The 2020 Presidential Election

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zubs said:
After 2016, Polls so full of shit.  Why even bring it up?....for both sides.

Just a pattern. I think morekaos said Hillary was leading in 2016 and look who won.

So now I'm scared about this 2020 poll. :)
But Trump even admits he is down in polling. (Using his internal campaign polling)
Come on tear gas, rubber bullets, flash bangs are in people?s head.

irvinehomeowner said:
Heard on the radio that Biden is leading polls... is that true? I checked online and found this CNN site that says the same thing:


55% 49% 50% 47% 52% 47% 53%

41% 42% 43% 37% 41% 43% 43%

Now, I'm not sure how accurate these are and who is polled but does anyone remember what they were leading up to the 2016 election?
2016 polling was so bad I am trying to convince everyone to not care about it or even talk about it. 

Polling means nothing.
irvinehomeowner said:
zubs said:
After 2016, Polls so full of shit.  Why even bring it up?....for both sides.

Just a pattern. I think morekaos said Hillary was leading in 2016 and look who won.

So now I'm scared about this 2020 poll. :)

Don't be afraid..embrace the future!! >:D
eyephone said:
Salon Article:
In a Sunday tweet, he admitted that his poll numbers are in the toilet. A new poll was released by the Wall Street Journal over the weekend showing him eight points down nationally, but more importantly, Trump is losing by at least eight points in key swing states.

I think Trump is blaming Russia investigation. lol

Even offshore gambling websites have Trump losing. Lol
I forgot, but those gambling website predict 2018 midterm route?
Do you trust Wall Street Journal polling over OC register? Come on! Lol

eyephone said:
Salon Article:
In a Sunday tweet, he admitted that his poll numbers are in the toilet. A new poll was released by the Wall Street Journal over the weekend showing him eight points down nationally, but more importantly, Trump is losing by at least eight points in key swing states.

I think Trump is blaming Russia investigation. lol
Iho no counter argument?
Tear gas and flash bangs used against its own people is okay. (under a dictatorship that is)
morekaos said:
Hillary led Trump on this date (6/10-6/13) in 2016 49:37 in a Bloomberg poll. A 12 point lead...means exactly ...nothing.

Reasonable response. But she had an email problem that came up.
For Trump he has a covid and questionable use of force problem with tear gas, flash bangs, and pepper spray. (Even Fox News said the crowd was not acting up at the time and other media outlets said the protest said it was peaceful in DC)
5 months from now this will be a memory...hell people already don't know how to spell COVID.  If the cop trials happen quickly then Minneapolis spiraling into no cop Kaos will be the Dems problem. If the economy is roaring then he will cruise to victory....much can change in five months and the public has the memory of a three year old.
irvinehomeowner said:
Heard on the radio that Biden is leading polls... is that true? I checked online and found this CNN site that says the same thing:


55% 49% 50% 47% 52% 47% 53%

41% 42% 43% 37% 41% 43% 43%

Now, I'm not sure how accurate these are and who is polled but does anyone remember what they were leading up to the 2016 election?

I never cast a slightest doubt on CNN. They are always accurate, never biased.
History never plays the same song twice but the melody is always familiar..

1968 Election year Nixon v. Humphfrey

The election year was tumultuous; it was marked by the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and subsequent riots across the nation, the assassination of Kennedy, and widespread opposition to the Vietnam War across university campuses. Nixon ran on a campaign that promised to restore law and order to the nation's cities and provide new leadership in the Vietnam War. A year later, he would popularize the term "silent majority" to describe those he viewed as being his target voters. He also pursued a "Southern strategy" designed to win conservative Southern white voters who had traditionally supported the Democrats. Humphrey promised to continue Johnson's war on poverty and to support the civil rights movement.
Nixon won a plurality of the popular vote by a narrow margin, but won by a large margin in the Electoral College, carrying most states outside of the Northeast. Wallace won five states in the Deep South and ran well in some ethnic enclave industrial districts in the North; he is the most recent third party candidate to win a state.[2] It was the first presidential election after the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which had led to mass enfranchisement of racial minorities throughout the country, especially in the South.[3] Nixon's victory marked the start of a period of Republican dominance in presidential elections, as Republicans won five of the next six elections. The Republican Party won a net gain of five seats in both the House and the Senate.