way. I don't think I would take my own life intentionally, per se, but I couldn't imagine being happy again.

SoCal said:
Man, have I got you fooled. Forget watching Catfish. We should be ON Catfish.  ;)

Watching these people on Catfish makes me realize I'll only ever have one relationship my entire life. Unfortunately for him, my husband can't get rid of me permanently unless he cheats on me or dies - whichever comes first, no matter how miserable either one of us may be at times.  ;) Either way it ends, no other man will want me as I'll be damaged goods. Even if there was a desperate guy, it wouldn't matter. It would take all my strength just to keep living each long day without the only person I've ever known that way. I don't think I would take my own life intentionally, per se, but I couldn't imagine being happy again.

well hopefully neither happens, your husband cheating or dying on you, but trust me, if he ever did and you were alone you would find someone else. you feel this way and make these statements now because that is all you have known, one person your entire life.  eventually you would move on with no problems - you would get hit on by too many guys not to find a new boyfriend/husband. ive been divorced and remarried so that gives me street cred on this topic.
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Hence why you may never meet me in person. :)

See, I don't get why you say that. If I should take what you say in the literal sense... why would meeting me be any different from meeting Homer, Irvine Realtor, BK, Zovall, etc. whom you have met in person. Apparently you're not afraid of those people, so, why me? I am no different from them. It is like saying you put more stock in those people. You have no faith in me. I thought you knew me better than that.

However, I do understand. If you met me, I think you would say to yourself: "What a let down." That wouldn't stop me from meeting anyone, though. Everybody has insecurities in some form. It takes a brave person to admit them. The truth: When I met Traceimage, I felt like Lurch. You know what? In heels, I am six feet tall . I hate that, even around a nice friend like her. (I don't think she'll mind me saying she's on the petite side - nothing wrong with that at all. However, the difference between us is exaggerated.) When I met her, I was wearing moccasins, thankfully. I just about LOL'd when she said she felt so short next to me. If only she knew I wish I was just like her!

My experience so far is most people have the same, exact thoughts you do. What is the worst thing that can happen? They think you're a huge disappointment and never speak to you again. Good. Then they were never a true friend to begin with and their loss is someone else's gain. Think about it, Iho.

If you label this "cray-cray" once more, I'm only going to smack you when I finally do run into you at Costco.

Silly Socal. You don't look like Lurch! You're tall in a *good* way, not freakishly tall! I wish I were taller!

SoCal said:
Man, have I got you fooled. Forget watching Catfish. We should be ON Catfish.  ;)

Watching these people on Catfish makes me realize I'll only ever have one relationship my entire life. Unfortunately for him, my husband can't get rid of me permanently unless he cheats on me or dies - whichever comes first, no matter how miserable either one of us may be at times.  ;) Either way it ends, no other man will want me as I'll be damaged goods. Even if there was a desperate guy, it wouldn't matter. It would take all my strength just to keep living each long day without the only person I've ever known that way. I don't think I would take my own life intentionally, per se, but I couldn't imagine being happy again.

Damaged goods, why?

I like Catfish, too. I think some of these people are incredibly naive, though, especially the girl who thought she was dating "Scorpio" with his model-perfect looks.

I think you and IHO need to meet in person.
irvinehomeowner said:
I think you're reading too deep into my one-liners... they are not commentaries on you... but rather on me... and more tongue-in-cheek than anything.

I've given thought to what you've said... and it would be funny... if it wasn't true. The facts speak for themselves.
traceimage said:
Damaged goods, why?

I like Catfish, too. I think some of these people are incredibly naive, though, especially the girl who thought she was dating "Scorpio" with his model-perfect looks.

I think you and IHO need to meet in person.

YES! Trace is back!! Happy!!!

Re: "Damaged goods". I don't know if I can be so blunt as to say what I really think or search for the right words in a way that would make sense unless somebody really knew me. I have high expectations for myself & for what I should be to somebody else... what that person deserves. I don't know if I could fulfill the position again to my level of satisfaction (for that person). It's not that I'm suffering from low self-esteem, necessarily. I'm just being logical. The first time around, I had more energy and more naivet?, amongst other things, going for me than I would in the future - but I am wise enough now to know I may be more particular next time as well, in one or two areas specifically. I don't know if lightning can strike twice for me or for the future "him" if "he" even exists - I do not know that. Not that I think it is as random as lightning, not at all. To me, it is a deeply spiritual thing as I've suggested before. If it's in God's will, so be it. But first I would need the will to keep "living". You have to walk before you can run. That first part would be hard enough on its own.

Oooh, this seat is hot! As usual, I've over-shared. It's someone else's turn now.
qwerty said:
well hopefully neither happens, your husband cheating or dying on you, but trust me, if he ever did and you were alone you would find someone else. you feel this way and make these statements now because that is all you have known, one person your entire life.  eventually you would move on with no problems - you would get hit on by too many guys not to find a new boyfriend/husband. ive been divorced and remarried so that gives me street cred on this topic.

Did you still love your first wife at the time you split up? Do you ever wish you were still together or had done more to stay together? Do you miss her? (I won't tell the current Mrs. Qwerty.)
SoCal said:
qwerty said:
well hopefully neither happens, your husband cheating or dying on you, but trust me, if he ever did and you were alone you would find someone else. you feel this way and make these statements now because that is all you have known, one person your entire life.  eventually you would move on with no problems - you would get hit on by too many guys not to find a new boyfriend/husband. ive been divorced and remarried so that gives me street cred on this topic.

Did you still love your first wife at the time you split up? Do you ever wish you were still together or had done more to stay together? Do you miss her? (I won't tell the current Mrs. Qwerty.)

i did not love my first wife any longer when i filed for divorce - just grew apart. we tried therapy once, but the guy didnt tell us anything we didnt already know, so we only went to 2 sessions. i dont think about my first wife at all, dont miss her or anything, the current Ms Qwerty is a much much better fit. because i had fallen out of love there was nothing else we could have tried to stay together. she did just recently remarry over the summer, she is a type A personality so hopefully this one works out for her.
traceimage said:
I think you and IHO need to meet in person.

Agreed, with one modification. I think you need to join us. If only his nerves could handle all that at once! Just imagine! The mere thought would send him to the hospital.
SoCal said:
traceimage said:
I think you and IHO need to meet in person.

Agreed, with one modification. I think you need to join us. If only his nerves could handle all that at once! Just imagine! The mere thought would send him to the hospital.

Yes, let's all meet up for lunch! But we must make sure to eat somewhere close to an emergency room. Just in case.
traceimage said:
Yes, let's all meet up for lunch! But we must make sure to eat somewhere close to an emergency room. Just in case.

Roger that. Hospital cafeteria it is. Lime Jello - my treat. How could he possibly say no.
Anyway, back to the TV subject -

I see that Kim is really getting beat up hard on Catfish's Facebook page for how she handled things with poor Matt!! Yowzer! I guess I didn't realize how strong the viewer sentiment would be (like mine) about this poor man. Everybody is Team Matt.

However, I do kind of feel bad for being "upset" at her. I mean... no, she's not the smallest heifer in the field... but you can't force yourself to be attracted to somebody, and it wouldn't be good for her to fake it. I guess it was just how she handled it that sucked. Even if she suddenly isn't in love with him, she could have at least looked the slightest bit happy to see him and more thankful for being such a good friend to her.

Also, her boyfriend is trolling that page! He seems really bothered by everyone. He went off the deep end, started throwing around racial slurs to the people leaving comments. He was with Kim while the show was being filmed but she said she was just going to meet a friend. Anyway, she was two-timing them. Saying, "I love you" to both. Trying to decide which one to marry. Boy. She must be really full of herself. She had two men after her even though she's no prize.

Lastly, I just want to add, the outcome is a little bit Matt's fault as well. She begged him for 10 YEARS to meet her. He refused. So, she started moving on with other guys. By the time he was ready and laid all his cards on the table, well, it was too late. He missed the boat on this one. If only he had intervened sooner. If he loved her as much as he said he did - he would have. He's lucky she didn't drop him years ago due to all that nonsense. Whatever. Can't go back now.

I can not wait for the next episode! Monday night! 11 p.m.! MTV! But one of these shows had better have a happy ending or this is going to get old quickly.
"It's not awkward to me at all, because you're awesome." -- Matt


Marry me, Matt!  :'(
irvinehomeowner said:
SoCal is really making me want to DVR this show.

Please, please, please do it so we can discuss them here. Set it to record new AND previous episodes just until you can catch up then you can switch it to New. You've only missed 3 episodes, so, it will be easy. It's too bad I've spoiled the premiere for you!

Back to Matt & Kim - Matt's mom has been posting on that Facebook page, too. She says he's now lost 120 lbs. I hope he loses a bunch more so that Kim will come crawling back and he can dump her.  :)
Iho, Qwerty, and anyone else thinking of recording Catfish, especially last week's episode -

Warning: Get your Kleenex ready. It's not just the love / rejection part. Matt also goes into how, as a huge guy, he wanted to take his own life. I'm giving you plenty of notice ahead of time so you can plan your excuse like telling your wives you have "something stuck in your eye" - not a tear, of course.
"Catfish" is on tonight!!!

Iho: I'll expect an essay - single-spaced, 500 words or less - summarizing tonight's episode. In it, tell us how the outcome compared to what you expected. Due tomorrow by noon. A late assignment will receive half credit.

I hope they get an earlier time slot soon. It doesn't start until 11 p.m. Oy!