The Investigation

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fortune11 said:
Pretty straightforward now after what?s come out despite redacted parts ...

1. Russia interfered
2. They did it to help Trump
3. Trump wanted their help
4. Trump's campaign met with the Russians to seek out that help
5. Trump and his campaign repeatedly lied about those contacts
6. Trump fired the FBI Director to stop an investigation into the matter
7. Trump appointed Barr to help cover it up
8. Trump's attorneys have prepared a 35 page counter to Mueller's report which exonerates Trump. Who counters a report that exonerates them?

If I took 3 friends into a bank to rob it but once I got there I was the only one holding out a gun (my friends bailed), I still tried to rob a bank. Same thing with Trump. He directed his staff to obstruct but they didn?t follow his orders. His intent was clear.

Nice post. But you forgot one thing. (Wink)

Donald Trump on Mueller?s appointment: ?This is the end of my presidency. I?m f----d?
eyephone said:
fortune11 said:
Pretty straightforward now after what?s come out despite redacted parts ...

1. Russia interfered
2. They did it to help Trump
3. Trump wanted their help
4. Trump's campaign met with the Russians to seek out that help
5. Trump and his campaign repeatedly lied about those contacts
6. Trump fired the FBI Director to stop an investigation into the matter
7. Trump appointed Barr to help cover it up
8. Trump's attorneys have prepared a 35 page counter to Mueller's report which exonerates Trump. Who counters a report that exonerates them?

If I took 3 friends into a bank to rob it but once I got there I was the only one holding out a gun (my friends bailed), I still tried to rob a bank. Same thing with Trump. He directed his staff to obstruct but they didn?t follow his orders. His intent was clear.

Nice post. But you forgot one thing. (Wink)

Donald Trump on Mueller?s appointment: ?This is the end of my presidency. I?m f----d?

And lo and behold ?-

within hours of complaining that Obama should've stopped RU, he's back to calling it all a hoax again.

There's no rhyme or reason to the lies anymore. Obama spied on me.  Obama should've done more. Actually, it's all a hoax again.

It?s must be getting hard for his cult members to continue keeping track of what is actually saying ...
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
The show must go on!!

Can't wait for the Orange man to be in orange jumpsuits!  Then it will be a show!

Trump kids should be up next.

Yah Billy Bush we got Trump
Yah Stormy Daniels we got Trump
Yah Paul Manafort we got Trump
Yah George Papadopolous we got Trump
Yah Michael Wolf we got Trump
Yah Omerosa we got Trump
Yah Bob Woodward we got Trump
Yah Roger Stone....oh you get the idea...the show goes on and on but look who?s still standing!

You confuse no with not yet.

No confusion here. Saw it clearly two years ago when I said nothing would happen to Trump.
fact of the matter is the longer the left continues to clutch their pearls about muh russia and obstruction, the more out of touch they look to the american people.  if you thought the tax cuts were "invisible" then continuing to whine about "damning evidence" and "bombshells" will ring on more and more deaf ears because nothing will happen to your great president, who has been completely exonerated by our friend mueller.
Kings said:
fact of the matter is the longer the left continues to clutch their pearls about muh russia and obstruction, the more out of touch they look to the american people.  if you thought the tax cuts were "invisible" then continuing to whine about "damning evidence" and "bombshells" will ring on more and more deaf ears because nothing will happen to your great president, who has been completely exonerated by our friend mueller.

Wishful thinking

Don?t live in a 2016 bubble - come back to reality

3 weeks ago ? This 2 bit hack William Barr created the most positive news cycle for trump after his so called ?summary ? of the mueller report  .  People such yourself were as giddy as high school nerds who got the cheerleader to say yes to go to the prom

And what happened to his disapproval ratings ? They remained in the mid 50s ! Shows you how the 2020 table is set like concrete and will come down to who can excite their  side more and turn off the independents less.

Did the scary caravan work in November 2018 ?  Huh . Well, maybe screaming socialism till you are hoarse will do thre trick !

I know you don?t have an answer to this . So just paste a gif as usual or a bunch of smiley faces to pretend you didn?t get stung by this logic , ok  :)
Today's talking head spin was 'Barr didn't talk about the ground rules Mueller followed.  Mueller said if the President was "guilty as sin", I wouldn't tell you.  If the President was completely innocent, we would state so.'

Just wow.  I don't know which is worse, if that is complete bullshit or if it's actually true.  The question isn't if Trump is dirty, the question was is he dirty to the point of a provable crime. 

JIMHO, if they think Mueller was operating under that, he did the wrong job.

nosuchreality said:
Today's talking head spin was 'Barr didn't talk about the ground rules Mueller followed.  Mueller said if the President was "guilty as sin", I wouldn't tell you.  If the President was completely innocent, we would state so.'

Just wow.  I don't know which is worse, if that is complete bullshit or if it's actually true.  The question isn't if Trump is dirty, the question was is he dirty to the point of a provable crime. 

JIMHO, if they think Mueller was operating under that, he did the wrong job.

Is Billy Barr Trump?s personal deffense attorney? It sure seems like it? Barr?s summary is kinda different from the report.

The Attorney General suppose to be impartial.

Washington Post ? ?The White House on Thursday held a call with top surrogates like Diamond and Silk, seeking to get them to defend Trump and attack the media.

One surrogate?s suggestion: Charge Hillary Clinton with a crime?
fortune11 said:

Washington Post ? ?The White House on Thursday held a call with top surrogates like Diamond and Silk, seeking to get them to defend Trump and attack the media.

One surrogate?s suggestion: Charge Hillary Clinton with a crime?

We're like six months away from Fox interns turning down comms jobs in the WH ....
fortune11 said:
Kings said:
fact of the matter is the longer the left continues to clutch their pearls about muh russia and obstruction, the more out of touch they look to the american people.  if you thought the tax cuts were "invisible" then continuing to whine about "damning evidence" and "bombshells" will ring on more and more deaf ears because nothing will happen to your great president, who has been completely exonerated by our friend mueller.

Wishful thinking

Don?t live in a 2016 bubble - come back to reality

3 weeks ago ? This 2 bit hack William Barr created the most positive news cycle for trump after his so called ?summary ? of the mueller report  .  People such yourself were as giddy as high school nerds who got the cheerleader to say yes to go to the prom

And what happened to his disapproval ratings ? They remained in the mid 50s ! Shows you how the 2020 table is set like concrete and will come down to who can excite their  side more and turn off the independents less.

Did the scary caravan work in November 2018 ?  Huh . Well, maybe screaming socialism till you are hoarse will do thre trick !

I know you don?t have an answer to this . So just paste a gif as usual or a bunch of smiley faces to pretend you didn?t get stung by this logic , ok  :)

lol wonderful logic, did you come up with all this yourself this time?  i know you're a little light headed since you've been holding your breath for the past 2 years while mueller writes his dud of a report, but it's okay i will break it down for you in words you can understand  :)

despite the media calling for trump's head every day for 2 years, trump still advanced his agenda, passed historic tax cuts, appointed two supreme court judges and countless other judges, is building the wall, and pushed markets to historic levels with record low unemployment. do you remember all the winning? still tired?

your 2020 cast of socialists will eat each other alive and trump will pick apart the victor like he did to 17 other republican candidates.  now that mueller is out of the picture, "impeachment, impeachment, impeachment" will be the last dying breaths of a party that has no real accomplishments to run on for 2020.

come back when you have something stronger because trump is still your president and will be for the next 6 years  :)
Using your methodology. So after the midterms I didn?t hear from you say losing.

So are you saying winning due to Barr?s summary report or the actual report? lol.
So why did Robert Rosenthal recommended to fire Comey?
Didn?t Barr just do the same thing?
(Just a question. Any thoughts or comments?)
eyephone said:
So why did Robert Rosenthal recommended to fire Comey?
Didn?t Barr just do the same thing?
(Just a question. Any thoughts or comments?)

Note I found this in the web. (Public information)

?Memorandum for the Attorney General
FROM: Rod J Rosenstein
SUBJECT: Restoring public confidence in the FBI

The current FBI Director is an articulate and persuasive speaker about leadership and the immutable principles of the Department of Justice. He deserves our appreciation for his public service. As you and I have discussed, however, I cannot defend the Director's handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton's emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken. Almost everyone agrees that the Director made serious mistakes; it is one of the few issues that unites people of diverse perspectives.

The director was wrong to usurp the Attorney General's authority on July 5, 2016, and announce his conclusion that the case should be closed without prosecution. It is not the function of the Director to make such an announcement. At most, the Director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented its findings to federal prosecutors.?

My comment: Not the entire memo, but click the link for fun reading or maybe not. Any thoughts?
eyephone said:
Using your methodology. So after the midterms I didn?t hear from you say losing.

So are you saying winning due to Barr?s summary report or the actual report? lol.

Man, Rather than ramble on about tax cuts and judges ... he should really learn from Trump himself who was quoted in the mueller report as saying ?I am f .. ed ?  : )
Devil's advocate:

Was Trump complaining about Mueller because he was guilty or because this type of thing usually isn't good for any presidency?

Trump told Sessions that he had heard that a special counsel ruins presidencies, and that the investigation could take ?years and years and I won?t be able to do anything,? the report says.

I think there is a little context missing here.
morekaos said:
Pretty straight forward now after what?s come out.... nothing will happen to Trump...again.

Are you reading the summary or the actual report? I would expect my defense attorney (ag) to say something in my denfense. Lol come on
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
Pretty straight forward now after what?s come out.... nothing will happen to Trump...again.

Are you reading the summary or the actual report? I would expect my defense attorney (ag) to say something in my denfense. Lol come on

Doesn?t matter to partisans that are blind w hatred of democrats and narrow minded in terms of making an extra buck or two and winning the Supreme Court pissing contest.

Now the new normal is for Giuliani to applaud a Russian attack and encourage them to do it again as he did this weekend .

And nearly the entire maga universe is ok w that . And the irony is these are the same idiots waving the America flag and eagle in your face and howling over athletes kneeling.  We truly live in a bizzaro America now !