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Catfish, Episode 5 airs tonight!! 11 p.m. on MTV! I heart Mondays!!  :-*

Jarrod is a single dad who never thought he'd find love again until he met Abby on Facebook.

Here is a sneak peak of the entire first act:

Qwerty and Iho - they are airing reruns of the first four episodes continuously. It's not too late to get caught up. The fourth one was kind of lame, unfortunately, but give the first three a try! You'll like them.
Wow - in that preview they showed the online chat where he asked her to marry him and she yes.  :-\ Do people really do this?? Pop the question to someone they have never met before?  :o Am I the only one who thinks this is nuts. It's one thing to say, "I love you." That's taking a big leap. It's quite another to outright propose marriage. If I was a guy, I don't think I could put my heart on the line by proposing to someone who avoids meeting me.

Good on this guy for refusing to move away from his little girl even for love.
I'm going to make a prediction right now and say we'll never see older people on Catfish, approx. ages 35+, especially women. Here is why:

When you are young, you don't mind playing the: "He loves me. He loves me not" game. The shyness can be endearing.

Once you're older, speaking for myself, the question wouldn't be: "Does he like me?" It would be: "Does he show it?" He or she may very well like you but at a certain point it doesn't matter if they do if they can't bring themselves to meet you halfway, no matter the reason.

As you get older, you have better things to do than tie yourself into perpetual knots figuring out if the other person likes you. You're the one taking all the risks. Doing all the work. It is no longer cute. Especially if you've been through it already. I have. Dating a shy guy takes a ton of effort to pull that person out of their shell. I'd think it would be pretty much the same case with men. I'm not saying you accept advances from every cad or every woman who is "easy", just not likely to continue an online relationship after X number of years which is continually met with resistance even if they claim to love you.

On average, you are probably right, but I think there might be some older folks who are Catfish material, they talk online but have never met. They do have dating sites for older people so that's where you might go to find some Catfishers.

The thing is, I don't think they would contact Nev to put them on Catfish.

Catfish reminds me of one time I was eating at a Denny's and the booth next to me was a first meet. It sounded like they had been communicating online quite a bit and it seemed like they met on a fantasy/paranormal site for fans of Twilight because the female had brought some book with similar source material. I was fascinated by their interaction and eavesdropped almost the whole time (luckily the Mrs. wasn't there or I would not have been able to do so).

They looked totally incompatible and I could tell by the look on the guy's face, he was not into her. I think in the end, they both realized it was not a "connection" and they ended it cordially. He was giving her some story about how immature he is and how he's not ready for any commitments and she was saying how it's okay and that she wasn't really expecting anything.

I really wanted to know the details of how they met, if they were being romantic online or what because the whole thing was quite awkward. I think that would make another good reality show, "First Dates".
Wow, how awkward. I would have loved to have been a fly on that wall! I wonder if they suspected you were eavesdropping. Did you keep glancing over or slurping your drink in the person's ear behind you? hehe.
Anyway, how could it be that awkward, if you think about it. Surely they must have at least exchanged photos or Skyped in advance. It makes me kind of wonder what she was thinking. Who would go meet up with a strange man - you have no clue who he is - could be a real creepy weirdo. Although, I guess a public location is safe enough, but some men will follow you in the car.
Let me see if I can use text to show the layout:
|o[ ]o| <-- couple

   o <-- my kid
  [ ]
   o <-- me
So it looked like I was looking at my kid... but was actually looking and listening to them and I could see both of their profiles.

It sounded like they exchanged pictures, he said she didn't have glasses in her photos (she was wearing ugly black ones during the meet-up) and she said he looked older in his.
That lady at Denny's may have very well been telling the truth when she said it's ok & she didn't expect anything. Imo, rejection gets so much easier when you're older. Although I get the feeling for men, it may not be true. They seem to always be afraid of rejection no matter how old. For me, I'm not afraid anymore. Years ago it would have prevented me from reaching out to people but not anymore.

I've recently been rebuffed by an old, good friend I care(d) very deeply about. It hurts really bad & continues to because I am forced to see her on a regular basis now, being reminded that she doesn't value me at all. She won't make eye contact with me even though I sent her a long letter pouring my heart out, telling her how much I value, respect, and admire her. She refuses to even acknowledge my presence. It's like a nightmare. I can't even believe this is happening. But I'm still glad I reached out to her and yeah, I would do it again. And again. And again. I also recognize the issue is hers, not mine.

Long story short - we knew each other years ago. We were very close. She didn't keep in contact. I prayed to God for 10 years that our paths would cross again. Not likely considering we lived far apart by now. Under freak circumstances and one amazing "coincidence" after another - it finally did happen last fall. My prayers were answered. However, I was surprised to find out it was not what I was hoping for, exactly. Anyway, I am still glad it has happened. I'll give love to anybody. If they choose not to receive it, it's too bad, but that's the way it goes. I'll keep going  - investing in everything and expecting nothing in return.

CZ - do you watch Teen Mom 2?

That's on tonight. Jenelle provides the most entertainment on that program. " You don't understand. I have to stop smoking weed FOR A WHOLE YEAR! Waaah!  :'( " This chick is unbelievable.  >:(

So is RHOBH.

Love Mondays!

Tomorrow is "Little People Big World: Wedding Farm". I'll confess to having watched every episode of LPBW - the original series and this one. The Wedding Farm is getting a little boring, though.
kalbi said:
Wow, I'm glad I'm not Socal's single "friend". You publicize her as an ugly mean nut job and distribute her picture to people on a public forum for comment on her appearance - and of course, all under the guise of finding her a man.

If the tables were turned and your friend did that to you, I doubt you would consider her a "friend."

Socal, your friend gave you permission to send her pics to the guys on here, right?
traceimage said:
kalbi said:
Wow, I'm glad I'm not Socal's single "friend". You publicize her as an ugly mean nut job and distribute her picture to people on a public forum for comment on her appearance - and of course, all under the guise of finding her a man.

If the tables were turned and your friend did that to you, I doubt you would consider her a "friend."

Socal, your friend gave you permission to send her pics to the guys on here, right?

TI hasn't been mentioned by name, however, I told her that I mentioned her to a couple guys I know to see if they had any available friends. She was fine with that. She welcomes the help since she's not having any luck on her own and is getting frustrated. She's always saying, "If you know anybody..." The photos I shared were taken directly from a profile which she has selected to share with potential suitors herself i.e. they are all pics she's comfortable sharing. 
SoCal said:
traceimage said:
kalbi said:
Wow, I'm glad I'm not Socal's single "friend". You publicize her as an ugly mean nut job and distribute her picture to people on a public forum for comment on her appearance - and of course, all under the guise of finding her a man.

If the tables were turned and your friend did that to you, I doubt you would consider her a "friend."

Socal, your friend gave you permission to send her pics to the guys on here, right?

TI hasn't been mentioned by name, however, I told her that I mentioned her to a couple guys I know to see if they had any available friends. She was fine with that. She welcomes the help since she's not having any luck on her own and is getting frustrated. She's always saying, "If you know anybody..." The photos I shared were taken directly from a profile which she has selected to share with potential suitors herself i.e. they are all pics she's comfortable sharing.

It sounds like you were trying to help her find someone, which is great...but somehow it ended up with your friend being rated on a numerical scale by TI guys. I'd be mortified if it were me!
traceimage said:
It sounds like you were trying to help her find someone, which is great...but somehow it ended up with your friend being rated on a numerical scale by TI guys. I'd be mortified if it were me!

Yeah, I see what you're saying. As I told one of the guys privately, it is hard to see the number,  however, I appreciate the bluntness, both positive and negative. I think at this stage in the game, it's time to cut the crap and just get down to business to find someone who is honestly interested. She's been through enough games. If it was me, that's what I would want. Not much time to waste. I do hope it works out for her. Maybe she just needs somebody to show her what real love is.

Hey - if you or your hubby have someone in mind, give me a head's up.
SoCal said:
traceimage said:
It sounds like you were trying to help her find someone, which is great...but somehow it ended up with your friend being rated on a numerical scale by TI guys. I'd be mortified if it were me!

Yeah, I see what you're saying. As I told one of the guys privately, it is hard to see the number,  however, I appreciate the bluntness, both positive and negative. I think at this stage in the game, it's time to cut the crap and just get down to business to find someone who is honestly interested. She's been through enough games. If it was me, that's what I would want. Not much time to waste. I do hope it works out for her. Maybe she just needs somebody to show her what real love is.

Hey - if you or your hubby have someone in mind, give me a head's up.

I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I don't know why she would need the bluntness of strangers telling her she's ugly and fat. I haven't seen the picture, but if she is, I'm sure she knows. Online dating is hard and I think confidence would help her more at this stage.

You're also making her out to be kind of desperate, which is a HUGE turn-off. This girl needs better marketing! "Hey, I have this really fun, cool friend who is looking to meet new people..." :)

I really hope she finds someone soon! Everyone deserves luuuuuuuv.
For those who haven't seen it yet - last night's episode of Catfish was pretty good! It's yet another reminder of how important looks are to men (and how they over-rate themselves!) I think you guys would like this episode. I don't want to give too much away and spoil it. Post when you've watched.
"Maybe she's like some super sexy farmer's daughter."

Catfish finally returns to TV tonight - 11 p.m., MTV.

Sneak Peak: This average Joe thinks he's e-dating a former Miss Teen USA... but is he?

On the last episode, the two people "catfished" each other. An obese black woman portrayed herself as this hip white chick. She fell into a relationship. She came clean to "her man" -- this rock star type of guy -- about who she really was. He was so overly accepting of it. Suspicious. "He" turned out to be a woman -- a pre-op transsexual -- using a random guy's photos. OMG. They met and lo & behold... continued a romantic relationship. Until they broke up.
Catfish is on tonight! Who's watching?

"Maybe she's some super sexy farmer's daughter." Or a big hairy guy. You never know what's on the other end of an e-romance.
Girls on HBO started again yesterday, house of lies on showtime. i watched Shameless on showtime for the first time and it is a good show. may have to go back and watch the first two seasons.