The Investigation

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So off topic but fun.  Tell me, this is not a liberal progressive philosophy on how to teach a child?...who do you think would send their children into this type of environment? A Republican or a Democrat?

Montessori schools are considered progressive schools.

If you are looking for a so-called 'traditional' style of teacher-directed learning, then you will be disappointed. Montessori schools are almost always 'progressive' schools. Their classes are multi-age and teacher-guided. The teacher hovers on the sidelines observing, helping and guiding the learning process.

The Teacher's Role: "The teacher, child, and environment create a learning triangle. The classroom is  prepared by the teacher to encourage independence, freedom within limits, and a sense of order. The child, through individual choice, makes use of what the environment offers to develop himself, interacting with the teacher when support and/or guidance is needed." American Montessori Association

Is Montessori for all children?  "There is no one school that is right for all children, and certainly there are children who may do better in a smaller classroom setting with a more teacher-directed program that offers fewer choices and more consistent external structure.  Children who are easily overstimulated, or those who tend to be overly aggressive, may be examples of children who might not adapt as easily to a Montessori program." The Montessori Foundation
Shouldn't you guys focus on something important like the valiant effort to remove a somewhat patriotic song from a meaningless tradition of single baseball team because the singer who has been dead over twenty year sang a unrelated song 80 years ago that potentially had the casual racism that permeated American society at that time.
Yes, back to the circus...Eye if you want to continue meet me on the snowflake thread.  back to the conspiracy.

?In the Mueller report in one section after the next said either they couldn?t establish that or there was no evidence for it, and yet they?re acting as though it said exactly the opposite, that this conspiracy theory was demonstrated and proven and vindicated," he said. "They're living in some bizarre fantasy land because they?re worried that admitting that they got this story wrong will damage their credibility."

?Pretending they got it right is just worsening the problem," he added.
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
Of course they do. My kids go to private school but I can tell you for fact that ideology plays into parents decisions on where to send their children an spend their money. I know for fact that many conservative parents chose not to use Montessori for those reasons just as I know some who did.  I also know many who avoided Catholic schools for similar reasons.  Its a fact that some systems will attract like minded families, and yes thats a generality but it holds true.

This is garbage. Generalization that is false in many ways.

I think it?s a complete waste of my time chatting with you. You categorically have a false generalization regarding schools and with other topics.
And on this Mueller investigation he wins again by not folding early and calling a bluff...not chess, poker.

morekaos said:
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
More like poker than chess. Even the press admits it...

Trump and Republicans easily win shutdown battle

The Democrats caved Monday three days into their government shutdown gamble.
This is a clear win for President Trump and the congressional Republicans.
The news media's failure to strongly support the Democrats was a key factor.

Oh...the Dems folding like a decks of cards is totally expected.  Chuck Schumer leads the Senate Dems...he is basically a folding chair.

For once IRC, you and I agree.
nosuchreality said:
Shouldn't you guys focus on something important like the valiant effort to remove a somewhat patriotic song from a meaningless tradition of single baseball team because the singer who has been dead over twenty year sang a unrelated song 80 years ago that potentially had the casual racism that permeated American society at that time.

Flyers dropped it too, ugh!

Kate Smith's relatives 'heartbroken' after Yankees, Flyers drop her 'God Bless America' recording: report
Truth hurts.

With the release of the Mueller Report last week, the mainstream media have mostly moved on from ?collusion? to ?obstruction? without a look backward. While they formerly chimed in on ?collusion? with the unanimity and volume of an audience of Communist Party functionaries applauding one of Stalin?s speeches, they have now transferred to the same hatefest with a new theme. It is remarkable.

Indeed, I wonder if the state press of the Soviet Union achieved such monochromatic stupidity as they propagate the new party line. At least the state press of the Soviet Union had the excuse of the Gulag to account for their behavior. Our media have no one to blame but themselves ? not that they are inclined to acknowledge their own errors proclaiming the party line, let alone cast blame for them.
Everything boils down to This ? ?Donald Trump is so amazing we should let him get away with crimes?

Anyone else would like a RECENT POSTS link that excludes the trump political threads ?  Much more useful conversations to be had elsewhere ...
fortune11 said:
Everything boils down to This ? ?Donald Trump is so amazing we should let him get away with crimes?

Anyone else would like a RECENT POSTS link that excludes the trump political threads ?  Much more useful conversations to be had elsewhere ...

tired of winning already?  :)
Kings said:
fortune11 said:
Everything boils down to This ? ?Donald Trump is so amazing we should let him get away with crimes?

Anyone else would like a RECENT POSTS link that excludes the trump political threads ?  Much more useful conversations to be had elsewhere ...

tired of winning already?  :)

You lost with the midterms, tariffs and government shutdown.
eyephone said:
Kings said:
fortune11 said:
Everything boils down to This ? ?Donald Trump is so amazing we should let him get away with crimes?

Anyone else would like a RECENT POSTS link that excludes the trump political threads ?  Much more useful conversations to be had elsewhere ...

tired of winning already?  :)

You lost with the midterms (that was a win...all you got was a useless soapbox to yell from and it infected the party with a bunch of loud, dopey, socialists who have taken over the soapbox and are dictating policy that will lose the next election for them)

, tariffs (working great...China will sign a deal soon that will help in leveling the field and will be welcomed by the markets.)

and government shutdown. (there was a government shutdown?)
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
Of course they do. My kids go to private school but I can tell you for fact that ideology plays into parents decisions on where to send their children an spend their money. I know for fact that many conservative parents chose not to use Montessori for those reasons just as I know some who did.  I also know many who avoided Catholic schools for similar reasons.  Its a fact that some systems will attract like minded families, and yes thats a generality but it holds true.

This is garbage. Generalization that is false in many ways.

I think it?s a complete waste of my time chatting with you. You categorically have a false generalization regarding schools and with other topics.

When he gets his thoughts together and thinks things through maybe I will have a conversation with that guy.
Other than that it?s a waste of my time.
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
morekaos said:
Supoena away. The precedent has been set, ignore them.

Eric Holder Is Defying the Law by Resisting Subpoena

When someone receives a subpoena, they can either comply or challenge the subpoena on certain legal grounds or claim the documents are privileged. What they cannot do is ignore the subpoena and that is what Holder did. For months, Holder has ignored the subpoena. When Darryl Issa asked if the documents had been assembled within the Justice Department, Holder refused to answer. In short, he was thumbing his nose at the committee.
[Check out our editorial cartoons on President Obama.]
Contempt is what is called a remedial power. If you fail to comply with a subpoena, you can be jailed until you do comply. You can also be jailed for contempt as a separate offense. Not shockingly, the most corrupt administration since the Nixon administration quickly announced after the contempt vote that it would not prosecute Eric Holder for contempt.
The problem here is that the Obama Regime believes it is above the law. Eric Holder went off to Disney World the day the House voted on holding him in contempt.
Doesn't that send a message? The only thing missing was Holder's extended middle finger pointed towards Congress and Darryl Issa. Holder should be jailed for contempt. He is not simply disagreeing with Congress. He is acting in defiance of the law.

Told ya...

White House ignores House panels? requests for documents, Democrats say

Told me what?  Of course they are going to resist...they already said they were.  Question whether the courts are going to make them comply.


President Trump's White House appears to have figured out the secret of congressional oversight: there's not much Democrats can do if they say no to everything.

The big picture: The millions of voters who elected a Democratic House in November are about to find out how hard it is for one party ? with just one chamber of Congress and without the cooperation of the other party ? to investigate a president who's determined to run out the clock.

Yes, House Democrats can subpoena whoever and whatever they want ? but those subpoenas are hard to enforce.
They can hold administration officials in contempt, but in all of the most recent examples where Congress did that, it fizzled.
Do you remember Eric Holder going to jail during Barack Obama's presidency because Congress held him in contempt for refusing to turn over "Fast and Furious" documents?

Or Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten going to jail during George W. Bush's presidency after Congress held them in contempt for refusing to testify about the resignations of nine U.S. attorneys?
Of course you don't ? because none of it happened.
I've been trying to google this, read the Wiki, but how exactly could the Russians interfere with the election?

I think you all may have talked about this before but if what was contended is true, wouldn't Trump have won the popular vote too?
irvinehomeowner said:
I've been trying to google this, read the Wiki, but how exactly could the Russians interfere with the election?

I think you all may have talked about this before but if what was contended is true, wouldn't Trump have won the popular vote too?

A number of ways but basically the use of the internet allow selective targeting in selective areas.  It's why Facebook and social media were big targets...they already know how the potential voters are and targeted them aggressively.

At the height of the 2016 campaign, the effort employed more than 80 people, who used secure virtual private network connections to computer servers leased in the United States to hide the fact that they were in Russia. From there, they posed as American activists, emailing, advising and making payments to real Americans who were duped into believing that they were part of the same cause.

The playing field was mainly social media, where the Russians splashed catchy memes and hash tags. Facebook has estimated that the fraudulent Russian posts reached 126 million Americans on its platforms alone.

The Russian operatives contacted, among others, a real Texas activist who, evidently assuming they were Americans, advised them to focus on ?purple states like Colorado, Virginia & Florida.? After that, F.B.I. agents found that the phrase ?purple states? became a mantra for the Russian operation.

The Russian efforts described in the indictment focused on establishing deep, authenticated, long-term identities for individuals and groups within specific communities. This was underlaid by the establishment of servers and VPNs based in the US to mask the location of the individuals involved. US-based email accounts linked to fake or stolen US identity documents (driver licenses, social security numbers, and more) were used to back the online identities. These identities were also used to launder payments through PayPal and cryptocurrency accounts. All of this deception was designed to make it appear that these activities were being carried out by Americans.

We?re only at the beginning of having an answer to this question because we?ve only just begun to ask some of the right questions. But Mueller?s indictment shows that Russian accounts and agents accomplished more than just stoking divisions and tensions with sloppy propaganda memes. The messaging was more sophisticated, and some Americans took action. For example, the indictment recounts a number of instances where events and demonstrations were organized by Russians posing as Americans on social media. These accounts aimed to get people to do specific things. And it turns out?some people did.
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I've been trying to google this, read the Wiki, but how exactly could the Russians interfere with the election?

I think you all may have talked about this before but if what was contended is true, wouldn't Trump have won the popular vote too?

A number of ways but basically the use of the internet allow selective targeting in selective areas.  It's why Facebook and social media were big targets...they already know how the potential voters are and targeted them aggressively.

At the height of the 2016 campaign, the effort employed more than 80 people, who used secure virtual private network connections to computer servers leased in the United States to hide the fact that they were in Russia. From there, they posed as American activists, emailing, advising and making payments to real Americans who were duped into believing that they were part of the same cause.

The playing field was mainly social media, where the Russians splashed catchy memes and hash tags. Facebook has estimated that the fraudulent Russian posts reached 126 million Americans on its platforms alone.

The Russian operatives contacted, among others, a real Texas activist who, evidently assuming they were Americans, advised them to focus on ?purple states like Colorado, Virginia & Florida.? After that, F.B.I. agents found that the phrase ?purple states? became a mantra for the Russian operation.

The Russian efforts described in the indictment focused on establishing deep, authenticated, long-term identities for individuals and groups within specific communities. This was underlaid by the establishment of servers and VPNs based in the US to mask the location of the individuals involved. US-based email accounts linked to fake or stolen US identity documents (driver licenses, social security numbers, and more) were used to back the online identities. These identities were also used to launder payments through PayPal and cryptocurrency accounts. All of this deception was designed to make it appear that these activities were being carried out by Americans.

We?re only at the beginning of having an answer to this question because we?ve only just begun to ask some of the right questions. But Mueller?s indictment shows that Russian accounts and agents accomplished more than just stoking divisions and tensions with sloppy propaganda memes. The messaging was more sophisticated, and some Americans took action. For example, the indictment recounts a number of instances where events and demonstrations were organized by Russians posing as Americans on social media. These accounts aimed to get people to do specific things. And it turns out?some people did.

To me this just seems like any other type of campaigning.

Couldn't either party do this? What makes a Russian campaigning for Trump any more powerful than an American? Or a Mexican? Or a Canadian?

And again, if this effort affected voting perception so much, how did Clinton win the popular vote?
irvinehomeowner said:
To me this just seems like any other type of campaigning.

Couldn't either party do this? What makes a Russian campaigning for Trump any more powerful than an American? Or a Mexican? Or a Canadian?

And again, if this effort affected voting perception so much, how did Clinton win the popular vote?

Yes...but it's different when it's a foreign source.  It is the same reason why foreign companies/nationals cannot contribute to campaigns.

Because you don't need to affect everyone or even most just need to disenfranchise some and encourage others.  Trump won the electoral college with like a 50,000 vote margin across like 3 to 4 states.
Its like the argument about money over-influencing voters.  If the amount of money spent buys elections then Meg Whitman would be our governor and Hillary Clinton would be President...Billions in spending bought them each a big L.
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:
To me this just seems like any other type of campaigning.

Couldn't either party do this? What makes a Russian campaigning for Trump any more powerful than an American? Or a Mexican? Or a Canadian?

And again, if this effort affected voting perception so much, how did Clinton win the popular vote?

Yes...but it's different when it's a foreign source.  It is the same reason why foreign companies/nationals cannot contribute to campaigns.

Because you don't need to affect everyone or even most just need to disenfranchise some and encourage others.  Trump won the electoral college with like a 50,000 vote margin across like 3 to 4 states.

Its done all the time and has been forever...its effectiveness is questionable.

Obama?s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples

While the media obsess over an alleged Russian conspiracy to collude with Donald Trump to affect America?s 2016 presidential election, what about Obama?s interference in the elections of other countries? Most Americans have no idea that President Obama meddled in elections all over the world. And apparently, the media decided there?s no reason for Americans to know about this illegal activity.

Indeed, in 2016, the Los Angeles Times did a story on how America has interfered with other nation?s elections in the past, but they stopped short of mentioning the various foreign elections Obama tried to influence. But the same article reports that Obama ?slapped Russia with new penalties for meddling in the U.S. Presidential election? by hacking into Democratic and Republican computer networks and selectively releasing emails.? Hypocrisy check, anyone?